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procedure OnPlayerCommand(ID: byte; Text: string);beginprocedure WriteLol(Name: string);beginWriteConsole(ID,'You are LOL '+Name,$00AABBCC);end;if Text = 'lol' thenbeginWriteLol(RunMan);end;end;
procedure WriteLol(Name: string);begin WriteConsole(ID,'You are LOL '+Name,$00AABBCC);end;procedure OnPlayerCommand(ID: byte; Text: string);begin if Text = 'lol' then begin WriteLol(RunMan); end;end;
procedure WriteLol(Name: string);begin WriteConsole(0,'You are LOL '+Name,$00AABBCC);end;procedure OnPlayerCommand(ID: byte; Text: string);begin if Text = 'lol' then begin WriteLol('RunMan'); end;end;
but now standard commands like /kill, /adminlog, /info don't work.
result := false;
begincase Text of--commands--end;elsebeginresult := falseend;end;
begin case Text of --commands-- end; result := false;end;
And as the lyrics go in the United State's national anthem: "America, f**k YEAH!".
I know that, but it works fine without it...
Thats because variables are default false, 0, or whatever.
now it tells me unknown identifier 'result'
I made a script, everything is good, but now standard commands like /kill, /adminlog, /info don't work.