Author Topic: Sarge!  (Read 2258 times)

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Offline Thinkto urself

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« on: March 26, 2008, 01:08:01 am »
The 6th story in my Fictional Soldat series.
"Die with Honor" The other 5 are availible in my signature.,
Concept from tw_Crecent, enjoy.
"Things happen Sarge, just put it all behind ya..." "Behind me?! I got demoted because everyone of the Squadmates I'd been paired up has died!" "They said they were demoting me because I was too, 'self centered!'" "Listen man... Things happen, you can't just..." "Just can't what?" Our voices were drowned out by the trucks's loud engine. Can't believe it... Got demoted because everybody kept dyin'. Everybody's gotta die... It's just a matter of time...

"Hey! Sarge!" Their voices taunted me, mocked me, emphasizing on Sarge.... It was an old squad mate that shouted it out, one of the few that had gotten a transfer out of my squad, formally nicknamed, The Suicide Wagon. Squad TSW, hell, I didn't argue, I thought the men who didn't ask for a transfer immediately out of the squad were brave men. But there was only 1 man who didn't ask for a transfer... Vigil, he was dead now, but, hell he was a good man. "WHY?!" I shouted out and burst into tears, I was cursed with the touch of death. "Hey Sarge, what happened to the tough old Captain?" everybody else burst into laughter, I sat there, tears streaming through my palms. The leader of the squad, Lieutenant Johnson, burst into the truck. "Who the hell's cryin' like a 'lil girl?!" "The Sarge!" Another burst of laughter came from the soldiers in the truck. "What the hell you cryin' bout Sarge? No one gives a sh*t about your life, you're no worth to me dead, you're all going to be dead, no argument.

I calmed down, wiped my eyes, and muttered under my breath, "If I die, you're all probably gonna die too" That gave me a little chuckle. "WHAT?!" One of the soldiers had heard me. As said before, I was famous of coming out the only one alive. "'Tinate, that guys CRAZY!" "Huh?" I said, he must have mis heard me, maybe though that I was going to kill them all. Get ready for Private! I taunted myself. Trust me, life in the army is brutal, you don't make alot of friends, not 'cause you can't, but because you don't. People keep dyin', people keep on tellin' ya it's over, you don't wanna come outta the war heart broken... That's just how things rolled here.

The doors of the truck swang upon once again. The Lieutenant walked in, he closed the doors of the truck, and stood up. The truck began moving. "Listen up maggots, we're going to the western section of Jumandal, and--" Music was flowing through the speakers at the drivers seat, "Turn that crap down, no one wants to listen to your sh*t!" The music stopped. "As I was saying, we're gonna be dropped off at fort Crecent, from there, you listenin' maggots?" "Sure are!" Somebody replied from the back of the truck. "SHUT UP PRIVATE! DON'T YOU EVER TALK BACK TO ME, YOU HEAR?" "O-o-o-k...." His voice trembled with fear. "Psh, called me a coward." I muttered. But just enough for damn Johnson to here. "You think you're so smart don't you?" "Ya, I used to be a Captain, but everyone that got paired up with me died. I got more experience then you, maggot," "What'd you say Sarge?" That mocking voice rose up again.

 "I'm keeping an eye on you, you better not play anythin' smart," "Like you would ever know." He continued the "briefing." "As I was saying before these damn dumbasses were sayin, from there, we're gonna..." He looked down at the paper he was holding in his rough hands. "What?!" We stood silent, wondering if he was gonna turn green and go hulk. "We're gonna patrol the outer lines of town..." "Wha?" "He serious?" "Well there goes the fun," "Stupid... Just stupid..." There was a roar of complaints from the people in the truck. I don't know what was wrong with them, did they want to die?

