Author Topic: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.  (Read 23619 times)

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Offline Rai-Dei

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My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« on: April 19, 2008, 11:18:57 pm »
Most probably don't know me, but I've been around a bit, I decided to write a guide to my primary (boredness was the seed).  Its going to be cluttered and illegible but I will try.

I'm going to try to make a structure somewhat like Aji's guide, but a tad different

Why The Desert Eagles?
There are many reasons why I use the Deagles exclusively:

1. No Bink or Movement Acc. This is probably one of the best advantages the Deagles have.

- No Movement accuracy and bink makes it possible to counter about any gun, provided you have the aim and know how to counter each one, which generally means moving like a spastic puppy and using the arc and angles to your advantage.

2. Flexible

- The Deagles are my favorite gun because of their flexibility, I have on every map, and every route. They don't really have downsides unless you use them like you would with a different gun. Deagles take their OWN style of playing, you cannot just play like you do with autos or one hitters. Style of play is very important to Deagles (hell look at the Deagles, none of them play like everyone else).

3. Speed and Power.

- The Deagles have amazing killing capabilities, 7 Shots, 2-3 shots to kill, and fire fast as hell at max speed. 2 Kills per clip is easy, even 3 kills are possible.

Now for the good stuff.

- Going over the reasons why they rock is one thing, but actually using them is different and here we go. (This is going to be a series of tips crappy guide right!?)

Aiming, Mouse Sense, and the Arc.

Aiming with the Deagles requires some time, one important thing to do is DO NOT overshoot and undershoot (Putting crosshair way in front of you or way too close.) Try to position your crosshair as close to your target as possible, with the eagles depending on range your crosshair should be slightly above their head. (Remember Do not use legshots!) And avoid spraying with the Deagles! I might just be biased to it, but I have never been able to provide useful spray. Remember to start off firing them slow, because if you fire too fast too early, you wont get any better. So fire slow until your aim gets good then gradually speed it up.

Mouse Sensitivity

Mouse sensitivity is one of the most debated topics among soldaters because no one can agree on one good sens range.

Mouse sensitivity is all about comfort, it also changes drastically depending on your mouse. At the moment I am using 95, I am enjoying but I've been everywhere from 30-200 (same mouse). I say keep it in the middle.

It also depends on how you use your mouse, if you move it slightly with your fingers: go high, if you use your wrist: go middle, and if you use your entire arm: go slow.
Mouse sensitivity doesn't change much at all just comfort.

The Arc!

- One of the greatest attributes to the Deagles, is the arc. It allows them to conquer every single gun. The arc allows for crazy angles without losing power like most guns. Allows for great Efc killing and amazing trickshots, You can rush and not have to worry about lining up your perfect shot.

- Aiming the arc is pretty easy after you get used to it, at long ranges the arc will be crazy, so putting your crosshair far above their head is perfectly fine. Just remember the Arc has some magical characteristics about it. They can do shots that most guns cannot do because they hit polys.


- Movement, Movement, and Movement! NEVER stop moving with the eagles, you can do amazing things.

- In the beginning, DO NOT fire fast, focus on aiming more than just firing fast. (Pretend every bullet is worth 500$ -Mancer is going to have my head on that one)

- The best angle for the Deagles, is slight above and diagonal to your target (Legshots are CRAP!), but if at all possible try to stay on the ground, as you have much more control over your soldat.

- As for secondarys, I recommend knife for rushers, the law for pure defers (just don't miss), and the Socom for floaters (I never saw a point to socom and eagles as the reload is short enough to not need it.)

How to counter each weapon!

1. Deagles.
- Countering yourself is not too hard, just try to get above them and aim/fire faster than them.

2. Autos:
- I'm going to skip all autos because the strategy is the same for all of them: try to move around all of their shots, or my method (Prone jet into their face and try to pull off extreme damage before their closerange bullets killzor you.

-Don't even sweat Autos most of the time if you have good aim, you can kill them faster than they can kill you. Just go for height advantage and try to headshot.

3. Spas:
- Keep your distance! After many 1v1 ons Seancapsyourass (Greatest spas ever) I learned to keep my distance and try to be above BUT NOT TOO CLOSE or they will rape you.

