Author Topic: About the weapons... [Question]  (Read 10168 times)

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Offline STM1993

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About the weapons... [Question]
« on: March 01, 2008, 10:50:25 pm »
Hi, I'm STM1993 (I'm known as 93 in Soldat, with a completely black in colour character). Sorry I'm new to these forums and I couldn't find a proper forum section to ask this.

I'd like to know the stats and opinions/facts about the weapons in Soldat, because I don't really understand them well. (For example: which auto has the highest damage) So I'm going to post out my opinions and what I know about the weapons and find out more from you guys. Btw, I'm asking mainly for [Normal] gameplay.

Hitting the head: 110% damage
Hitting torso: 100% damage
Hitting Legs: 90% damage
^ table reversed for grenades. This info is according to soldatwiki.

Desert Eagles - Very powerful weapon consisting of two pistols, firing two bullets at a time. They can kill easily in 3 shots (6 bullets) and has a decent firing rate, decent reload time. However, it has a low ammo clip of 7 shots and it has a rather weak bullet speed, which means it is not effective a long range. From what I've heard, the DEs' bullet speed also makes it hard it aim with. It is fine as it is, though with the bad bullet reg it is quite a problem.

HK MP5 - A very fast-firing automatic and has a fast reload. With its fast-firing rate, its 30 bullet clip tend to run out very quickly. However, it has a limited bullet speed (just 1 point less than the DEs according to the weapons.ini), so it is ineffective at long range. Instead, it is a serious threat at close range. I heard that it actually has the lowest damage out of all automatics (other than the minigun, which I won't call an automatic in this case), so it seems pretty weak. It is often fired by a short burst or spraying.

AK-74 - The slowest-firing automatic with a rather slow reload. It has a high clip of 40 shots per clip, and it has an okay (240) bullet speed. It supposedly has the highest damage out of all automatics. I find that the AK is recently very weak compared to other guns like the Aug, and I believe that it would need some damage improvement (damage change to about 113, like it was in 1.3). It is often fired by tapping.

Steyr Aug - A very popular automatic. It has a good firing rate (close to MP5) and rather fast reload (slightly slower than MP5). It has a good bullet speed (260) and it can do decent damage (higher than MP5!). It seems that recently the Aug is getting a bit overpowered compared to other automatics, so it would need some nerfing here and there, or other automatics to be buffed. It is often fired by a short burst and sometimes tapping.

Spas12 - A powerful automatic(not exactly) shotgun. It has a unique reload system of fitting one shell by one shell to the maximum of 7, so players who know and use this weapon know a way to cancel the reload ; tapping the grenade button so that the reload is cancelled and the aiming would not be pointing towards the front when you shoot while reloading. It has a very low bullet speed, and its bullet type consists of multiple tiny pellets that add up to deal maximum damage (the damage in weapon.ini states the damage PER pellet right?). 2 point-blank shots are enough to kill an opponent very quickly at close range. It can also act like an artillery in a way to shoot over walls or down trenches, though it would be ineffective. The Spas is known to give a slight backward boost to its user, and it can greatly boost anyone shot by it (so be careful if you use it in INF or CTF on a EFC!). I'm not too sure about whether this wewapon is overpowered or underpowered, but I'd say its pretty powerful.

Ruger 77 - A hunting rifle. This weapon can kill in either 2 or 3 shots, depending on where you hit. It has a very high bullet speed and a slow firing rate. It has a slightly long reload time (100 +40 actually because you need to wait for the delay before you can shoot). It has movement inaccuracy and bink that would affect the aiming very greatly, especially with the fact that it is such a slow semi-automatic weapon, so players who use it would normally stop moving before firing (like the barret) and try to avoid getting hit. Being slow and powerful and having such a high bullet speed, it is obvious that this weapon is a long-ranged weapon, excellent for defending the flag in game modes like CTF or INF, and quite an okay choice for chasing. Why? By the time the enemy comes near the flag, your teammates are likely to have damaged him greatly, making the enemy easy to kill in just a single shot or reduce him to 1hp. In case of missing, the setback is not as bad as the barret, where you have to wait 4 seconds and consider the startup time before you can hit the opponent again. It is also a good support weapon against single opponents. It is fine as it is.

