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Nades SHOULD explode on contact. If you wish for different, then CS is a game for you.
Quote from: 8th_account on May 01, 2008, 04:14:00 pmNades SHOULD explode on contact. If you wish for different, then CS is a game for you.And it is this reason among others that grenades are over powered (have been over powered since) and need to be nerfed in some way or form that they may fit their support role.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.
Yeah, it would make them completely useless in midair (where, as previously stated by someone, most combat takes place) and almost useless on the ground, because you could just jet over them. IF grenades need nerfing, this isn't the way to do it.
Uh, three years ago and long before grenades were never used mid-air at all. This is the freaking point of nerfing them again, so the skies are filled with waves of BULLETS and not GRENADES.@ZiemNon-impacting grenades used to fit to soldat a long time ago. Then they changed it, and after a year it fitted into soldat; but who are we to say what fits into soldat? That is the sole duty of the beta testers.
The fact that we've gone 3 years and you're the first to complain might imply that the change was a good thing.
I know ALOT of people that hate nades this much. I for one do. I agree with extacide that soldat battles should be fought with guns and not who ever is the luckiest with nades. There is something wrong with soldat if people cannot kill one another with out the aid of these weapons. I think that alot of the great and awesome players (and clans) wont be as great or awesome without the aid of nades. And you can kill plenty quick without nades.Personally, I hate nades. I just know that I am useless if I do not use them. But I do NOT rely on them like 95% of soldat does, so if and (hopefully) when they get nerfed, I wont be upset of hit hard by that nerf stick at all.I think something needs to be changed, I personally do not know what would be good to change, mebey halving the damage from nades? Removing exploding on contact would be nice, and should be given a shot, no matter if you think it will be broken (skoskav), and ESPICALLY making it harder to spam them. It is really stupid and annoying when someone rips a whole clip of thier gun at you, and did not kill you, and they are like "ZomG I HAS NU BULLTZ! WUT I DU? NADE SPAM!" and they kill you because they could spam grenades faster than you can.If you remember, knives were nerfed for basicly this same reason, people were using the knife as a primary, just like people are doing with nades.Nerfing nades will NOT break this game. Nades are over powered, everyone knows it, no one wants a nerf because it will drasticly change how they have to play soldat. It needs to be done regardless, imo.Sorry for the rant, its 4 am and I need to sleep. :x
STM, I disagree, implementing any of those suggestions will decrease soldat's gameplay, it will make it slower. Soldat is a FAST PACED game.
Just because something infuriates you does NOT give you the right to tell someone to fix it. The grenade is not broken, what have we learned about fixing what isn't broken?Just because YOU don't like something or YOU can't use it does not mean YOU can get rid of it so other people can't use it.
What about making a pin-pulling animation that would act as a startup time?