4. Barret and Ruger
Oh noes your worst enemys!
-Generally, due to the combat triangle a Deagle cannot do much to a Ruger/Barret, but if you move A LOT and use the arc to pull shots from over and around polys/colliders/teammates you should be fine. I also found that Barrets have a hard time killing you if you rush them. Trying to out range a Ruger or Barret is dumb, you have a better chance getting close to them.

5. M79
- Doesn't even need its own section, just don't rush it and stay out of its range, its very easy to counter.

New Section: Grenades!
- Grenades are possibly the most important weapon you have, in the past I was ignorant of them and it would cause me to be terribly inconstant. If you want to do well against ANYTHING use nades FIRST, you should be mixing Deagle fire with grenade throwing.

- Whenever you are rushing make sure you are ready to throw a nade at someone. If you use nades and Deagles in unison you will do amazingly well.

(I recommend changing your grenade key to something more accessible than E, I personally use S as my nade key (space for crouch) to avoid awkward finger movement to nade people. USE GRENADES A LOT)

Demos are at the bottom.
!! Remember I take all of your questions !!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 05:56:17 pm by Rai-Dei »

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2008, 11:48:03 pm »
Pretty useful actually. I sometimes find myself using the deagles and pwning with them, this guide covered a lot of the skills necessary to master them. Good work Rai!
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Offline The Philanthropist

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2008, 11:53:44 pm »
Rai, do you weave when you fight rugers/barretts? I play realistic with the deagles, and I often found myself getting wrecked by the ruger because it's got that whole 1 shot 1 kill thing. I found that the deagles have the perfect fire rate for weaving. You can fire, prone, fire, stand back up again and fire without much aim loss if you time it right.

I also wouldn't use anything besides the law with the deagles. They lose a lot of power quickly as they reach they end of your screen, and you need a long range weapon to finish up, the deagles simply can't deal damage efficiently at a distance.

I agree with the part where you say that you should treat each deagle bullet with great care. It helps if you concentrate on landing hits rather than rolling out bulllets fast.

Offline ElGato

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2008, 11:56:09 pm »
Only thing I don't agree with is the sensitivity part, use whatever is most comfortable for you. I use 30-40 and there is no way
For Rugers most have a low mouse sens so keep close to them and move around them. 
would EVER work, I can move it from one side of the screen to the other in a split second. Maybe your mouse is crazy slow Rai and that's why you use it so high but for me anything above 100 isn't smooth. It jitters around.
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Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2008, 11:59:03 pm »
@Phil Weaving = Worming (I think), I don't do it I just use crazy movement. Worming screws up my aim too much.

@Catman, Has nothing to do with my mouse, I used to use 30 sens with the same mouse, so rawr.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 12:00:54 am by Rai-Dei »

Offline Platehead

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2008, 12:30:06 am »
Nice, I was going to post a message (or thread) regarding someone making one! Cause I recently started, and this guide HAS helped me to know what to learn to do (if that made sense).

Just a couple of questions: 1) When do you use secondary (besides reloading)?
                                           2) When do you nade?
                                           3) Do you do more damage if you're zooming at them?

I may come back with more =P,
So thanks again Rai-Dei.
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Offline PewPew430

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2008, 01:23:08 am »
Hmm.. Good guide. I'm also using deagles currently - they're quite hard to use, but I know it'll pay off. I find versing autos the hardest, as they can just over-power you with their spray while I'm missing them alot and fiddling with reloading, etc.
Thanks for the tips though Rai-Dei!

Offline Lemmings

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2008, 01:43:09 am »
Just spray and pray. :P

Offline STM1993

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2008, 02:11:26 am »
Very nicely done for the Guide on DEs =D I do have some comments:

Point 1:
My mouse sensitivity is 25, because for some reason my razor mouse's sensitivity is incredibly high. It is the same as 100 with a normal laser mouse that I had used. So, mouse sensitivity may depend on the mouse you use as well. And the player's preference of course.

Point 2:
Mmm, like most guns, DEs are best used in mid-air against opponents who are lower than you. I think the strategy to fight against the M79 is the same as all other weapons except that you cannot stay a long distance away due to its bullet speed and arc. So I guess you need to include the fact that DEs are more for close and mid-ranged combat.

I use the Socom as my secondary because:
1. Socom is similar to DEs, just faster (reload and firing rate) and shoot only one bullet at a time.

