Author Topic: Anti Flag Grab.  (Read 2328 times)

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Offline AquaByrd

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Anti Flag Grab.
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:57:25 pm »
Script Name: Anti Flag Grab
Script Description Kills player on grabbing flag.
Author: AquaByrd
Compile Test: Passed
Core Version: 2.6.3
Hosted by: Soldat Central -

Full Description:
Kills player on grabbing the flag. Writes warning messages every so often in the console.

(Size 857 B)
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** Script hosted by Soldat Central! Please visit the author's script page and Rate this script **

Although completely useless on any real CTF server, this is intended for use on a server that uses a scripted custom game mode that plays on CTF maps and doesn't want people to be capturing the flag. For example !Elite NS Zombie Survival.
My sig was 300 x 120, the maximum size is 300 x 125. Check next time will you.