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Wave(X,Y,Direction,Offset,Radius,Speed,Power,RoomPerBullet,Radiation: single; Bullettype,Bulletcount,Owner: byte);
I just love bullet things like this EDIT: I'm learning german at school, does that 'Hallo, Liebe Pornofreunde' translate into 'Hello, favourite pornofriend'? (i'm just guessing)
You need to call up the function, i.e. in an onplayercommand have it check the text for, say, /wave and then make it do a wave() with desired settings
I copied the sccript into text editor and saved as a PAS file... made a folder called Wave in the Scripts folder and moved the Wave script into wave folder... And it doesn't work
Quote from: Laser Guy on March 01, 2008, 05:11:57 amI copied the sccript into text editor and saved as a PAS file... made a folder called Wave in the Scripts folder and moved the Wave script into wave folder... And it doesn't work What about the Includes.txt file?
And as the lyrics go in the United State's national anthem: "America, f**k YEAH!".
function Aim(const X1,Y1,X2,Y2: single) : single;begin if (X2 - X1)<>0 then begin if X1 > X2 then result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) + Pi else result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); end else begin if Y2 > Y1 then result:= Pi/2 + Pi/4; if Y2 < Y1 then result:= -Pi/2 + Pi/4; end;end;procedure Wave(X,Y,Direction,Offset,Radius,Speed,Power,RoomPerBullet,Radiation: single; Bullettype,Bulletcount,Owner: byte);var i: integer; angle,centerX,centerY: single;begin centerX:=X-cos(Direction)*Radius; centerY:=Y-sin(Direction)*Radius; angle := (Bulletcount * RoomPerBullet) / (2 * pi * Radius); for i:=-Bulletcount div 2 to Bulletcount div 2 + Bulletcount mod 2 do CreateBullet(centerX+cos(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+cos(Direction)*Offset,centerY+sin(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+sin(Direction)*Offset, cos(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*Speed, sin(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*speed,power,Bullettype,Owner);end;
if Copy(Text,1,5) = '/shockwave ' then beginfunction Aim(const X1,Y1,X2,Y2: single) : single;begin if (X2 - X1)<>0 then begin if X1 > X2 then result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) + Pi else result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); end else begin if Y2 > Y1 then result:= Pi/2 + Pi/4; if Y2 < Y1 then result:= -Pi/2 + Pi/4; end;end;procedure Wave(X,Y,Direction,Offset,Radius,Speed,Power,RoomPerBullet,Radiation: single; Bullettype,Bulletcount,Owner: byte);var i: integer; angle,centerX,centerY: single;begin centerX:=X-cos(Direction)*Radius; centerY:=Y-sin(Direction)*Radius; angle := (Bulletcount * RoomPerBullet) / (2 * pi * Radius); for i:=-Bulletcount div 2 to Bulletcount div 2 + Bulletcount mod 2 do CreateBullet(centerX+cos(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+cos(Direction)*Offset,centerY+sin(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+sin(Direction)*Offset, cos(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*Speed, sin(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*speed,power,Bullettype,Owner);end;
function Aim(const X1,Y1,X2,Y2: single) : single;begin if (X2 - X1)<>0 then begin if X1 > X2 then result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) + Pi else result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); end else begin if Y2 > Y1 then result:= Pi/2 + Pi/4; if Y2 < Y1 then result:= -Pi/2 + Pi/4; end;end;procedure Wave(X,Y,Direction,Offset,Radius,Speed,Power,RoomPerBullet,Radiation: single; Bullettype,Bulletcount,Owner: byte);var i: integer; angle,centerX,centerY: single;begin centerX:=X-cos(Direction)*Radius; centerY:=Y-sin(Direction)*Radius; angle := (Bulletcount * RoomPerBullet) / (2 * pi * Radius); for i:=-Bulletcount div 2 to Bulletcount div 2 + Bulletcount mod 2 do CreateBullet(centerX+cos(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+cos(Direction)*Offset,centerY+sin(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+sin(Direction)*Offset, cos(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*Speed, sin(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*speed,power,Bullettype,Owner);end;function OnCommand(ID: byte; text: string): boolean;begin if text = '/YOURCOMMANDHERE' then begin //// <---- Modify the YOURCOMMANDHERE Wave(GetPlayerStat(ID,'X'),GetPlayerStat(ID,'Y'),Aim(0,0,GetPlayerStat(ID,'VelX'),GetPlayerStat(ID,'VelY')),20,35,19,100,1.9,0,14,5,ID); /// modify the wave, add more waves if you like end; result := false;end;
Can someone say me how i can make that the bullets fly i all directions??
Is it possible that i can the bullets shot on a bot or Player? not in the direction in that you move?
function Aim(const X1,Y1,X2,Y2: single) : single;begin if (X2 - X1)<>0 then begin if X1 > X2 then result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) + Pi else result:= arctan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); end else begin if Y2 > Y1 then result:= Pi/2 + Pi/4; if Y2 < Y1 then result:= -Pi/2 + Pi/4; end;end;procedure Wave(X,Y,Direction,Offset,Radius,Speed,Power,RoomPerBullet,Radiation: single; Bullettype,Bulletcount,Owner: byte);var i: integer; angle,centerX,centerY: single;begin centerX:=X-cos(Direction)*Radius; centerY:=Y-sin(Direction)*Radius; angle := (Bulletcount * RoomPerBullet) / (2 * pi * Radius); for i:=-Bulletcount div 2 to Bulletcount div 2 + Bulletcount mod 2 do CreateBullet(centerX+cos(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+cos(Direction)*Offset,centerY+sin(Direction+angle*i)*Radius+sin(Direction)*Offset, cos(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*Speed, sin(Direction+angle*i*Radiation)*speed,power,Bullettype,Owner);end;function OnCommand(ID: byte; text: string): boolean;begin if text = '/wave' then begin Wave(GetPlayerStat(ID,'X'),GetPlayerStat(ID,'Y'),Aim(0,0,GetPlayerStat(ID,'VelX'),GetPlayerStat(ID,'VelY')),20,35,19,100,1.9,0,14,5,ID); end; result := false;end;
how would i find how many i need?
what would happen if i used like 20 Wave()'s lol