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Author Topic: The Dead Ops.  (Read 3059 times)

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Offline Thinkto urself

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The Dead Ops.
« on: March 02, 2008, 05:21:45 pm »
The 2nd Story in my Realistic fiction Battle Series.
1st one is available: here.
Concept from, tw_Chemical, enjoy.

We had been dropped off by our squad leader, we had been told this area was some sort of nuclear fall out city.... It had been deserted when its nuclear reactor had exploded.... We had been told that there was a Guerrilla Operation in progress there... Our mission was to eleminate the threat, the nuclear fall out still made us nauseas... We were unsure of what we should do, we only saw scattered bones from the original inhabitants of the city, that had been unable to be evacuated... That was many...

The helicopter dropped some ammunition down, and a few guns, I was given a G36K, a BarrettM821A, and 2 barrettas... The rest of the squad was given the same equipment, 2 of the 5 of my squad received only Mp7's and 1 Barretta, they may have been the lesser. In an instant, I realized the situation, this wasn't going to be any regular infiltration on a Guerrilla operation, we were in a new kind of battle Field, a contaminated Battle Field, we had no long lasting life support systems. They planned for us to finish the operation in 24 hours.

My Squad was fearful of what would lay ahead, Darkster, Black Death, Cedeqien, me, and BushBear were left with this Advanced Ops mission. We had received little training, and most of our posts were set guarding the checkpoints that merely stopped tourists entering the island where their operations were held. We would barely fire a gun, let alone hold one. There was never any trouble, it was smooth moving. Then we were sent here.... Government orders they told us.... Some of us took it as, a suicide mission, we were just pawns of the higher order, we were just sent here to gather information, send it back to the HQ, then die escaping. There would be no news of it. It would not be a huge loss, only 5 privates went down.

The checkpoint's guards were urging us to enter.... They were wearing gas masks, we were wearing bandanas, 1 inch thick body armor, and gloves. They surely didn't expect us to survive, did they?!

When we could no longer wonder what was going to happen to us, they forced us into the city. Hell, it was a nice city. Atleast, if you've been to hell and back. It was barren, there were bones, from various animals, and people. Nothing wrong yet. Yet. I told my team to load there sniper rifles, and Cedeqien and Darkster (The only people in my squad not to receive a rifle of some sort) To cover us. I took a good look at the city from the sight. There were burning houses, but that was pretty much all they could see. Then something caught Black Death's eye. It was an Ammo Crate.

Out of impulse, I shut off our radio, remembering what might happen if our signal interfered with the Guerrilla Op's Signal. Then it happened. One of my squad's Scope Flashed, it made a bright flash, and that gave away our position.

Our company wasn't the best, they had their own ways of training recruits. For the better, or for the worst. It was called "RoH" Which stood for, "Rough." They trained special ops. They told us once, "Walk slowly, walk with the wind, don't let anything look unnatural." There was no wind that day.

*Veoorr!!* A round from a 30. Cal machine gun flew past my head, then another, and another, and I knew we were dead. The MG fired at full rate now, trying to kill us, with heavy intent. Luckily,  Cedeqien had prepared for this moment, he had seperated with our squad, and he went under the turret that the MG was mounted from. He took a grenade, took out the pin, and killed the gunner.

I shouted for him to get back, knowing that a grenade's explosion would surely cause some commotion with the guards, We sprinted into the building, mounted our barretts, Cedeqien picked up an AK47 that the guard had dropped when he died. We turned off the lights in the building, and prepared for the onslaught that would happen in just a moment. Darkster went up to the turret on the roof (It was raised slightly aboved the roof, like a crows nest of sorts) and prepared as well. We had never been taught how to hold back a rush of troops, and we were unprepared as well.

First, 3 came, not a big deal, Darkster took 'em out as soon as he saw them. Then 6, then 8, then 10. It was 24 against 5 now. That was it, we could not hold the bunker anymore, the temporary satisfaction it provided was now gone. We knew if we stayed, we would die. Luckily, turning off all the lights in the building, provided something useful. we were able to escape the building, unnoticed, while the Guerrillas fired at the empty building. We were able to escape. We ran to the eastern edge of town, where our map said would be where the Guerrilla's artillery and ammo was held.