M79 - A grenade launcher that launches a grenade that explodes on impact. It has a low bullet speed (duh) and therefore can be used like an artillery weapon ; shooting over walls and down trenches. Being explosive, it can kill or damage more than one opponent, and yourself if you're not careful. This weapon can kill in one shot, even with a vest, as long as its a direct hit. This has been called a "noob cannon" as a result, though it isn't really a noob's weapon despite the fact that it is easy to use and can be very powerful as long as you can aim and estimate. The worst set back is that it has a 3 second (+6 ticks) reload, so if you miss, you're gonna have to switch to your secondary, preferably a USSOCOM. It is known to be able to help with m79 boosting, which launches a shot person flying the air, or its user into the air (though with damage to self, and it seems the poly will also affect how much damage is done to yourself). I personally started using this weapon recently because I've such terrible aiming and none of the weapons are to my taste. It is fine as it is now (if you want to change, then its the bullet speed that may be changed. As for bink and movement inaccuracy, depends as well. The rest remains the same). It is excellent at close to mid-range.

Barret M82A1 - An anti-tank sniper rifle, able to kill in one shot (unless a vest is worn, then about half your health and 1/4 your vest would remain, and a second shot will kill). It has the highest bullet speed in the game (550!!! 190 more than the second highest which is the M2 Stat Gun/Turret!). The bullet speed allows piercing more than one opponent, though the first one is killed instantly and the second receives incredible damage. It is the only weapon that can use a scope to see very long distances (a bit while crouched, alot more while proning). Recently, it has a startup time of 25 ticks before firing. It has EXTREME bink and EXTREME movement inaccuracy, so if the user gets shot just once or moves, his shots goes completely haywire. Users don't necessarily need to camp with this ; users may go in mid-air, then prone in mid-air, stop movement,  aim and fire. It has incredibly slow firing rate (4 seconds!) and an incredibly long reload time (300! That's like 5 seconds, and if the delay is counted (240 + 300), 9  seconds!). A useful feature that the barret has is watching the bullet fly if you had scoped, so it can be used to scout as well as to perform what I call "super sniping", which means shooting further than what your scope can see, which involves completely on estimation and trial and error. The weapon has remained popular because it can scope and most importantly, kill in 1 shot, despite all the disadvantages. It is fine as it is now.

FN Minimi - Another recently dominating automatic weapon, fired by tapping. It is the second slowest automatic, but has the highest bullet speed (270) and high damage (more than the Aug, and even compared to the AK, the Minimi's damage is probably not very far away). Furthermore, it has an amazingly high clip of 50 shots. The only setback is probably movement inaccuracy (4, but it doesn't seem to matter much since its an automatic) and its long reload time (250 reload + 9 delay). I believe this weapon would need some serious nerfing ; its too powerful now.

XM214 Minigun - A very commonly used weapon by new players as it is believed by them to be the best or coolest weapon. This gun is never used seriously, more for fun. It is known to push the user backwards when firing like the spas, so it is very useful for travelling long distances with jets or to keep yourself up in the air. It has TERRIBLE damage, but has the fastest firing rate in the game and higher bullet speed than other automatic weapons (290). It is quite a terror in narrow tunnels with all that ricocheting and all the bullets flying towards you and having no means to run. It is good for binking as well as to push/slow down opponents. It has a startup time of 50. In my opinion, this weapon needs more damage per shot, like around 60 or 65, and a faster reload speed like about that in realistic mode, and maybe a slightly faster startup time if necessary. But by then I still think no one would use it XD

