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Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:03:39 pm »
Finally, my first weapons mod. Bear with me please. Ok when i was looking at the thread for the Timesplitters 2 mod and i said "hey, i have TSFP (Timesplitters Future Perfect) why not make a mod?" well i did, sorta, because Soldat does not support more than 18 weapons >:( i decided to split the mod into 3 parts (if i get around to it :P) and now presenting...The TSFP Plasma Weapons Mod!! ;D
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 03:59:52 pm by TSFP »

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Just What You've Been Looking For!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 12:10:28 pm »
I'd lower the size on the plasma autorifle, turn the baseball bat sideways so it'll fit in the menu better, and maybe round out the dispersion gun a little (I always remembered it being more of an oval)

I love the rocket launcher, you nailed that one perfectly. The others could just use some minor shading tweaks, but overall this isn't half bad.
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Re: Just What You've Been Looking For!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 12:13:46 pm »
It's pretty good for a first mod.

The Plasma Autorifle is huge compared to the other weapons though. Baseball bat could be rotated by 90ยบ to fit better on the menu. The weapons aren't very shaded.

Apart from that it looks okay.  :)

Edit: wow me and Frunkamunch posted simultaneously. :D
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Re: Just What You've Been Looking For!
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 12:54:08 pm »
1.I'd lower the size on the plasma autorifle, 2.turn the baseball bat sideways so it'll fit in the menu better, 3.and maybe round out the dispersion gun a little (I always remembered it being more of an oval)

4.I love the rocket launcher, you nailed that one perfectly. 5.The others could just use some minor shading tweaks, but overall this isn't half bad.
1.Yes it's so big because it was my first weapon :( i'll do that before i host the beta 2.i did not think about that. hmmm ok i will 3.well i used my cell phone to take pictures of the DG and then pixel arted them from scratch :P so yeah i will try 4.thank you i tried my best :) 5.i'm not the best shader i just used basic colors (although i did shade the sci-fi sniper pretty good.)
More Screenes! oh and no new interfaces but maybe i will make cortez gosteks maybe.

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 01:20:08 pm
sorry for double post :( but i can only host 2 images at a time so i had to make a new reply. Anyway more screenshots. As of now this is only a beta this is what is yet to be done:

*Sounds From TSFP itself
*the lab tileset's turrent from the mapmaker
*Gostek (MAYBE)
*Fatten up the baseball bat (The small in-battle one)
the sounds may not be done for awhile so I'm gonna name this alpha and release a beta with no gostek or unique sounds of any kind then the full will have sounds and maybe a gostek. I will also direct you to the for mp3 music! Awesome. Um-mm what else? :- oh, yes the other 2 parts of the mod will be sold separately and will be: Vintage and Modern and you can guess which weapons they will have...Sorta anyway after i make the turrent and do some minor changes i will upload it on or whatever it's called. ???

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 01:36:17 pm
ok real sorry about triple post but no ones replying and i got updates :D
i reshaded the monkey gun, the magcharger and the SBP500 which i also increased in size and decreased the size of the PAR plasma autorifle :P here is the new select and a pic of the plasma grenades that i will not add new explosions to due to the flare gun and rocket launcher.

Offline Aarni Valkea

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Re: Just What You've Been Looking For!
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2008, 01:02:30 pm »
I think you could do a lot better. I drew a plasma autorifle using a cell phone photo from the in-game weapon, and it turned out to be one of my best weapons (it disappeared during my hard drive crash).

First, do these things:
1. Make sure the weapons don't overlapp. Remove the other Sci-fi Handgun and replace it with a "x2" sign or something.
2. Work on the colors. A lot. The electrotool and dispersion gun are, quite simply, totally wrong.
3. Work on the weapon shapes. Some are prett good, but for example sci-fi sniper, mag charger and the baseball bat require more attention.

PS: For a last thing, try making Chainsaw into a Ghost Gun. It doesn't replenish your health, but with the proper stats it could be awesome ;)

Try posting more complete and fixed versions of the mod, and don't use the "my first" excuse.
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Re: Just What You've Been Looking For!
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2008, 01:16:00 pm »
I think you could do a lot better. I drew a plasma autorifle using a cell phone photo from the in-game weapon, and it turned out to be one of my best weapons (it disappeared during my hard drive crash).

First, do these things:
1. Make sure the weapons don't overlapp. Remove the other Sci-fi Handgun and replace it with a "x2" sign or something.
2. Work on the colors. A lot. The electrotool and dispersion gun are, quite simply, totally wrong.
3. Work on the weapon shapes. Some are prett good, but for example sci-fi sniper, mag charger and the baseball bat require more attention.

