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Protip: Don't listen to Mangled... he believes in 9/11 conspiracies. Not trying to cut you down to size mangled... but your views on most things aren't anywhere near reality.Oh and don't listen to uberschall. A comedians job is to ignore the obvious and perpetuate stereotypes, not state facts like in a speech or debate. If you honestly take any sort of advice from a comedian you are a retard.
Christianity... a shining beacon of excellence in the fascist mind.There are many things wrong with the world, one of them is Christianity. I'm not saying Christian believers are evil, they're far from it. But the system of belief in which they instill their faith has some serious, serious flaws both morally and economically. The pastors and vicars, the church leaders, they're the evil ones.Why? Because their job, their sole purpose in their careers isn't to help people, it's to profit from as many people as possible whilst maintaining the illusion that they're helping them. To tell someone a lie is a bad thing. But to tell a whole bunch of lies in front of a large congregation of people every Sunday is a fecking terrible thing, and if that isn't bad enough there's also Sunday School where bad parents send their children to get lied to and indoctrinated over the course of time. If I told a 5 year old a lie, chances are that child is going to believe me because children are programmed mentally to depend on elders and parents in the first 10 - 12 years of their lives and so if I told this child this lie and other lies that back it up every Sunday for a few hours every week for a few years, yes that child is going to believe me with absolutely no question whatsoever.Christianity, among many other religions is designed to indoctrinate people when they're too vulnerable and naive to think for themselves, which is in their childhood. These ideas, these beliefs are relentlessly refreshed in their lives every day. Saying grace at the dinner table? Praying before you go to bed? This is how children are unknowingly pressured into believing something that they might otherwise not. It's not the parents fault though, because if they're Christians then you can bet that they were brought up in a very similar way and so were their parents. - If this system didn't exist then religions would most likely die out in just a few generations.But Christianity doesn't stop here, no. Christianity has the spine to set up missionaries disguised as charitable organizations in developing and under-educated countries who have a specific agenda to convert the people of the region using similar techniques. Africa has a lot of orphans, a lot of these orphans will end up indoctrinated by their local missionary.The religious leaders, the vicars, the priests, the bishops, the pastors, the cardinals and clergymen. Most of them do not truly believe in what they teach, they teach it to take advantage of the believers, to indoctrinate their children and manipulate their lives. Religion is a dangerous wall of deceit and corruption, lets bring it down one prick at a time.
So, what the HELL does this have anything to do with Christianity? You seem to have a lot of goddamn gripes about an institution, without saying much of anything about the religion.
Religion is merely a tool used to dominate people, tell them what to think and feel, how to act and what to say. How many prayers of yours have come true which weren't already within the realms of certain probability?
Quote from: The Philanthropist link=topic=25606.msg300876#msg300876So, what the HELL does this have anything to do with Christianity? You seem to have a lot of goddamn gripes about an institution, without saying much of anything about the religion.Have you read other posts by me in religious debate threads?
Religion is merely a tool used to dominate people, tell them what to think and feel, how to act and what to say.
How many prayers of yours have come true which weren't already within the realms of certain probability?Can I ask you a question?.... Does God have a brain? Please answer as best as you can.
Pastors and missionaries lie to us to make money. That's why they set up churches in poor, third world countries.
Does God have a brain? Please answer as best as you can.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.
Quote from: Mangled* on March 22, 2008, 12:35:19 amDoes God have a brain? Please answer as best as you can.I wouldn't guess a physical brain, unless you count Jesus's when he was human.
I'll stick with Christianity here. Christianity's pillar of faith is love, and so God IS love. Christians believe that God created us in his image, so we must be love as well. The goal of a Christian is to BE that loving person. Sheesh, might as well break out the whips and leather thongs here.How can you say that having guidance on how to act is a bad thing? How can feeling a love for the entire human race be something to fight? How can you think that a moral code on which to live by can be deemed as wrong?
True. I am not sure if all Christians believe this but to my knowledge they do: God has no physical form. God is not male nor female, we just say "He" cause its easier.
I'm not sure if God has a brain, but I don't think he does. He probably has something much better.