From then on, the truck was silent, for another 8 hours. I looked out the windows, the only thing I could look at. It was a barren city. I only saw ruins and scars that bombs had left in the ground. I just watched to sun set, then rise again. Radio music started to flow through the whole truck again, it was something like "We don't need your hypocricy the unthinking majority!" Rebel music I thought. "Huh?" "God damnit, I just started to sleep..." Johnson stood up and shouted into the whole truck. "GRENADE, TAKE COVER!!!" I heard someone shout, the whole truck burst into laughter at there squadmate on the ground. It was the same guy who had kept mocking "Sarge, Sarge!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, private?" "If there was a grenade, I would've kicked you in the stomach by now, and--" "GRENADE!!!" The shout of plea came from the truck driver. Half a second later, we heard a huge explosion, an RPG had gone off in the drivers seat. We ran out, loading our M16s and our socoms while packing up our supplies all at once. I followed procedure and ran behind the truck. I heard AK fire from the opposite direction. Only 2 people had come behind the truck. The radio in the drivers seat was amazingly still working

Maurine Monat? "Thought you died Captain." And the guy who had been taunting me, shouting false grenades, and generally the squad's smartass. "What the hell's your name, smartass?" "Private Steven Rin reporting for duty sir!" "Being smart 'ey?" "I pointed my gun at him, "Man, calm down! It was just a jo-jo-o--" "Just a what?" "A joke sir!" "Those people died, I didn't tell 'em to die, they died on their own! Now stop f*cking panting like a dog!" He looked barely 21, probably to eager to grab hold of a gun. The radio somehow managed to survive the RPG, and was playing a soothing 80's toon, Beyond the Sea. A soothing 80's toon, screaming, guns firing, there was nothing more paralyzing to a private.

"Damnit Private, fire your freaking gun, thought you wanted a f*cking damn gun, there's a f*cking damn gun, now shoot it!" I opened fire with my M16, I had no idea where the others were, and if they survived. While firing my gun, panting, and trying not to get seen, I told my team, "Listen up, I'm the leader now, if you like it or not, and I say we try to regroup with the others!" "K..." Steven was scared the hell out of his shoes by now. I could see tears forming in his eyes, his hands were trembling, and his eyes had the resemblance of a veteran that was told he was going to fight again. The firing died down. I radioed in to the squad leader. He shouted out a trembly, "Over here!" followed by a wave. We ran toward him, guns in hand. It was 9 of us now. "The driver got killed, atleast the other guys in the truck didn't get killed yet." I said. "Now that's a good attitude!" Johnson said.

We walked on foot now, hoping that the snipers hadn't started positioning themselves yet... Hoping we would survive... The sand was hot, its heat burned through the leather of our boots. "Hehe Sarge, ya should cut your hair some time..." Johnson whispered to me. "Captain?" Maurine murmured. "It's Sarge now. Got demoted." "Oh..." I watched as we walked by tanks that had been destroyed by explosives, transport vehicles, completely wrecked cars, rotting bodies. Rotting bodies... They had guns in hand... Still had skin and flesh covering there bones... Many of them were missing limbs and heads... Many of the privates threw up. "Hehe... Not us warpigs, 'ey Sarge?" "Huh? Oh yeah... Us warpigs..." I didn't mind the title war pig. As long as it didn't give me a bad image.

*Ping* "Hu--" It was to late. A fire fight opened up on the whole squad, "He, not a problem, I mean, they're not my problem anymore." But I guess it was my problem. And I couldn't have faced all of them alone.... In that split second of thinking, I pushed as much of the squad as I could behind a dumpster and threw a smoke grenade on the ground. I shot 15 rounds from my M16 into a sniper's nest up high. It was a concrete tower, it had a fully operational Machine gun mounted onto the side. "50 CAL, TOP TOWER!!!" I shouted to my team. The 50 Caliber machine gun opened fire on me, and only me... I ran as fast as I could, hoping I would get out of the MG's sight, *CREEOO*POOM* a mortar exploded nearby, I fell to the ground, my left arm was bleeding, the MG ceased fire and I heard loud talking nearby, coming closer to me... "Damnit, why aren't they helping me... Are they just gonna sit there?