I did some experimenting with the minigun's boosting. I discovered that you can NEVER boost faster than a certain level if you have a flag with you. If you don't have a flag, you move incredibly quickly. Try this version of the minigun I made (I call it Hurricane Jet) to test this:

[XM214 Minigun]

USSOCOM - A pistol, an excellent backup weapon for your secondary weapon. It holds 12 shots per clip, has a very fast firing rate for a semi-automatic (12), has a low 180 bullet speed, and can kill in 6 shots (171 damage per shot) and the FASTEST reload speed in the game (65, unless you tell me you're comparing to the Flamer or the Rambo Bow/Flamed Arrows)! In other words, this is a mini Desert Eagle! I consider the USSOCOM as one of the most lethal guns in Soldat as long as you can make every aim count. Some players consider the USSOCOM to be equal to or even more powerful than the Desert Eagles.

Combat Knife - A knife. Unlike most games, the knife is usually not used to slash or slice opponents (if you do that you're probably new, not serious, or playing realistic mode by backstabbing opponents, since the knife can kill in one slice). Instead, the knife is very often thrown. The knife can be thrown at different strengths, though if it is too low it would only do alot of damage and it can only kill instantly if within a certain range and if the knife is thrown with enough strength. This is a wonderful weapon against single opponents, but if you lose the knife, its best not to pick it up.

Chainsaw - The true melee weapon of Soldat ; the evil chainsaw used mainly by the zombies of zombie servers and Boogie Man! Recently buffed very nicely, and is very good and balanced. It has 2 attack rate, 150 "ammo" (I estimate the saw can keep sawing for about 300 ticks, 5 seconds long before reloading is required), a reload time of 90 (about 1.5 seconds, + 2 ticks delay). Under low-lag and good bullet reg conditions, the chainsaw is very dangerous, as long as the user can get close enough. It is not exactly an instant kill (I once got sliced by a chainsaw with full hp and no vest, I lived but I got seriously hurt), but with its high damage and fast attack rate its practically instant kill (if you wear a vest, you can live if you are fast or lucky enough). Using a chainsaw requires alot of skill, some luck (bullet register) and knowledge. Generally, a chainsaw that points upwards against a higher up opponent coming down, the chainsaw user below would be most likely to win for example.

M72 LAW - An anti-tank missile, a LONG-distance artillery weapon. It has a startup time before firing. It is known to be the mini-barret, since it can kill instantly and can be used at long range and has a long reload time. The user must be on the ground, crouched or proned, to fire. I tried crouching and walking on the ground and holding down the shoot button, I could fire the LAW, though it takes longer before the missile could fire.

Flamer - A flamethrower. It has the same firing rate as a MP5, has twice the ammo of a minigun and has even faster reload speed than a USSOCOM and Rambo Bow/Flamed Arrows. It has a limited range which is about close-mid range. The flames do more damage if you're standing still, and less if you're moving. Generally, as long as you got burned by a single flame, you'd gradually lose health and be killed, unless you pick up a health kit along the way or wear a vest. When the Flamer Box is taken initially, you will gain Invulnerability (Flame God) for 10 seconds, and you'd be using the flamer for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, you can switch weapons again. The flamer replaces whatever weapon that you are not equipped with. If thrown, the Flamer simply disappears. You cannot throw a Flamer while the invulnerability is still in effect. Online, for some reason, the flamer is very ineffective ; terrible bullet reg. Yet I don't know how a certain player (Fire Moth) could use the flamer so well. I tried aiming directly, the flames didn't kill. How the heck do you use a flamer online?

M2 Stat Gun (Turret) - A stationary turret. It can fire about 18 bullets before it overheats if you hold down the fire button. It has incredible firepower (3 shots and you're dead), a slow firing rate (same as AK 10, but in realistic its incredibly slow 14) and extreme bullet speed (360, 2nd fastest, 1st being Barret). The bullets fired have limited range though, after the range the bullet simply disappears. Users must stand on the turret to arm it ; if you crouch or prone it won't fire.

