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Grenades can only do damage if thrown at the head or sometimes at the torso, its only at the feet then it would definitely kill. Throwing a nade directly at a person is throwing it at their head or torso.Grenades can be used by EVERYONE, as long as the server activates it. So one person can kill another person just as easily ; it only depends on how you use it. Plus, the self-damage that grenades do can be quite costly if thrown too close, and using it at the wrong time can be fatal.Throwing your grenades quickly? Well, you aren't really throwing if you throw fast, you're more of dropping the grenades instead, like a plane dropping bombs. If you want to throw further you've got to wait longer, shorter just wait a little less. The consequence of throwing too many nades or nading too quickly is to discover that you are out of grenades and you have to pick up nade kits. Depending on the map, nade kits can be difficult to find. Besides, why would people just drop their nades other than for "bombing"? It is to set up little traps to either slow down opponents or even kill them, and hopefully the grenades being unnoticed and the opponents not realizing you've just dropped a nade.Grenades are limited. Once you finish throwing your nades, you have lost the advantage of using grenades and you're just gonna be a guy with a gun. The best thing you can do about nades is just to reduce the amount of grenades given from a grenade kit and upon spawn.When you nade, you cannot reload. You also can't drop a nade when you're backflipping. Also, if you keep shooting with a gun and throw a nade, the aim is slightly inaccurate since the gun will be raised up a bit during the throw animation. And for the minigun's case, you can't throw a grenade when you're shooting.The weapon testers don't care about the lag when they are balancing the weapons, so the lag issue is out of the picture.So I'm pretty much against this.F11.
Grenades aren't just helpful.
Grenades can be used by EVERYONE, as long as the server activates it. So one person can kill another person just as easily ; it only depends on how you use it. Plus, the self-damage that grenades do can be quite costly if thrown too close, and using it at the wrong time can be fatal.
Quote from: STM1993 on April 15, 2008, 05:39:47 amGrenades can be used by EVERYONE, as long as the server activates it. So one person can kill another person just as easily ; it only depends on how you use it. Plus, the self-damage that grenades do can be quite costly if thrown too close, and using it at the wrong time can be fatal.So why should everyone be allowed to carpet bomb each other? Just because everyone has it doesn't mean it is immune to being unbalanced. far from it. People use their grenades as a primary. Why use a perfectly good barret shot when I can flush someone out with two grenades to the face? Or why not just get an almost instant kill with an Aug and a single grenade?
This has been bothering me for a while now, but I think that grenades might be overpowered. It isnt the damage they deal that I am concerned with, its the rate at which you can throw them.Let me elaborate:Rather than take skill to aim with a grenade, often times most players just spam them as soon as their ammo is empty. Dropping off 4 grenades in less than a second is a lot of players last defense towards someone who is rushing them. Not saying this tactic is 'illegal' or anything, but doing something like this really takes away the skill from grenades.Why is it that most or nearly all of the kills/deaths in a game of Soldat are from grenades? My opinion is that the rate of fire for grenades should be lengthened by about a half second/a whole second. Why? Doing this actually returns skill to the grenades, people will be forced to learn how to use them correctly, rather than bash that E button as fast as you can to spam them all over the place.
And to contradict with extacide's argument, nades only stood for 20% of the kills in the latest sctfl, not "the majority."
As for elgato, I only see a problem with nades when it comes to hitreg and the fact that once every 100th minute of game time you'll see someone performing a carpet bombing.
Yup, but most of that fact roots in them being ten times more available than any given primary weapon.
Well the trend in the weapon balance since 1.2 has basically been nerfing everything and slowing the game down, but at the same time they gave the grenades the ability to be thrown in peoples faces and exploding on contact. Grenades are considerably strong, useful, easy and plentiful, and the way they are along with the weapon balance has lead to this trend of using grenades to such excessive lengths. :/ They need to be nerfed, hopefully that will turn this weapon balance trend around and bring soldat back from a slow and preservative game to a more fast paced, slightly more reckless and obviously more fun game.