And yes, this map really doesn't make much sense....It was one of my ideas. I might make this a little mission sorta map, but try to relate to Halo. I was thinking that the top right section would lead to a tunnel sort of thing leading to the snow and stuff above ground where all the grunts n crap are. If only I owned the game... Well, whatever, I'll do my best through memory. Maybe it'll be better that way.
The map currently isn't really like Halo at all...but whatever. I tried to make the room with the beam similar to the Halo 1 Snow level where you have to destroy those beams to deactivate something? Hmm... The level where you get the banshees! I kind of remember. I guess the vertical shafts/teleporters could resemble wannabe elevators. And if wanted to be evil, I could make it so that you have to come back some certain way after you got the flag, similar to the next mission in Halo I...