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Offline Lone-Wolf

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« on: February 23, 2008, 04:19:08 am »
CTF_Kampf Elite Snipe and Slice........6 versus 6... engaging in combat.

     As I appeared on the Blue side of Kampf I reminded myself of how much I hated this map. Death is the norm here. It was a small map with two narrow routes. Each side was filled with ridges, boxes, placed just nicely for campers. It's a field of death where a single stray .50 cal bullet could splatter my brains into pieces. The well slanted terrain usually means fast moving Sawers rampaging for a multi-kill frenzy. They don't even give a damn if they die. All they desire is to charge and charge till the rain of blood showers upon them.

     With the sound of a streaking .50 cal bullet nearby I suddenly woke up, and moved on to my favorite camping spot. I took my position, and shot my first shot into the lower route. Nice curve. Got one. He says something, but I didn't pay attention to what he said. The next incomer was already within dangerous range. He kills someone with Barrett. I threw my knife as he dived for my precious Blue Flag. It hits. I quickly picked my knife up, and I ducked while clocking my Barrett. With the Scope zooming, I saw one Red soldier innocently jumping off the upper ledge. I shot him in the legs before he even saw me. 

[RULE 1: First thing in the game, fecking demoralize the enemy.]

     I then saw a Chainsaw nearby on the ground. This…this could work. I rarely used the Chainsaw, but a great Saw master once showed me the way. [ AIM AT THE PENIS. ] I dropped my Knife and picked up the little baby. The rest of the enemy was already taken care off by my teammates. I knew because I already scouted ahead for a second with my scope. All the guys I killed naturally would assume that I was going to just camp again. The REDS would charge the lower route together with Barretts, with full intent on outcamping a fecking cheap camper. They thought the middle route was clear like before. They were dead wrong.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..gggshhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHHh.....!!!! TRIPLE KILL."

     I don’t think they even clocked their Barrett. My teammates followed far behind, while I switched to my Barrett. As I entered the Red Base I saw a camper on the ledge. He didn’t expect me to go through 3 of his teammates, and I shot him while diving for the Red Flag. I got the flag, and jump-jetted out, and hopped along the slanted terrain as fast as I could. My teammates supported me out of that hellhole. I capped the first flag, and the morale of my Blue team was boosted tremendously.

[RULE 2: Assist and boost the morale of teammates.]

     I resumed my combat pattern, carefully taking out anyone who poses a threat to the base as fast and cautiously as possible, while moving forward to the lower route. My strategy now was to HOLD the middle LINE. The pointed ledge was great cover to avoid getting shot while reloading, and I took out the REDS one by one. Sometimes long range .50 cal bullets penetrated my teammates and hurt me, and I had to retreat for medpacks. Other times when I see a group of incoming REDS ahead, I would retreat to the BOX just behind me and switch to my CHAINSAW.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..gggshhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHHh.....!!!! TRIPLE KILL."
With this Loneguard strategy blocking the lower route, the REDS went and took the upper route, where my team campers were waiting. Punky Brooster did a great job as the Base Camper. We had a strong defense established.

     At one point 3 of my teammates went into an ALL-CHAINSAW-FEST the moment they respawned. They became one of those BERSERKERS charging like mad even if they died. I tagged along and provided cover fire. 2 others were left camping in the base upper ridges. The Reds were pushed hard, real hard. It was a sea of Blue death sweeping through the Reds. I also had a bloody damn good teammate. His name was Sugar Walls. He was awesome with every weapon. Every moment where the only option left for me is to run crying like a little girl and pray that I don't get hit, he saves my cowardly ass. He Capped the flag Twice. Some of the Reds got through the defense and escaped the SAW FRENZY, and I had to retreat back to my Blue base and kill the EFC a few times. Another teammate, Soldat 17, Capped once shortly after.

     The adrenaline started pumping and I looked at the score. Four to Zero. One more. No deaths yet. One more for a perfect game. feck, Do or Die. End it quick. The enemy was already so damn demoralized that half of them already lost the will to fight. I fecking clock my Barrett, and just CHARGED WITH MY CHAINSAW as the wave of Red enemies got distracted with my teammates all over the fecking place. Honest to god though I was so fecking scared that a stray .50 cal bullet would splatter my fecking brains. So fecking scared. So fecking brave. It’s all the same.