They told us if we were able to find the weaponds and ammo, we would be able to overthrow the small camp that guarded it. It would be a triumph. We saw a fire, there were 7 guards, and it would take a little longer then 3 snipers to finish them off. We needed a strategic point where we could attack, unseen. Screw that. We had automatic guns. We could take down 7 guards, we had the fire power. I mounted my G36K, along with Black Death, and BushBear. Darkster and Cedeqien mounted theirs' as well. We opened fire, I threw a grenade at them first, we took out 3 that way, the other 4 were drawing out there pistols to fire back, they were killed as well. We checked out the loot, Cedeqien and Darkster took 1 RPG each. Those would come in handy later. Each of us grabbed a few cardboard boxes of ammo, incase we ran out and had to swap with one of the Guerrilla's guns later. We proceeded to taking out charges and putting them on the ammo crates.

When we had taken the outpost, we signaled back to our commanders. They told us we now had to get the hell out of the city, blowing up ammo depots and vehicle deposits as we went. That was the stupidest order I'd ever received. But, I guess there's no point in arguing, we had to do what we were ordered, we were only Privates and Corporals to tell the truth. We thought about an alternative, get to the first vehicle depot we could see, kill the guards, take the vehicle that had the most guns on it, and take a joyride blowing up ammo depots and using the RPG's to set fire to vehicle deposits. It would be the smell of burning oil that I lust for in this mission. It was decided, my squad was fairly compliant.

But surely, the exploding depots would also cause commotion..... The Heavier armed guards would be here soon... We had to get the hell out of there before we were blown to bits. I told my team to run to north east. From my memory, they came from the south-west. From the north east, we would go around the border, to a vehicle depot, on the outskirts of the enemy's operation vicinity. From there, we would go strait back to the center, shooting randomly at anything that moved, and blowing up everything else. There were a few guards, about 3, guarding the entrance to the north eastern part of the ghost town, it was a quick 1 hit, 1 kill operation with silenced G36Ks. From there, we penetrated to the northern part of town... Everything was going well. Then it happened. We heard a helicopter in the distance, it was coming toward us. We ran to the vehicle depot, getting on turrets, one to the other, hiding in the vehicles, preparing to open fire helicopter. I positioned myself in a bush, with the Barrett, going for a stupid gamble, that I could shoot the pilot through the window of the helicopter. Cedeqien offered to fire his RPG at the Helicopter, but we needed to save that for the vehicles.

The Helicopter was close enough for me to feel the wind from it's blades now. I flashed the signal, and we all opened fire. We managed to kill the gunner on the helicopter, but the pilot was still alive. Then, I took the shot. I shot the pilot right in the headWOOT. But that wasn't the last of our troubles, the helicopter span out of control, its nose pitched down, and it descended toward us, threatening to chop us up in the blades. it exploded into a fireball, and the hell of it exploded, all the ammo that was in the turret took a little firecracker sort of explosion, and we ran the hell out of there. We took some of the ammo from the vehicle and fed it into our turret on the vehicle we were going to go on a rampage with. More than enough ammo to last a trip around the city. I told Cedeqien to fire his rpg at the depot's ammo deposit. While that, I was humming "Jesus of Suburbia" under my breath. I watched the depot explode into flames, and we rode the hell out of there.

We were arriving toward the second Checkpoint. We blew up 7 guards with the turret and 50 Cal, Cedeqien offered to run into the ammo depot nearby and grab a few RPG War heads. 5 minutes passed by,  we heard a torrent of gunshots from the ammo depot. I feared that Cedeqien had been spotted and been shot down on sight. We held back 30 guards, it was 1 hell of a fire fight. The Turret had spent more then 80 rounds on them. 3 more minutes, and Cedeqien finally emerged. He had with him, 6 war heads. We got the hell out of there, firing a war head at the ammo depot. We watched it explode into a mushroom cloud, watching the guards run out of there. Not a single one escaped.

Then it hit me. How the hell had Cedeqien gotten past the guards?! There were so many there, he must have gotten shot down before he was even able to get past the gate! Cedeqien told us that he had managed to gain control of one of the turrets that guarded the place and killed quite a few guards. Then I noticed something... Cedeqien was holding his Barretta with his left hand... It was not him I shot the imposter in the head before he could do anything, threw him off the Jeep, and shot his body a few more times. I was sure it was not Cedeqien after I saw a tatoo on his right arm.

We had lost a squadmate.... The first casualty in the beginning of this mission.... It was not worth anything to mourn over our losses... We took the RPG War heads from the imposter's dead body, remembering that we were 1 member short. BushBear was silent the whole way there.... Something was bothering him.

We would mourn over the loss of our Squadmate later, right now we told Bushbear to stop firing on the side of the jeep, but get to the back and fire RPGs at Ammo depots passing by. He complied. We managed to get past 3 checkpoints, while still blowing up the ammo and vehicle depots...