What do you think? Thanks =)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 10:52:13 pm by STM1993 »

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 11:06:02 pm »
well. you certainly did your research.
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Offline Ziem

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 03:26:37 am »
(about mp5)"I heard that it actually has the lowest damage out of all automatics" - no, it deals most dmg, but in close-mid range.
"Spas12 - A powerful automatic(not exactly) shotgun." - ... It's not automatic, it's semi.
"(the damage in weapon.ini states the damage PER pellet right?)" - Yes, same goes for Deagles.
(about Ruger)"It has movement inaccuracy and bink that would affect the aiming very greatly" - ... moveacc will affect your aiming on mid-long range, but bink is close to nothing.
"It is fine as it is." - I'd rather say that it's overpowered - killing in 40 ticks + aiming, which is easy with ruger (straight arc).
"I consider the USSOCOM as one of the most lethal guns in Soldat as long as you can make every aim count" - well, Socom is worse than any other primary, and with it, you *can't* make all your shots hit against experienced player. (ok, when he's afk, you can.)
"This is a wonderful weapon against single opponents, but if you lose the knife, its best not to pick it up." - why? Depends in which situation you are.

(For example: which auto has the highest damage) - xD
Steyr in most cases, mostly because of bullet speed, straight arc and fireinterval - it means that when you can aim with it, you have greater chance to hit, than with other autos.

Offline STM1993

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 03:37:17 am »
"Spas12 - A powerful automatic(not exactly) shotgun." - ... It's not automatic, it's semi.

Yep, that's why I said "not exactly".

"(the damage in weapon.ini states the damage PER pellet right?)" - Yes, same goes for Deagles.

Mmm, I know that too.

(about Ruger)"It has movement inaccuracy and bink that would affect the aiming very greatly" - ... moveacc will affect your aiming on mid-long range, but bink is close to nothing.

Is it? I thought it would affect alot o.o

(For example: which auto has the highest damage) - xD
Steyr in most cases, mostly because of bullet speed, straight arc and fireinterval - it means that when you can aim with it, you have greater chance to hit, than with other autos.

Oh, because I'm thinking of damage per shot so ya.

Thanks for that reply! =D
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 05:45:34 am by STM1993 »

Offline cunchy

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 03:40:06 am »
The Socom is awesome when paired with Spas. One of my most favourite weapon combinations, its lethal in maps like Kampf/Ash

Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 05:37:31 am »
Sidenote/offtopic: STM1993, to quote people, put this around the stuff you wanna quote....
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Makes your posts look so much cleaner ;)
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Offline STM1993

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2008, 05:44:48 am »
Ya I figured... I clicked the quote button and it copied it into the quick reply post instead -.-

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2008, 06:07:11 am »
Hitting the head: 110% damage
Hitting torso: 100% damage
Hitting Legs: 90% damage
^ table reversed for grenades. This info is according to soldatwiki.

I thought it was 120%, 100% and 80%?
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Offline STM1993

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2008, 08:27:56 am »
I thought it was 120%, 100% and 80%?

Check Soldat wiki. It IS 115, 100, 90.

My mistake for head its 115 not 110.

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2008, 08:50:49 am »
You dont use the minimi by 'tapping' or any auto for that matter, you control your aim and handle the move acc/bink. not sure about realistic mode though, maybe some people prefer to 'tap'

one thing for sure is when playing normal mode tapping the fire button will just get you owned. none of the top players iv 1v1ed have ever tapped the button, ever

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2008, 09:04:41 am »
Ever? I doubt that.