2. Sometimes, in some situations, I find that the reload speed of DEs are a bit too slow. Even 1 tick makes a difference.

3. The enemy is already very low on health, and maybe my DEs are low on ammo. Maybe my aim isn't that good, and if I miss this one shot, then I can't eliminate him because I need to wait another 23 ticks, and I lose out. So I might as well draw out my Socom right? I miss one shot, still not so bad, I can shoot a second shot within 12 ticks. This is especially the case if the enemy is far away as well.

4. Being one of the "floaters" I believe you are talking about, I like to stay in mid-air, especially since I find myself playing much better in mid-air and DEs are very powerful in mid-air, and I don't normally go too close. So LAW and Chainsaw are out of the picture. For Knife, my aim isn't good and I have no experience on it. So what choice do I have? Socom.

That is why I use the Socom with the DEs.

Point 3:
Oh ya, one more point to bring up for the DE-users and MP5-users out there. Being a MP5 user, I will share some of my thoughts when DEs fight against MP5. The MP5's arc (189) is VERY similar to that of the DEs' (190) and both have movement acc 1, so both the MP5 and DEs can take on the same situation. However...

1. MP5
A) Damage = 102 (probably 103 in 1.5)
B) Fireinterval = 6, Automatic
C) Self-bink = -11 (probably -9 in 1.5)
D) Reload: 105 + 6 = 111

2. DEs
A) Damage = 178 x 2 (probably 180 x 2 in 1.5, and the x 2 is because DEs fire two bullets at once)
B) Fireinterval = 23, Semi-Auto
D) Reload: 94 + 23 = 117 (in 1.5, the reload may be 90 + 23 = 113)

DEs can finish off an opponent quickly with perfect accuracy and missing is a big problem, but MP5 needs concentrated fire with some inacccuracy due to self-bink and is missing is not too big a problem, and this is basically what makes the MP5 and DEs so different. So some techniques when DEs are fighting against DEs may apply against DEs vs MP5.

For example, both MP5 and DEs are much better if you're in mid-air and you're above your opponent. However, they both aren't very effective when countering enemies ABOVE you because of low bullet speed. So the one who is above is usually the one who wins. This applies when DEs vs DEs.

When fighting against a MP5-user, DE-users should treat the MP5 a bit like a Spas in a way ; you never go too close to a MP5-user. If you do, you risk very heavy damage or even get killed, because the MP5 has such an incredible rate of fire, and by going too close, you're going to eat ALL the bullets. It's best to stay mid-range against a MP5 user, but make sure it is still at the DEs' effective range. Again, as I have emphasized above, try and go above the MP5-user and force him to stay below you. Do not let the MP5-user get above you. Also do not let the MP5-user charge right into your face at high speed (especially if he is high on HP and you are injured) ; even though you can kill him easily, he can also kill you just as easily or even faster with his superior firing rate. Try to avoid narrow tunnels when against a MP5-user.

^ This may help when you are posting more info about DEs.

This post has been editted many times. There will be no more editting to this post, so whatever I've typed here you can now rest assured that I won't edit it again.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 02:28:16 am by STM1993 »

Offline Clawbug

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2008, 07:57:29 am »
Deagles fit for every range. Just 20 minutes ago I proved that precise deagles can take off AK/AUG from long range. Sure it involved some luck, as no one is really going to have 100% accuracy over a long range due to slow bullets, but if you manage to make 3 hits, you are the winner (No legshots).

Deagles erquire patience. Good deagles can rape autos, but autos outnumber good deagles by some 1000:1, im being serious here.
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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2008, 08:48:18 am »
Deagles fit for every range. Just 20 minutes ago I proved that precise deagles can take off AK/AUG from long range. Sure it involved some luck, as no one is really going to have 100% accuracy over a long range due to slow bullets, but if you manage to make 3 hits, you are the winner (No legshots).

Deagles erquire patience. Good deagles can rape autos, but autos outnumber good deagles by some 1000:1, im being serious here.
eeehmm... you played on a public?

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2008, 09:13:29 am »
Just a couple of questions: 1) When do you use secondary (besides reloading)?
                                           2) When do you nade?
                                           3) Do you do more damage if you're zooming at them?

1. Only when needed, it is bad to do a knife rush first, as you'll get screwed later. Generally when I want to double kill and cap.