     As I DASH-CHAINSAWED a couple of Reds, I saw a Blue teammate jetting up with the Red Flag !! GO CAP IT DO IT BEFORE I DIE !!  "BANG." He got shot by a Red Soldier hovering in the air !! feck !! THE REDFLAG SLOWLY DROPPED DOWN ALONG WITH THE SPLATTERED REMAINS OF MY DEAD BLUE COMRADE AND THE HOVERING REDSOLDIER WAS ABOUT TO RETURN IT !! AGHHHHHHH I fecking ran across the slanted ledge, gained speed, and fecking JET-SAWED the Red Soldier from crotch to head while grabbing the flag mid-air !!!! [KILLED Isayhialot222 !] I fecking jetted for the upper route. Fecking sounds of respawning and jetting were closely behind me.

RUN FORREST RUN feckING RUN...!!! As I jumped off the upper Blue Base entrance I saw a Red soldier following closely behind me....."BANGGG !!" Punky Brooster camp-killed the Red Pursuer. Awesome. He didn't even had a chance to aim at me.

Capped and ended the game with 2 Caps, 19kills, 0 deaths, earning the No.1 position. The battle only took about 5 minutes.

[Rule 3 : Try your best to stay the feck alive.]

     Venturing into the hellhole of death and somehow coming out with my brains intact..........without being awakened into yet another cloned Soldat-engineered body........................ Damn, it feels so damn good to be alive.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 08:08:53 pm by Lone-Wolf »

Offline sc00t3r

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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 04:30:25 am »
i love the way u give a sense of sum of ur descriptions were just a little akward...if this is somthing that u really get into, i suggest u take time to butter it up a little. the part where u switched to the saw was probably the best (i, also, love to bathe myself in the blood of my enemies) nice work dude!
*and on the end of that day...The Beast rose from the flames, carried by those poor tortured souls... who where all once great men in there time amongst the living...and as The Beast set foot upon the Earth...which sank under his wieght...he uttered with the voice that strechted across the universe...'Shut your F***in mouth'

Offline JupiterShadow

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« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 05:18:24 am »
I had 43kills with 0 deaths in u13 with m79 back in 1.3.1

Offline NinjaGimp369

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« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 06:48:09 am »
Your moments are truly epic. Love reading them loney.
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline Bjarne Betjent

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« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2008, 08:20:07 am »

Offline Despair

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« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2008, 08:30:25 am »
gj taking my old nick

and gj, i liked the story

see what I did there
I will abolish socialistic experiments like the post office and the sewage system

Offline Lone-Wolf

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« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 02:23:26 am »
Glad to know that you guys enjoyed reading it. I added more details. :]
It's these EPIC moments that keeps bringing us back to Soldat.

gj taking my old nick
and gj, i liked the story

see what I did there

It's Despa|r not Despair.. I didn't steal your name !! xD.......but yeah, don't be suprised if you see Sarah from JBK yelling "OMG ITS DESPAIR NO POINT PLAYING ANYMORE I GO SPEC" or some other people yelling "feck ITS DISPAIR I HATE YOU !"
« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 02:26:25 am by Lone-Wolf »

Offline Tactical Sniper

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« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 10:58:07 am »

Offline Lone-Wolf

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« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2008, 04:24:38 am »
Here's Sarah, one of the many girls who play soldat, in her despaired moment. :'(

Nooooo Don't gooooo...  play with me..!! I'll be more gentle, promise !! :'(
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 04:45:36 am by Lone-Wolf »

Offline STM1993

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« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2008, 04:53:48 am »
Whoa very nicely put as a story (I love stories).

Seems like a really good game eh?

Offline Omicron

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« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2008, 05:05:28 am »
Good Read
Epic... just... Epic

Offline cunchy

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« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 05:47:28 am »
Nice story.

Lone-wolf, what servers you play in?

Offline .Ryan.