About the damage percent confusion, different body parts are affected differently in normal and realistic. I think echo trail has the normal mode stats.
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Offline tehsnipah

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 01:12:56 pm »
The Socom is awesome when paired with Spas. One of my most favourite weapon combinations, its lethal in maps like Kampf/Ash
and i thought barret was the perfect match..... i personally thought that spas would match up with knife
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Offline cunchy

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2008, 01:46:32 am »
The Socom is awesome when paired with Spas. One of my most favourite weapon combinations, its lethal in maps like Kampf/Ash
and i thought barret was the perfect match..... i personally thought that spas would match up with knife

Spas is a short range weapon, and so is knife. :/

Socom is to basically mop up weak enemies if theyre not close enough to be spassed

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2008, 04:43:02 am »
Well... I dunno because there are players who tap about as fast as holding it down. It's better to tap as it would have less bink and that would be the case for the slower-firing AK and Minimi.

I'm using the table for normal mode rather than realistic, since this discussion is mainly for normal gameplay.

Ya Spas and Socom are close-ranged weapons. Not a bad combo actually.

Barret and Socom is an excellent combo in many cases. Barret to take out targets in one shot at a distance away (sometimes quite close too!), Socom to fight in close to mid-range or as a backup while the barret is being loaded.

Knife? Very short ranged, but can kill in just one throw if you threw with enough strength and at the right distance away, so I think its better if you're gonna be fighting 1v1 or if you have guns that can't kill in a few hits such as the autos. It seems like knife is pretty good even against laggy opponents.

Date Posted: 03 March 2008, 05:07:03
I would personally balance the weapons approximately in this way if you ask me:

// Changes from 1.4 -> This Mod
// HK MP5 :   dmg +3, reload -5
// AK :      dmg +9
// Steyr :   dmg -3, bink -3
// Ruger :   fireinterval +5, reload -5
// Minimi :   dmg -5, bink -5
// Minigun :   dmg +12, bink +1, startup -17
// Socom :   dmg +1
// Chainsaw :   reload -16
// Flamer :   fireinterval -1, speed +3, ammo +50

I won't touch the Barret, DEs and M79. Spas and M72 LAW are tentative but I think they're currently fine at the moment.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 09:27:02 am by STM1993 »

Offline Ziem

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2008, 12:26:29 pm »
// Changes from 1.4 -> This Mod
// HK MP5 :   dmg +3, reload -5
// AK :      dmg +9
// Steyr :   dmg -3, bink -3
// Ruger :   fireinterval +5, reload -5
// Minimi :   dmg -5, bink -5
// Minigun :   dmg +12, bink +1, startup -17
// Socom :   dmg +1
// Chainsaw :   reload -16
// Flamer :   fireinterval -1, speed +3, ammo +50
Mp5 - ... nope, +1 is enough
Ak - WTF? Ak is balanced right now. fecking aktard.
Steyr - Right ... maybe -2 dmg.
Ruger - Kinda good.
Minimi - lol... I'd say that 5% of real auto-users (or even less) use minimi. Why do you wanna make it so crappy? fecking aktard...
Minigun - ... Have you *even* tried this with bots? I guess not.
Socom - So you basically agree with current betatesters...  :-X
Saw - It won't change anything imho.
Flamer - .. And it won't slove the problem with it (reg-hit :E). Btw. - ammo? No need for more ammo for flamer, as it's reload is close to nothing.

//Changes from 1.4.2 - > 1.5
//Deagles dmg +2, reload -4
//HK MP5 dmg +1, bink +2
//Ak bink +1
//Steyr dmg -1, ammo -5, bink +6
//Spas dmg +1, ammo +1
//Ruger dmg -5, fireinterval -1, reload -10, moveacc +2, bink -10
//M79 bink +15
//Barret fireinterval -15
//Minimi reload -30, bink +3
//Minigun dmg -19, speed +115, fireinterval -1, reload -16, bink +3
//Socom dmg +1
//Knife -
//Chainsaw reload -10
//LAW reload -30, startup -3
Gather balance FTW xD
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 12:34:50 pm by Ziem »