I pulled myself behind a concrete wall, hoping for the best. *Crek* Fire erupted from behind a barrier, where I had pushed my squad before I threw the smoke grenade. They were rushing toward me, shouting something about, "Ane! Pane! Tane!" I couldn't hear them. It was to late, by the time they had gotten close enough for me to hear them they were all shouting, "TANK!!! INCOMING, 5 'O CLOCK! WE NEED SOME BACK UP, SARGE! GET UP!! IT'S COMING YOUR WAY!!!" "Oh sh*t." I radioed back. I heard loud motorized treads in the background, "F*CKING SON OF A B*TCH, TANK!!!" "THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YA, WARPIG!" I grabbed an RPG from one of the insurgents and fled for my life, I took aim, and fired, It was loud, but not loud enough. It was a training round! It just bounced off the tank and I ran as quicky back to my squad as I possible could. Left arm bleeding, RPG in hand, and begging for relief from the hell of war. It was a blur of speed, Johnson was calling in tank enforcement, the status of the surrounding perimeter, and if anyone was there.

One of the Privates was carrying an RPG, without reluctancy, he fired it at the tank. "QUICK THINKIN' PRIVATE!" Johnson was running at top breath through the fine sand of the desert. We followed, hoping he would lead us good fortune. We ran through a hail of Machine Gun fire, I watched as sand blew up like water. It was just like running in thick mud... The air was thick with tension and the smell of decay, Machine gun bullets were like hail, falling from the sky, I fired back with the M16, I heard nothing, the deafening roar of the Machine guns was all I could hear, all I wanted to hear was quiet. Nothing made sense anymore... There were dead bodies everywhere, a sign of what was to come, perhaps.

"Get your ass in here!" I heard Johnson scream. I ran into the nearby house, along with the rest of the squad... "War pig," Johnson whispered "Listen, I know your history, but really now, do we have to go through this?" "Go through what?" "Never mind..." We walked around the house, finding nothing of value until... "Fresh RPG's over here! Come 'n get 'em while they're hot!" Steven had found a stash of Rpg grenades. "Finally kid, you're actually helping," "My pleasure!" It was only temporary relief. I had no idea what hellish things would happen outside. Those rotting corpses stayed in my mind, they looked like they had died so little ago, some were wearing US uniforms... That was the darkest part of all...

"I'mma try to radio in for support again..." "Good luck, they probably already know where the hell we are, there are tank rounds everywhere." "Heh... Only static... Wait... There's something.... I can make out a voice..." "JUST TELL US IF THE DAMN RADIO WORKS JOHNSON!!!" "I got something, 'Hello, this is squad S-52, get us some damned hellicopter evac, over.' 'Understood, send us your coordinates.'" A roar of excitement erupted from the squad! "We can get the hell outta here!" "Woooohh! We're gonna live!" Everybody was rejoicing, I even joined in. "We're finnally getting the hell outta he--" *PROOOM* "What the hell's going on?!" "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" A huge tank round had hit the outside of the wall and killed two of the rejoicing soldiers! "We're still not safe here damnit, go go go!"

"Supports comin' kids!" "F*CKING FINNALY!" We ran out of the building, bullets whizzing by my head, thoughts racing, heart pounding, I was sure that there were atleast a few others having the same experience. I shot my M16 back into the air, I threw another smoke grenade, and watched the smoke devour our trail. "I see some damned helicopters on the southern horizon!" "Better be ours, fire a flare and see if they return Johnson." Johnson took out the flare with his trembling hand, and shot it into the air, they returned... "We're finally goin' back!!" I heard someone shout, "Don't keep your hopes up."