PS: For a last thing, try making Chainsaw into a Ghost Gun. It doesn't replenish your health, but with the proper stats it could be awesome ;)

Try posting more complete and fixed versions of the mod, and don't use the "my first" excuse.
all right this is a toughy: First of all the default desert eagles were overlaped so i wasn't caring to much about that, second the dispersion gun looks fine to me (the shape needs work but i suck at pixel art so i made need a lil' help) but color-wise i think it's fine and the electro-tool was WWWAAAAYYY out of my league so i can't blame you. third the sci fi sniper was my best work! and i was pretty happy with my mag-charger but yeah i need some baseball bat making work. Last but not least HOW THE HELL CAN I MAKE A GHOST GUN??? ok done.:)

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 02:12:55 pm
Why did the ranking of this thread go from 3 to 2 i'm outraged >:( and i'm working on a place to host it any suggestions for hosting would be awesome ;)

Offline Espadon

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 04:48:22 pm »
any suggestions for hosting would be awesome

FileFront gogogo

Anyways, yeah, I'm docking points for the fact that the interface guns look cobbled. Some are made from scratch, and some seem to be based off of other guns, just modified to look like what you wanted. I think you should focus on getting one specific style the next time. You can try something like the rocket launcher at the bottom, with bright smooth gradients [be careful how you orient them so it doesn't look like a cut-out piece of paper]. You seem to have a WM, so I also advise you to use the WM to transform the Minigun into a TS weapon.

One thing I want to ask is if you're having any issues at all with the bullets, since I don't want to be projecting too much and I need to know what tools and skills you have at your disposal before I can diagnose your issues further.
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Offline Aarni Valkea

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 04:52:58 pm »
I gave this mod 2 stars for 2 reasons.

1. The interface guns look, no matter how you look at it, quite terrible. They look like the guns I draw before deciding even what color they'll be, nonetheless shading. It's your first attempt though, so you'll get this one almost free. Constructive criticism works better than flaming.
2. It's in the full mods section, even though it's nowhere near complete or full.

PS: I meant the guns should be scaled correctly, like mag charger is far too small etc. Also, dispersion gun is gray with a blue hue, not the other way around. Believe me, I've got all the platinums there ^^
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Offline TSFP

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2008, 05:15:32 pm »
I gave this mod 2 stars for 2 reasons.

1. The interface guns look, no matter how you look at it, quite terrible. They look like the guns I draw before deciding even what color they'll be, nonetheless shading. It's your first attempt though, so you'll get this one almost free. Constructive criticism works better than flaming.
2. It's in the full mods section, even though it's nowhere near complete or full.

PS: I meant the guns should be scaled correctly, like mag charger is far too small etc. Also, dispersion gun is gray with a blue hue, not the other way around. Believe me, I've got all the platinums there ^^ i said before my pixel art is TERRIBLE i can't draw worth Sh... well, you know so i really should of work with a partner for this but as i said it's my first time and i thought it would be fun (which it is!) but i do know what color all the guns are, TSFP is my fav. FPS of all time (CANT WAIT FOR TS4!) but i guess i wasn't familiar with the dispersion gun enough, maybe because i hate the damn thing, it sucks like crap. Anywho, i put it in the full mods section because i thought partial mods were just like one change and i changed all the guns and yes it's a W.I.P but you can at least see the work i did on the weapons.CFG
any suggestions for hosting would be awesome

1.FileFront gogogo

2.Anyways, yeah, I'm docking points for the fact that the interface guns look cobbled. Some are made from scratch, and some seem to be based off of other guns, 3.just modified to look like what you wanted. 4.I think you should focus on getting one specific style the next time. You can try something like the rocket launcher at the bottom, with bright smooth gradients [be careful how you orient them so it doesn't look like a cut-out piece of paper]. 5.You seem to have a WM, so I also advise you to use the WM to 6.transform the Minigun into a TS weapon.

7.One thing I want to ask is if you're having any issues at all with the bullets, since I don't want to be projecting too much and I need to know what tools and skills you have at your disposal before I can diagnose your issues further.

1. filefront has been acting werid on my firefox lately but i'll try again.

2.what the hell does cobbled mean?

3.nope all from scratch!

4. i'm not good with the same style for all my guns because of my bad drawing skills:(.

5.i don't know what WM is and i used photoshop CS2. looks like the minigun enough thats why i did not touch it:P.

7.??? what do you mean i think i made the bullets kind of good (execpt the electro-tool, the scifi sniper and the mag-charger cus their beams:P.) i used paint for all the bullets just spray painted them colors cus i'm lazy:P. any help or advice would be nice and to get the current alpha just PM me, goodbye.