Offline STM1993

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2008, 08:38:26 am »
Mp5 - ... nope, +1 is enough
Ak - WTF? Ak is balanced right now. fecking aktard.
Steyr - Right ... maybe -2 dmg.
Ruger - Kinda good.
Minimi - lol... I'd say that 5% of real auto-users (or even less) use minimi. Why do you wanna make it so crappy? fecking aktard...
Minigun - ... Have you *even* tried this with bots? I guess not.
Socom - So you basically agree with current betatesters...  :-X
Saw - It won't change anything imho.
Flamer - .. And it won't slove the problem with it (reg-hit :E). Btw. - ammo? No need for more ammo for flamer, as it's reload is close to nothing.

Mmm, I knew that they'd be some disagreement around since I'm not a very good player and I may have wrong judgement. And no lol, I don't use an AK I don't like it.

I don't know, I just find that people who use minimi tends to be dominant over other players and I think it's a little overused/overpowered.

Minigun? Ya I know bots have that insane aimbot, but ya I think it's weak and would need improvement so ya.

Saw actually doesn't really need change but a faster reload would help a little.

Flamer... ya I've been wondering about the reg of the flamer I don't understand how it works at all. Seems like the flamer's good enough?

//Changes from 1.4.2 - > 1.5
//Deagles dmg +2, reload -4
//HK MP5 dmg +1, bink +2
//Ak bink +1
//Steyr dmg -1, ammo -5, bink +6
//Spas dmg +1, ammo +1
//Ruger dmg -5, fireinterval -1, reload -10, moveacc +2, bink -10
//M79 bink +15
//Barret fireinterval -15
//Minimi reload -30, bink +3
//Minigun dmg -19, speed +115, fireinterval -1, reload -16, bink +3
//Socom dmg +1
//Knife -
//Chainsaw reload -10
//LAW reload -30, startup -3
Gather balance FTW xD

DEs: Okay...
MP5: Sounds good
AK: Sounds okay
Aug: -5 ammo? That's pretty unexpected but it does help to balance it a little.
Spas: +1 ammo? That's not needed in particular. Learn to Shoot, Reload, Tap Grenade button.
Ruger: That's pretty fast now, though the movement acc would be a problem to users. Still okay.
M79: No comment.
Barret: Nuh uh. That's not needed. Let it remain as it is.
Minimi: -30 reload? Eek! That's overbuffing minimi I guess.
Minigun: The minigun is officially a mini jet-pack if you do that.
Socom: Now that's what I agree.
Knife: No change, its good enough, so I agree.
Chainsaw: Reload time reduced, I agree.
LAW: Startup doesn't need to be touched. Reload... nothing to say.

Date Posted: 04 March 2008, 08:49:15

// Changes from 1.4 -> This Mod
// HK MP5 :   dmg +1, reload -5
// AK :      dmg +2
// Steyr :   dmg -1, bink -3
// Ruger :   fireinterval +5, reload -5
// Minimi :   bink -5
// Minigun :   dmg +8, bink +1, startup -5
// Socom :   dmg +1
// Chainsaw :   reload -16

^ How about this?

I'm thinking about the reload time for LAW. Should I -15 or -30 reload or let the LAW be?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 08:43:21 am by STM1993 »

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2008, 01:08:04 pm »
Well, the balance which I've posted, is a balance which is used on gather servers. :Q
I don't agree with some changes, but I still think that this is a better balance than the current one. (Mainly due to nerfing the f... steyr)

"Spas: +1 ammo? That's not needed in particular. Learn to Shoot, Reload, Tap Grenade button." xD Sorry, but you *really* don't need to teach me how to play (even with spas, which I've started since 5 days - small maps..)

Yeah, I agree about brt, as it's powerful already... but ...
"Minimi: -30 reload? Eek! That's overbuffing minimi I guess."
... I can't agree on this one. This is about making more minimi users, as there are only a few (I don't care about pubs. Ppl there use minimi 'cause it has 50 ammo. -_-')

"Minigun: The minigun is officially a mini jet-pack if you do that." - Yes! But as least it will be useful for something... no one uses this gun seriously atm.