"We got company!" Johnson shouted as 12 insurgents ran toward us, waving there AK47's wildly at us. "Sh*t aim they got too," Kalashnikov bullets started falling near our squad, I fired my M16 back at them, hoping for the best of luck, "Damnit Johnson, you got a damn grenade launcher on your freakin' M16, FIRE IT!" "What the hell." Johnson fired his grenade launcher attachment, it burst out of the barrel, *PROOM!* 5 insurgents fell down into the sand, face first, perhaps to join the others of the desert. "I see the damn helicopters Sarge!" Johnson was running with his head facing to the ground. Helicopters on the western horizon! "GO GO GO!" "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE BEFORE WE ALL DIE!" What damn cowards... Won't even fire there guns... I thought to myself. The hot Arid sun beat down on us, running from insurgents with AK's, sand in our boots, sweat everywhere.... The sooner we got back, the better... "WOOOH! Helicopters about a quarter mile around!" We could all hear the droning of the helicopters now, only hoping for the best. They appeared over the horizon, waving there blades like signs of relief... "HELICOPTERS, 4 'O CLOCK!" *Fwooom*REWK* "SOMEONE'S SHOT A STINGER AT HELICOPTER SQUADRON, A-24, WE'RE GOIN' DOWN CAP!" The radio roared with the sound of screams of plea and help, the smoking helicopters looked like streaks of fire in the desert sky, "Johnson, we're all gonna die." I heard someone say. "Not yet... Not yet..." "But John--"

 My mind went blank. I fell unconscious on the desert sand, my face felt burning. "Ughh.... Where the hell am I..." "Johnson, Maurine, Smartass?" "Wake up, prisoner." "Aghh!" I felt a hard slap against my face, I was tied to a metal chair of sorts.... "You are now, 'POW'," "What?" "You are ours now." There was no light, I couldn't see anything, my mouth felt dry and rancid, I heard footsteps. They were walking farther and farther away. *Creeee* A door opened, and desert light flooded in. The room was filled with ammunition, guns, grenades, and bombs. "Anybody here?" I whispered quietly after the door had closed. "Thought you were dead Sarge." Maurine and Johnson echoed somewhere from the room. I felt hands where my hands were tied. *Snap* "Come'on Sarge, we gotta get the hell outta here, tank support is coming ASAP." Johnson's voice was trembling with fear. "Come'on, let's find a way out of here, bring an RPG, some AK's, and a few grenades.

"Door's here idiots." I heard Maurine say, she opened up the door, but the desert sun didn't beat down on us, it was only lightbulbs and candles. "Where the hell are we, Sarge?" "I dunno, thought you did," I replied. What we had stepped into was some sort of tunnel, it was lined if metal on the top, sides, and floor, it was lighted with dim fluorescent lights. They flickered and the wiring hung out of the lights. "Where ar--" "Quiet, someone's talking..." I said. 2 men, maybe 3 were talking in a foreign language, I took out my SOCOM, "Huh?" I heard someone say. There shadows moving reluctantly in the dim light, walking closer and closer into our shaft of the tunnel, someone shouted and jumped into the tunnel *Peo* A silenced M16 fired into his skull, before he could even fire his gun. "Come'on, we gotta get to the surface if the tanks are to find us. It was a huge complex of tunnels, we were walking around for hours, atleast, it seemed.

"Door," "What?" "DOOR!" Johnson was punching a section of the roof where light was shining through. "God damnit Johnson, you're like a fish outta water." I took my Kalashnikov and shot the place where the light was shining through. *Sehhhh* Sand flowed onto the ground of the tunnel and light shined through. "Tanks!" "Tanks!" "Tanks!!!" It was a US heavily armored M1 Abrams. "We're goin' home." We thought. "Hey, squad S-52, heard you guys are the last surviving." "Smooooth..." I said.

"Real smoooooth..."

You should stop posting these in soldat moments because they did not happen to you, but you are making them up. you should instead take your novels and put them in the fan art and apps section being as they are fan art.

By TheV's request. Have fun punching the hell out of the ground in tw_Crecent, hehehe.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 01:57:04 pm by Thinkto urself »

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"