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« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 06:54:41 am »
well looking at the red team and their ratios id say they are complete beginners, check the ratio difference between both teams, it's clear that blue has much better players. the only 2 possible players that could cause a problem and possibly kill you would be the first 2 players in Red Team.
it's not impossible to achieve no deaths when playing against such low level players, i would be pretty impressed if it was a gather though.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 06:56:12 am by .Ryan. »

Offline Lone-Wolf

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« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2008, 11:55:23 am »
I occasionally drop in on Elite servers, Snipe and Slice, Saw and Law, Knife, and U13 servers.  :)

Actually any of those players could easily shoot me down. They were your typical fast moving accurate shooters, and they killed me a couple times in previous games. Ghostrider and Ninja! were better than most of my teammates except Sugar Walls. I know because they fecking owned us in a previous game !  >:(

It's just that they died and died and died before they could even kill anyone, and lost their patience. They give up, they lose their concentration. Despaired.   :(

I wrote this to entertain, it's okay if you think I suck. But seriously though, do try going into a massive snipe and slice slaughterfest in a preferably small map and try to make it out alive with the No.1 title. Even low level players can kill you if you feck up. It's a fun challenge !  ;D

« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 12:02:35 pm by Lone-Wolf »

Offline Mastadi

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« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2008, 12:43:39 pm »
Wow, awesome story, and congratulations on your score :)

Offline Trespasser

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« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2008, 03:58:58 pm »
Sarah sounds like quite the panzy.
omg teh lmaoplane is liek "KILL TEH ROFLCOPTER" with teh kamikaze. then teh lollerskaters are liek "fire teh guns rofl! pwn teh coptah!" then teh roflcopter is liek WTF?^^ tiem for pwnage rofl and its like }OMG) MISSILE AT TEH NUB LMAOPLANES AND 10 ]WTFBombs> FOR TEH LOLLERSKATERS ROFLOL GG GL HF

Offline Gortaak

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« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2008, 03:41:40 am »
well looking at the red team and their ratios id say they are complete beginners, check the ratio difference between both teams, it's clear that blue has much better players. the only 2 possible players that could cause a problem and possibly kill you would be the first 2 players in Red Team.
it's not impossible to achieve no deaths when playing against such low level players, i would be pretty impressed if it was a gather though.

Regardless of the level of skill with the other players, 19 kills and 0 deaths with 2 caps on Kampf is a good job. All it takes is one stray rett shot in Snipe and Slice to send you packing. Even noobs and majors get kills too.

And FYI, there are noobs and shitty people that play gathers too. Gathers arent 100% pwnsauce  players.
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Offline Psycho

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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2008, 08:33:24 am »
With that unbalanced skill level in teams Im surprised you didnt get 10 - 0
As others say here, 0 deaths here wouldnt require all too much work. Just minding your step and be sure to have teammates around you when you attack.
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Offline Lone-Wolf

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« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2008, 08:44:00 pm »
feck, I was so close to getting 100% love. Outcast, you win again !

Date Posted: March 11, 2008, 09:32:18 pm
0 deaths here wouldnt require all too much work. Just minding your step and be sure to have teammates around you when you attack.

Ummmmmmm no, I wish Snipe and Slice was that easy. ESPECIALLY IN KAMPF OH GOD. In order to survive, one must be able to SHOOT ACCURATELY FIRST before the enemy, no matter what is the situation. While you're jetting, proning, running, you must SHOOT ACCURATELY FIRST in order to survive encounter after encounter. Also noting the fact that you might run into more than one enemy, considering that it was such a small map. Knife is a must, but you must be quick enough in throwing and avoiding, before you get shot.

The other factor that comes into play is how well you can dodge a barrett shot when there is nothing else you can do, while waiting for your barrett to clock. By knowing exactly when the enemy will fix his curve to you as a target, and then SUDDENLY moving unexpectedly you can dodge the shot. If you do it too early or late though, you're dead.

If you miss even once, you will most probably die. Seriously though go try it out, let me know if you get a perfect. It's a fun adrenaline filled challenge ! :D
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 08:56:36 pm by Lone-Wolf »

Offline Psycho

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« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 08:54:31 pm »
Just wait for 1 or 2 teammates to go in, then the only skilled members of their team will waste their bullets on them and then you strike like a blind diaper on a cold sunday morning!

Not too tricky ;)
Looking down from ethereal skies