"LAW: Startup doesn't need to be touched. Reload... nothing to say."
No. It does, mainly due to #@$! bouncy polys - and also it would ceate more law users on gathers/clanwars, as lawyers (xD) are currently 10% or less there.

// Changes from 1.4 -> This Mod
// HK MP5 :   dmg +1, reload -5
// AK :      dmg +2
// Steyr :   dmg -1, bink -3
// Ruger :   fireinterval +5, reload -5
// Minimi :   bink -5
// Minigun :   dmg +8, bink +1, startup -5
// Socom :   dmg +1
// Chainsaw :   reload -16

^ How about this?

I'm thinking about the reload time for LAW. Should I -15 or -30 reload or let the LAW be?
Mp5's reload time is fine atm.
Ak doesn't need any real(dmg,moveacc,fireint...) buffing.
Steyr - possible balance...
Ruger - fireinterval +5 seems to be ok, but -5 reload... nah.
Minimi - it's already affected by bink.
Minigun - daamn. +4 dmg would make it overpowered, and you wanna make it more accurate, dealing more dmg and having less startup - No. F11...
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 01:00:02 pm by Ziem »

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2008, 02:19:31 am »
I don't understand what you're trying to say for Spas O.o

Soo... you're saying that:

LAW needs to be a little faster.
MP5 is fine, damage could use a little buffing. (+1)
AK's fine all along for 1.4.1
Aug needs a little nerfing (-1 damage, bink -3)
Ruger needs just a slower firing rate (+5)

Minimi's already weak. I now agree... I thought the minimi was still easy like in 1.3 where the movement acc was only 2. Yep... it would need movement acc -1, and a +2 damage around there. Maybe a little reduction is reload time too (then the sfx for reload may need to be changed slightly).

Minigun needs a proper purpose instead of killing, preferably for flying. I can help a little for the flying part. I once made my minigun like this (roughly, I don't have the original data):

[XM214 Minigun]

^ The bullet speed is the same as the turret, the firing rate +1. Yet, I found my char to be able to hover quite decently or even fly VERY slightly upwards. If I changed to 4 for fireinterval, the char can fly.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 02:23:20 am by STM1993 »

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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2008, 03:59:42 am »
FN Minimi - ... I believe this weapon would need some serious nerfing ; its too powerful now.
sif. It needs to be put back to 1.3.1 settings, where it was strong but not overused or overpowered. Most likely it's MovementAcc will stay the same and have low bink, which reminds me of the AK for some reason...

No, I reckon it was better before, where you could actually tap the damn thing. Now, I tap it, and the bullet goes wild.

Minimi's already weak. I now agree... I thought the minimi was still easy like in 1.3 where the movement acc was only 2. Yep... it would need movement acc -1, and a +2 damage around there. Maybe a little reduction is reload time too (then the sfx for reload may need to be changed slightly).
In 1.3, Minimi had massive bink, so you fired around 5 bullets and then your gun would be too inaccurate. I loved that, because I could tap tap tap all day.

In my opinion, the changes need to reverse the effects that 1.4.0 brought to the Minimi.

1.3.1 -> 1.4.0
// Minimi :   dmg -1, moveacc +2, bink +35

So, I'd say this for a change
// Minimi : moveacc -2, bink -35

EDIT2: I think I've seen you playing in GameArena 2... I dunno... might be mistaking you for someone else.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 04:10:47 am by SpiltCoffee »
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Re: About the weapons... [Question]
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2008, 04:36:28 am »
Minigun is not supposed to be to fly.
It needs a damage boost and a tiny bit less start up time. The pushback needs to be lowered so people can't "fly"

Besides, M79 jumping is more effective then miniguning if you need to go up.
Lol, internets.