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Please learn english instead of using google translate because i cannot understand you.
function getplayerstat(id,'muted'):byte // Change result to boolean
function getplayerIDs():array of byte;var i:byte; len:integer;begin for i := 1 to 32 do if getplayerstat(i,'active') = true then begin inc(len,1); setarraylength(result,len); result[len-1] := i; end;end;
procedure onUnitCollision(id1,id2:byte);
This one has probably been suggested before, but I want this badly:Code: [Select]procedure onUnitCollision(id1,id2:byte);
procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte;Weapon: byte; HeadShot: boolean);
Procedure OnRoundEnd (ID: byte; zespołu: integer);
there's OnGameEnd already(). You can check who won by comparing team's score with max score.
function oncommand(id:byte; text:string):booleanbegin if text = '/recompile' then freeAll(); result := false;end;