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2008, 05:33:17 pm »
"Can't draw" is a poor excuse. Look at me, I even have  a custom title "Art N00b" and so

if an art n00b can do it, so can j00!
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2008, 05:51:07 pm »
^ Custom titles don't mean shit though

I think by cobbled he meant you used a while ton of different styles and threw them all together. I've gotta say I agree on that; each gun looks like it was made by a different person. A WM is a weapons mod (i.e, modification of the weapons.ini)

If you really can't draw well, take a picture of the gun and shrink it to about 60x20 (or something along those lines) pixels, then re-detail and outline it. Just about everything I make involves that process on some scale, and most of it turns out decent.

I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2008, 06:16:52 pm »
You want shading? I'll give ya shading! :D
I just pimped out the sci-fi sniper like i gave it breast implants :-*
If I do this to all my guns and chage the shape a little will it be all the same style?
oh and yes it is a WM but the guns are so accurate their almost unfair (I.E monkey gun and Electro tool.)

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 06:55:22 pm
ok now see my new SBP500 and see if they are same style material [retard].

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 07:07:12 pm
oh and Espadon you said you can draw em... SHOW ME! >:( how do i know your not lying unless you show me your work??
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 06:40:52 pm by TSFP »

Offline Espadon

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2008, 06:32:41 pm »
^ Custom titles don't mean bollocks though

And sarcasm totally phails online. Remind me of that next time, I think I have short-term memory loss.

One thing you need to address are those green pixels. It looks like you smudged some of the outline into the green so there are green spots on the margin of guns #1 and #2. And yes, when I said cobbled, I meant that they looked like they were done at different times with different styles, or even by different people.

The LAW-missile ingame looks like it is offcenter. Eh.

oh and Espadon you said you can draw em... SHOW ME! >:( how do i know your not lying unless you show me your work??

srry ur rite im just a nubcake. plz dunt ban me :'(
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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2008, 06:44:44 pm »
^ Custom titles don't mean bollocks though

And sarcasm totally phails online. Remind me of that next time, I think I have short-term memory loss.

One thing you need to address are those green pixels. It looks like you smudged some of the outline into the green so there are green spots on the margin of guns #1 and #2. And yes, when I said cobbled, I meant that they looked like they were done at different times with different styles, or even by different people.

The LAW-missile ingame looks like it is offcenter. Eh.

oh and Espadon you said you can draw em... SHOW ME! >:( how do i know your not lying unless you show me your work??

srry ur rite im just a nubcake. plz dunt ban me :'(

Yes i do see that i don't care I've seen worse mods>:(.
Oh yeah love the sarcasm... Not what you think i'm stupid (even know you know i know your being sarcastic so don't call me stupid!) I'm serious show me!

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2008, 06:45:16 pm »
What, a TimeSplitters mod from me? I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of it.
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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2008, 06:54:05 pm »
What, a TimeSplitters mod from me? I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of it.
one: what i men't was make a gun just one. Two: i will kill everyone that hates TSFP (not you because you have your own tastes.) But anyone who thinks it is the worse game ever will burn!:laugh:

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 07:51:19 pm
oh and i forgot DO NOT i reapeat DO NOT play realistic mode unless you don't want TS style gunplay, as in ammo and no recoil, but if it is too cheap for you, you can but ye be warned!! [ban]

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2008, 07:00:31 pm »
Okay, I'm just gonna wait until he figures out where the advertisements are located.

Anyways, why the fig are you so defensive about TimeSplitters... uhm... it's a game. Whoop whoop. You also know there's a second WM set called weapons_realistic.ini where you can modify the WM to taste...right?
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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2008, 07:07:23 pm »
Okay, I'm just gonna wait until he figures out where the advertisements are located.

Anyways, why the fig are you so defensive about TimeSplitters... uhm... it's a game. Whoop whoop. You also know there's a second WM set called weapons_realistic.ini where you can modify the WM to taste...right?
what do you mean by "advertisements"?
I'm defensive because...Well I like the game a lot I dunno.
I know weapons_realistic but then what will there be a realistic mode for if i changed the realistic to match the normal? Oh and i re-vamped the Electro-tool

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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2008, 07:18:01 pm »
You might want an outline on the inside of the know, the hole, so it doesn't look like a shark bit a hole out of it.
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Re: Timesplitters Future Perfect Plasma Set
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2008, 07:36:51 pm »
k nice advice :).
What did you do to your avatar?! :o

Date Posted: March 10, 2008, 08:20:28 pm
Now for the moment you've all been waiting for!!!....DUN DUNDUN DUNNNNNNN!!!