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New: You may have up to 3 separate userbars in your signature, as long as they're each no taller than 20px and in total their size is less than 20KB, just like any other signature. The userbars may not be wider than 400px. When you use any userbars, you may only have 1 line of text no wider than 100chars.
In soldat, you're dead for only 3 seconds.
Wow aren't you clever instead of making one little annoying userbar, you made one big annoying userbar.Between you two I get this strange mix of stupid and emo, If I wanted that I would stay in high school.
Sorry, but it still fails. to blurrry and is the colour of baby sh*t
Quote from: a-4-year-old on March 27, 2008, 03:47:51 pmWow aren't you clever instead of making one little annoying userbar, you made one big annoying userbar.Between you two I get this strange mix of stupid and emo, If I wanted that I would stay in high school.Three userbars. Instead of not reading and making a fool of youself like you did in high school, read. It's three. >_>
You're really gonna love updating that thing every time you come out with another one of your Soldat fanboy essays.
Despite what everyone else says, its a really good sig. Die With Honor... finally someone takes Soldat in a realistic sense like I do.Nice work, I like the "light ray" effect you have going there as well
according to windows calculator 6.9 6.75 and 6.4 make 20.05 so your sig needs to be changed.
Quote from: a-4-year-old on March 27, 2008, 05:56:38 pmaccording to windows calculator 6.9 6.75 and 6.4 make 20.05 so your sig needs to be changed.Windows calculator calculations are proven false until otherwise.