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I think it is fine as it is. If anything, I think the other autos should be made as powerful as the aug, not weakening the aug.Why lower the ammo capacity? That would make it too weak IMO. Most autos have 30 rounds, not 25.
yep, with -5 bullets, you cant kill two enemy with one clip anymore.
AK really isnt that bad off against the aug....which brings me to my argument against lowering the ammo. AKers win if they survive an auger's barrage. Due to a much lower ROF and much higher ammo, the AK still has like half a clip left when an auger runs out of ammo. So say an aug sprays and misses. Then Mr. AK74 comes in and blows mr. AUG away while he is forced to reload. This happens frequently as it is with the AUG. Lowering the ammo would nerf it too much. I think the -5 ammo is a horrible idea, personally.
Quote from: STM1993 on May 26, 2008, 07:11:45 pmThe only buff/nerf I'd like to see is the self-bink value.Minimi's good enough.This is what I would deem fitting as well. But since the general tone of the next version is to have stronger and more user-friendly weapons, all weapons will be buffed more than needed and those nerfed will be nerfed less than needed. I personally consider the current experimental Minimi to be pretty fine for that goal. Perhaps it's the other weapons that aren't as good.
The only buff/nerf I'd like to see is the self-bink value.Minimi's good enough.
Quote from: excruciator on May 26, 2008, 06:29:36 pmyep, with -5 bullets, you cant kill two enemy with one clip anymore.Actually, you still can kill at least 2 full-health enemies. It takes 9 shots to kill someone with an Aug. 9 x 2 = 18. 25 - 18 = 7. Of course, if you miss more than 7 shots or bullets did not reg, then this calculation is null.
Weaken the damage or the ROF maybe. Or go back to something similar to 1.3.1. where the autos were all stronger.
what kind of gun has 25 round clips to begin with?
Well, the other autos did get boosts. So mission accomplished I suppose?
It's going to be balanced in 1.5... so just be patient (current changes are -5 ammo, -1 dmg, +7 bink)