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Minimi falls into the category of guns that are very high in potencial but its just hard to use. right now the boost its getting is making it replace ak. Hell now most weapon is better than ak. there are only few nowdays that are proefficient at it.
Quote from: † on April 14, 2008, 01:25:20 pmTo sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)And we still don't know if dead guys can keep a stiffy.
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
You need to play more realistic matches; the AK's the second most popular auto in realistic next to the AUG.
Minimi falls into the category of guns that are very high in potencial but its just hard to use.
STM, excur something: Explain to me how the Ak would be underpowered. It's the 2nd most used auto and primary, with 50% more kills than the 3rd most used auto - mp5.
Quote from: excruciator on May 13, 2008, 05:01:05 pmMinimi falls into the category of guns that are very high in potencial but its just hard to use.So you're saying that it should be hard to use while being made inefficient even when used well?Oh, and I did get the "point of your points". It's about how you suck at the game and are angry and frustrated because you just can't kill some guys.
Quote from: excruciator on May 13, 2008, 05:01:05 pmMinimi falls into the category of guns that are very high in potencial but its just hard to use. right now the boost its getting is making it replace ak. Hell now most weapon is better than ak. there are only few nowdays that are proefficient at it.You need to play more realistic matches; the AK's the second most popular auto in realistic next to the AUG.
Minimi needs 8 shots to kill, AK needs 9, and its quite close considering the other autos take 9 and minigun is at least 12.
Quote from: Fluffy on May 14, 2008, 08:52:29 amQuote from: excruciator on May 13, 2008, 05:01:05 pmMinimi falls into the category of guns that are very high in potencial but its just hard to use.So you're saying that it should be hard to use while being made inefficient even when used well?Oh, and I did get the "point of your points". It's about how you suck at the game and are angry and frustrated because you just can't kill some guys.for j00r info, I everytime I walk into a pub, my K:D ratio is always 3:1, with occasional 2:1s.
People are using ak not because its a great gun, is because they already know it and they don't want to abbandon it.
I don't know what DPS, DPC and all these other acronyms you guys are throwing out means, however I do know that minime is not overpowered and those statistics posted earlier by skoskav prove this fact.
In SCTFL (Those stats are from SCTFL), clans do whatever it takes to win a match, end conversation there. Most clanplayers play an extreme amount of time per day compared to more casual players and figure out the best and worst weapons extremely quickly. If using the minime would help them win the match more than using the steyr, ak, or all other weapons above minime other than minigun, then they would be using the minime, and not all those other weapons. Its as simple as that. And the way to measure overpoweredness is to see which weapons help a player or clan win the match more than they should. Minime is not one of those weapons yet.
Now here are the subjective bullsh*t some of you guys are posting in terms of why minime is used so little...1. People are not "Used" to minime and they don't want to abandon AK (The weapon they know). I don't have access to the stats with me right now so but ill just say it directly, almost every weapon in the game has varied a huge amount version to version. If people were more inclined to "Stay with the weapons they know", then Steyr (Which was not used much at all in version 1.3.1), would not have 75% more kills than the next used weapon (AK which was most used in 1.3.1). The simple fact of the matter is in the clan-scene and in clanwars, people will quickly figure out what allows them to win easier and switch over to it. Not saying everyone makes this switch, but if minime was as overpowered as you seem to believe it is, it would be used way more than it is now.
3. Bullets to kill, bullets to weaken, all this stuff is relative. If it was possible to measure how effective a 5 reload, 5 ammo, 5 damage, 5 movement accuracy would be relative to another weapon with 10 reload, 7 ammo, 6 damage, and 7 movement accuracy, then we would have a perfect weapon balance already. The only objective measure I have seen posted in this thread are the weapon usage statistics in SCTFL.
To conclude, minime is not overpowered. However I do not agree with a lower reload to minime because that is what makes the weapon unique. A damage boost or some other boost would be enough, but I would rather not see it becoming another AK with lower reload.
Quote from: excruciator on May 14, 2008, 11:03:49 amQuote from: Fluffy on May 14, 2008, 08:52:29 amQuote from: excruciator on May 13, 2008, 05:01:05 pmMinimi falls into the category of guns that are very high in potencial but its just hard to use.So you're saying that it should be hard to use while being made inefficient even when used well?Oh, and I did get the "point of your points". It's about how you suck at the game and are angry and frustrated because you just can't kill some guys.for j00r info, I everytime I walk into a pub, my K:D ratio is always 3:1, with occasional 2:1s.Oh well, totally ignoring what Isaid and bragging about your KD ratio instead is probably what I expected you to say.Quote from: excruciator on May 14, 2008, 11:03:49 amPeople are using ak not because its a great gun, is because they already know it and they don't want to abbandon it.Baseless speculation.
Er, I'm not saying the Minimi is being used and abused by everyone. I've just been noticing ALOT more clan players using them and the damage its dealing was tremendous. Atleast, alot more people using it than they did before, and I'm noticing the trickle effect of other players picking it up as well in response. Even my friends are picking it up after getting owned by one, lol. You could say they were very good players because it takes a good player to use it to such extents, but it seems like minimi vs. most guns, both with good aim the minimi wins. I say wait 6 months and see how it turns out. Its not used enough just yet to jump to any positive conclusions.
POOP. if what you say is true(that people changed a lot and people will abbandon the old one for a better one,)why dont we see a giant shift toward semi, or ruger in the previous version? Or even in this one?
clearly not all SCTFLer's seek extreme power, but control also. AND thats why auto and especially why ak is more used, just because it offers more control.
A competent Minimi user will normally win the day against an AK--if you don't take moveacc into account it does everything the AK can and more.The main advantage an AK user has against other autos or Semis is that their low firing rate and large clip allows them to outlast and then kill the other player while they are reloading, since you still have ammo left. The control also allows you to fire and kill from ranges that put HK and AUG at a disadvantage.A Minimi, on the other hand, enjoys the same benefits the AK has--just more of it. The balance is it's terrible moveacc. There may be some places on the map a Minimi will be a big disadvantage at because of it, while the AK can still hold it's own. It's not overpowered--it's just more specialized than an AK.
Quote from: excruciator on May 15, 2008, 11:17:12 amPOOP. if what you say is true(that people changed a lot and people will abbandon the old one for a better one,)why dont we see a giant shift toward semi, or ruger in the previous version? Or even in this one?There weren't any great shifts towards semis the latest versions because they didn't get buffed enough to suddenly be more lethal and reliable than the autos.