2. Nades are important, (didn't cover because it was a Deagle guide), I try to use them a lot, but nade spamming works wonders.

3. Yes, the fast you move the faster your bullets are and faster speed = more damage.

Point 1:
My mouse sensitivity is 25, because for some reason my razor mouse's sensitivity is incredibly high. It is the same as 100 with a normal laser mouse that I had used. So, mouse sensitivity may depend on the mouse you use as well. And the player's preference of course.

Point 2:
Mmm, like most guns, DEs are best used in mid-air against opponents who are lower than you. I think the strategy to fight against the M79 is the same as all other weapons except that you cannot stay a long distance away due to its bullet speed and arc. So I guess you need to include the fact that DEs are more for close and mid-ranged combat.

I use the Socom as my secondary because:
1. Socom is similar to DEs, just faster (reload and firing rate) and shoot only one bullet at a time.

(Deleted the socom parts cause of size of post)

1. My scale for mouse sens branches off from cheap crappy Microsoft optical mice (Most people used I've learned), but yes it is all suggestive, I just recommend high if you have a similar mouse,

2.  Don't agree here sorry, with good aim you can pull off long range shots, the only problem is how weak they get at long range.

3. Using a socom is all preference, I'm just saying I never really saw point to it, the point on low Deagles/won't hit is a good one though. Im a pure Deagle/Knife rusher so yes, I'm going to be a bit biased to socom. So Sorry for that.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 09:21:20 am by Rai-Dei »

Offline Clawbug

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2008, 09:26:49 am »
Deagles fit for every range. Just 20 minutes ago I proved that precise deagles can take off AK/AUG from long range. Sure it involved some luck, as no one is really going to have 100% accuracy over a long range due to slow bullets, but if you manage to make 3 hits, you are the winner (No legshots).

Deagles erquire patience. Good deagles can rape autos, but autos outnumber good deagles by some 1000:1, im being serious here.
eeehmm... you played on a public?
What do you mean?

I did not play on a public server, if you mean that.

And by good deagles I mean something you just dont find and say hello to. I can't even name any. Well, ok, Maybe Real Rook and Camar. I remember times, when those people hit me over and over again, no matter what I did, they just hit me. I ran, spammed nades, wormed, tred to hide - with no succes. Always, always I ended up dead with autos if I couldnt nade them.

and no, don't call me a "public newbie". ;)
Fight! Win! Prevail!

Offline M.rSnow

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2008, 09:30:14 am »
Your guide is assuming your  playing normal mode. I play realistic and i got a tip: "AIM FOR THE HEAD" (1 shot kill in the head)
Lapis: You need a vacation or a bullet though the head both works just fine by me.

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2008, 10:34:54 am »
Your guide is assuming your  playing normal mode. I play realistic and i got a tip: "AIM FOR THE HEAD" (1 shot kill in the head)
I got a better tip, dont use DE. they got a eat rate at about 75%.

Offline Xaero

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2008, 01:53:08 pm »
Good job. I'm getting better with Deagles these days and I hope this'll help too :)

Offline xtishereb

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2008, 02:21:37 pm »
You forgot the most important part of using Deagles: They make you feel like a badass.
High sensitivity allows you to jump over or around your target easily and still keep aiming at them. If the target has low sensitivity, it'll take them a little longer than you to line up shots. If they have a high sensitivity then at least you can get a height advantage for a bit. Be sure to not try to run around people using autos unless they're reloading, for obvious reasons. (You'll get shredded)

Anyway, thanks for the tips. If spraying with a AK-74 or an AUG ever gets boring, you can bet I'll give the Deagles some love.
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Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2008, 02:22:34 pm »
Yes, I can say with 100% sureness Deagles are the hottest, best looking weapon out there.

Offline Platehead

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2008, 07:49:09 pm »
I used to use MP5 / Minimi / AK or whatever I feel like but after using deagles they're UGLY.
Thanks Rai-Dei for answers - just about the secondary thing (I use knife) - would you also fling it first thing if there are >2 people charging you? Cause it seems to help me ;D
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Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: My Guide to the Desert Eagles.
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2008, 08:21:12 pm »
I'm not generally a fan of charging with a knife out, but yes if I have a nice clean knife shot I'll take it.