Quote from: The Philanthropist on March 22, 2008, 01:00:25 amI'll stick with Christianity here. Christianity's pillar of faith is love, and so God IS love. Christians believe that God created us in his image, so we must be love as well. The goal of a Christian is to BE that loving person. Sheesh, might as well break out the whips and leather thongs here.How can you say that having guidance on how to act is a bad thing? How can feeling a love for the entire human race be something to fight? How can you think that a moral code on which to live by can be deemed as wrong? God is not love.
I believe in love but I do not believe in God. I am a loving person but I am not a Christian. Love does not come hand in hand with faith or vise versa.
Children of religious parents do not have a choice in what they believe and I think that is wrong because a child is far too young to understand what it means to be religious or not or even what they believe in. I wasn't brought up in a religious environment (apart from my childhood school which was Christian) and about the most direction I had in that instance when I was a kid was that I had a box full of old dinosaur toys.
Faith does not define your morality, being a good person means being a good person and you do not need religion to be a good person.
In fact, in many instances religion may make people bad people when taken wildly out of context by the manipulating, faithless, religious leaders. I'm guessing you've heard of the lovely and humble Christians of West Borrow Baptist Church?
When was the last time you saw a racist/sexist/homophobic/violent/angry/hateful Atheist?
The CHRISTIAN belief is that God is love.
Ok. So you agree with what Christianity stands for, but still hate on it.
What does this have to do with Christianity?
By belonging the the Christian faith, you inherently agree with the morals taught by it. But the second part is true, you don't need to be religious to be good. But if you agree that what Christianity teaches is good, then why why insult those who are part of that faith?
What does manipulation have to do with Christianity?
So, ALL atheists are perfect I guess?
I'm trying to convince you that Christianity wants people to be 'Good' people. All the things you point out that you believe is 'wrong' with Christianity actually have nothing to do with the faith at all. You have serious gripes with the instituition of the Church.
Quote from: Mangled* on March 22, 2008, 01:28:42 pmWhen was the last time you saw a racist/sexist/homophobic/violent/angry/hateful Atheist?Stalin?
I think that atheists, especially one like yourself, have the potential to be quite hateful. In fact, you are being hateful right now. I have yet to see an atheist who is neutral towards someone else's religious views. We're not pushing Christianity on you, but you're trying to break us down and convince us that our faith is wrong. And then when we want to express our views, we're suddenly being controlling. I haven't seen a bigger case of holding double standards in my life.Hell, I don't even think you're an atheist. I think you belong in the realm of anti-theism, which is taken a step further.
Since about 1995
Christianity doesn't specifically stand for love. Love is a part of its teachings, but its teachings are broad and many and love is generally taught in every religion. You can't say that Christianity is a religion of love more so than any other belief or even of non-belief.
Am I insulting? Twistkill asked for my input in this topic, go to him if you feel insulted. Love and goodness is taught in all religions so again you can't use that card, it's everywhere in society and isn't faith specific.
Quote from: The Philanthropist on March 22, 2008, 02:26:54 pmWhat does manipulation have to do with Christianity?What does control have to do with a 'following'?
Christianity teaches that the world is about 6000 years old and yet we all know better don't we?
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
Quote from: a-4-year-old on March 22, 2008, 02:46:22 pmQuote from: Mangled* on March 22, 2008, 01:28:42 pmWhen was the last time you saw a racist/sexist/homophobic/violent/angry/hateful Atheist?Stalin?You saw Stalin? I doubt that, I'm talking about seeing someone with your own eyes, not from pictures or video footage.
QuoteWhat does this have to do with Christianity?Are you thick?
Love and goodness is taught in all religions so again you can't use that card, it's everywhere in society and isn't faith specific.
What does control have to do with a 'following'?
QuoteSo, ALL atheists are perfect I guess?I never implied that, but atheists aren't controlled by someone with an agenda in the way that some religious people are.
Christianity teaches that the world is about 6000 years old and yet we all know better don't we? The Bible is a book written a long time ago by men who only had the understanding of that age. Understanding advances as science advances and for some reason as science advances religion becomes more and more obscure, desperately trying to adapt around and evade science
Young Earth Creationists (YEC) claim a literal interpretation of the Bible as a basis for their beliefs. They believe that the earth is 6000 to 10,000 years old, that all life was created in six literal days,
I think it's wrong to force incorrect beliefs which are hundreds of years old on children when they could learn the truth for themselves in their own time.
Many atheists share this view but few actually speak it.
God hands Man a list that is about 4749218 miles long,