Ok I've made a reproduction of the senario and I marked with numbers what happend
And yes yes I know its not Enemie but Enemy...thats just because I am am french...so sorry...
Ok so lets start my kill. I was doing a game in Industrial, and then I saw a Red guy take the flag and start running (#1), so I go after him (#2), then when I was on the flag platform I saw that I coudn't reach himm and kill him in time si I fired my M79 just under where the Red guy was (#3), and he went flying in the little "corner" (#4) witch slowed him down, and I started running after him (#5) and at the same time changed to my "secondary" weapon witch was an other M79 that I picked up before, and the Red guy got stuck in the other corner (#6) and then I shot him and returned the flag.
Know I dont know about you but I find this kill pretty awsome. Do you?