it does same damage as an ak u noobs; its overpowered and the only reason its not used as much as the other seconadries its beacuse it doesnt go well with the main primaries (autos) when the knife/law does because they're 1 hit.
Let me prove to you that it isn't overpowered.
USSOCOM1. It typically kills in 6 shots (5 if you can land some good headshots).
2. It has a terribly low bullet speed, making it effective at close-mid range.
3. It has only 12 ammo per clip, though it has a really fast reload.
4. It's fireinterval is 12, and its a semi-automatic.
5. It's a secondary, meant to backup your primary.
DEs1. 7 ammo per clip, rather fast reload.
2. It has easily double the damage of the Socom
3. It fires slower than the Socom, sure, but...
4. Under the hands of two equally skilled players, in most cases, the DEs win the Socom.
MP51. MP5 is a automatic, with double the firing rate of a Socom.
2. It has 30 ammo, and reloads fast.
3. Low bullet speed as well, but because of the above, it excels in Close-mid range combat.
4. Sure, the damage per shot is lower, but the firing rate changes everything.
5. Therefore the MP5 is better than the Socom.
AK1. AK is an automatic, with 10 fireinterval.
2. AK takes about 6-7 shots to kill.
3. It has 40 ammo and a slightly long reload time.
4. Its bullet speed is pretty good.
5. AK is built more for mid range combat. At the AK's effective range, the socom is losing its effectiveness.
6. AK wins the Socom.
Aug1. Fireinterval 7.
2. High bullet speed.
3. Takes some shots to kill.
4. 30 ammo and a decent reload.
5. With its firing rate and high bullet speed, it can fight at almost any range.
6. Aug wins the Socom.
Spas1. 1 shot, and you lose a chunk of health. A few shots more and you're dead.
2. Close combat weapon
3. 7 ammo and has a unique reload system
4. Socom can beat the Spas because of Spas' low bullet speed.
5. But at a close-ranged battle, the Spas is the king becuase of its incredible firepower and its firing rate is enough to finish any player very quickly when in effective range.
Ruger1. 2 or 3 shots, and you're dead.
2. Long range weapon ; it has a very high bullet speed
3. 4 shots, slightly long speed.
4. Given its bullet speed and damage, the Ruger can beat Socom from mid to long range.
5. A clever ruger-user would stay out of close-mid distance, the effective range of the Socom.
6. Therefore Ruger can win Socom.
M791. 1 shot 1 kill
2. 3-second reload, 1 shot each time
3. Low bullet speed, so its effective range is within Socom's effective range.
4. Sure, this is one weapon that the Socom can beat, but that is if the M79er misses.
5. But other weapons can also eliminate a M79er just as quickly or even faster.
Barret1. 1 shot 1 kill
2. Highest bullet speed ingame ; longest range and has scope
3. Sure, 4 seconds before you can shoot again + 25 startup time.
4. This is, again, another weapon that the Socom can beat, but that is if the Barret user misses, is binked baddly, or is too close to the Socom user.
5. Other weapons can also eliminate a Barret user just as quickly or even faster.
Minimi1. An auto with 9 fireinterval
2. High bullet speed ; can fight at long range against the Socom
3. 50 ammo and a long reload
4. Given its high ammo, it can last quite long
5. The minimi can defeat the Socom.
There, Socom is actually balanced enough, it doesn't need any more nerfing and buffing ; in fact perfect. I won't talk about the Minigun or other secondaries. One more thing:
Every weapon has got its own specialty. Socom is built as a backup gun. And for a backup gun, it is serving its purpose well.