There were 2 more War Heads left, and 2 more depots left. By now, they Guerrillas had become more then aware of our presence. We expected an ambush at the final checkpoint.*Fooshh!* It was an RPG! Suddenly out of nowhere, 35 soldiers with AKs and Rpgs Opened fire on our little jeep. RPGs flew much to close to our jeep to be safe, I told Black Death to shoot at everything that moved, Bushbear to open fire with his G36K, and Darkster to hit the gas! Before I could prepare to fire my 50 Cal at a RPG wielder, I felt a RPG just brush my head, barely missing and blasting my head off... We had killed atleast 20 of them now, but it was still dangerous, we were speeding at 80 MPH, trying to get to the Ammo and Vehicle Depot, there were rockets flying over us, and soldiers firing at us... I thought a thought... A short thought to be honost, there were only 15 people left shooting at us, they were obviously in a vehicle of sorts, or they wouldn't be able to catch up, only 15 people... Each one, with an identity.... Some without identity... These were 15 individual people, with stories, lives, and pasts... So were we....

The thought bubble popped. What was I thinking!? We're being pursued by RPGs and automatic guns, of course they're going to kill us! Right then, our tire blew out... We crashed into a building, Darkster was killed. It was just Black Death, Bushbear, and me left to survive, and finish the mission. We were the last surviving, Bushbear took his RPG, and fired at the passing vehicle, opened fire on the other pursuers that were on small "Buggies" and killed 11 or so. It was decided, we had to take the RPG from one of the dead Guerrilla Ops, and then we would have to finish the mission that way... 2 dead, 3 surviving...

We ran, I killed the remaining ops, and BushBear fired his RPG at the Ammo Depot, Black Death was trailing behind, the Driver-less vehicles crashing into buildings and bursting and exploding into flames took Black Death's life... The Vehicle depot was left, we destroyed that as well... We had 1 War head left, picked up from a guard nearby. We had survived... We were the last surviving... Then the drone of a helicopter picked up. This time, it was prepared, It carried a M134, smuggled from the Army perhaps. Bushbear Fired the last RPG at it, and destroyed it, but that was the last thing he would ever kill. The helicopter took him down with it.

We had did it.... We had overthrown a huge Guerrilla operation, and I would only be able to celebrate by myself....

It really was a suicide mission. They didn't plan for us to survive...
They aren't going to pick me up.... They're going to leave me here to die....
No point in crying, no point in mourning, we died with names, identity's, we died with pride.
No Government could take that away...
I sit here.... Writing down the final entry in my journal...
I sit here crying... Knowing that I wouldn't see tomorrow... I sit here and wonder why...
We had done more then collect Information...
we had overthrown a whole operation....
We would surely be remembered for that...
If anyone is to stumble upon this again... Don't be afraid to grab it from my dead body...

Would we?

Credits to my Clan, for letting me use there names, the creater of tw_Chemical for giving me the idea, and whatever else may have inspired this.

Sorry if this sounded a bit like the Chernobyl mission from CoD4, I got the idea for the amazing helicopter chop up idea from it.
Also sorry for making the ending parts a little boring, and everyone dying in the same part.
Chernobyl is a real place ya' know? 

Nobody use this without my permission, I will happily allow you to use this if you pm me.

Also: If you read the whole thing, I LOVE YOU!

If you find any errors, or have suggestions to make it better, please reply, if something needs to be corrected, quote the incorrect area, and post please.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 07:39:22 pm by Thinkto urself »

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline Mastadi

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 06:25:41 pm »
Wow, that's quite awesome story. I like how you put a lot of effort into it, not making it "So yeah I went there killed them everything went bang I took the flag I scored I am the best"

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 06:49:50 pm »
Wow, that's quite awesome story. I like how you put a lot of effort into it, not making it "So yeah I went there killed them everything went bang I took the flag I scored I am the best"
Didn't really happen though,
Quote from: The ending credit's small text

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline Mastadi

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 07:17:23 pm »
I thought that atleast first part of the story had happened.... Could you next time write one that actually happened? ^_^

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 07:28:28 pm »
Then it would be boring.
^Realisitic Fiction, FTW^

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline Boots

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 11:34:54 pm »
Love it, gw.
That girl's a genius
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
I think she's serious
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

Offline TheV

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2008, 12:08:18 am »
nice story dev, boots just thought I should point this out... its dual, not duel =\

dual means two, duel means fight.


Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: The Dead Ops.
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2008, 06:04:01 pm »
nice story dev, boots just thought I should point this out... its dual, not duel =\

dual means two, duel means fight.

O, I wrote this in a hurry, needed to remember the topic before I got bored and listened to Green Day for the rest of the day.

Edit:Can you show what part you mean?

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"