Author Topic: X-Ecutioners' Clan! {XC}  (Read 961 times)

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Offline Old Valiken

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X-Ecutioners' Clan! {XC}
« on: April 04, 2008, 12:12:08 am »
I realize I've tried to start a clan earlier but I HONESTLY think this one might work.  It might of been the name

Fill this application out if you would like to become a member of the X-Ecutioners' Clan.  If you are able to create a server, you're INSTANTLY approved and you're given THIRD HIGHEST rank!  The server must be an ALL TRENCHWAR server because this is a trenchwar clan.  If you make it, you get number 3!  Anyways, just copy and paste this into an e-mail, fill it out, and send that to  Or you can add me on MSN messenger, my name ID is and talk to me.  Lastly, you could add me as a friend on XFire.  NICK: oldvaliken.  To find out who the members are, click on the "Members."  In the meantime, since you're here to apply, finish this application.

Why do you want to join?
What is your Nickname?
How old are you?
How much experience do you have?
Since this is a TrenchWar clan, what
 is your favorite map?
Favorite Primary Weapon?  Secondary?
What country do you live in?
Are you capable of being a leader?
What is your style of playing? 1-5
 1.) Agressive (Goes for kills)
 2.) Conservative (Stays for flag)
 3.) Berserker (Rushing the flag)
 4.) Team player/Protector
 5.) None of the above?  Please specify.

All of these are very important.  Most of all, experience.  I love when members are able to play quite a bit.  There is kind of a weapon preference to this; I prefer automatic weapon users but a few odd-balls are okay.  I would rather it not be an all automatic clan.  This would be a good clan but I WANT YOU to join the X-Ecutioners' Clan of Soldat!
IF you see anything I have posted in the past, reposted by a person named
Tibneo, that is me! So don't call him an idiot, please! That hurts my feelings. :'(

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: X-Ecutioners' Clan! {XC}
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 07:41:52 am »
Maybe you should include some information of your clan aswell...

You are a (new) clan and you're trying to find players for your team? Then offer enough information in your description to create interest. The following points are improtant:

- Clantag / name
- Clan leader / Squad leader
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)
- Homepage (if you have one)
- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?)
- Favourite gamemodes
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?)
- Requirements in skill and character
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?
- If you only need players who use a certain weapon, don't forget to mention it.
- Clan results (Clanwars played, tournaments won, etc.)
- Aims of the clan (just a funclan, or to take part in a tournament/league)

Additional information, interesting but not essential:
- Clan history
- Description of the current members
- ...

Otherwise, good luck starting it over again.
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline Sir Jeremy

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Re: X-Ecutioners' Clan! {XC}
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 03:53:46 pm »
Ya, like how good are you?  And ya what kind of other members are in it?