Author Topic: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns  (Read 27338 times)

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2008, 02:52:13 am »
now looks better, but that shading don't fits perfectly, now looks a bit 3d, but really nice

Good job with the gostek

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2008, 05:31:45 am »
Your shading is good I like it, now try to add texture, It would be a good addition to these weaps and they'd look awesome.

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2008, 06:24:54 am »
>.< Henito Kisou-style shading...
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Offline Henito Kisou

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #43 on: May 10, 2008, 09:31:43 am »
>.< Henito Kisou-style shading...
O_O Detailed outline->texture+progressive shading? Bullbollocks...
Not to mention sometimes 'regressive shading' is used or just 'texture'.

Btw, nice gosteks, looks ok for me.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2008, 09:45:00 am by Henito Kisou »

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2008, 12:00:18 pm »
You don't have to shade weapons to make it great.
That you need some shading.

Make it look great... unhhunh.

Yes, a weapon does not need shading to be great. But it does need shading when you want to make a crappy weapon appear great, which in the end still isn't great.

IMO in game is much more important than interface gfxs.

Heartily agreed -- used to ignore menu graphics altogether but once you get more experience modding you'll realize they're a huge part of the mod -- you don't mod, excruciator.

First of all, I did try to make a gun, its not entirely a failure.
second of all, eventhough it was my first time modding, I am pretty sure that a lot of people agrees that in game its much more important than menu. And it is much harder when you only have couple of pixel to work with. I wouldn't completely ignore the menu graphics, but I certainly would take ingame gfx much more seriously than menus.
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #45 on: May 11, 2008, 01:11:12 pm »
*Since you claim not to care what other people think then why did you post a revised version with a darker SKS? See below:

To stop you from bîtching constantly, perhaps.

*** You obviously do care what we think. If you didn't care then why would you show us this mod in the first place?

For the people who might want to use it, maybe?

The best mods have a lot of love and attention put into them.

Oh god, you can't be serious.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2008, 08:26:29 pm by Lord Frunkamunch »
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #46 on: May 11, 2008, 02:00:18 pm »
That's because we're all too dumb to resize our graphics from existing material. You're so smart I don't know what to say!
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2008, 02:41:57 pm »
Oh man, that really cut me to the core. Who needs a relevant case when you have such biting sarcastic wit?

God dammit Espadon, that's exactly what I was talking about 3 posts ago. Backed into a corner? Resort to childish mudslinging!

Get your head out of your ass. Since when the hell did you become the god of all things artistic? Just because someone doesn't do things your way doesn't make them wrong. It's almost funny the way you say you're the only one being realistic with your criticism to justify being an asshole, when you lap up the bullshit heaped on your ego at every given opportunity.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2008, 02:44:57 pm by Lord Frunkamunch »
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #48 on: May 11, 2008, 03:46:56 pm »
God dammit Espadon, that's exactly what I was talking about 3 posts ago. Backed into a corner? Resort to childish mudslinging!

Get your head out of your ass. Since when the hell did you become the god of all things artistic? Just because someone doesn't do things your way doesn't make them wrong. It's almost funny the way you say you're the only one being realistic with your criticism to justify being an asshole, when you lap up the bullshit heaped on your ego at every given opportunity.

And so we are both hypocrites.
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Offline Magus86

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #49 on: May 11, 2008, 11:57:36 pm »

updated a few things on the first page again.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 12:23:13 am by Magus86 »

Offline Mangled*

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2008, 04:26:17 pm »
*Since you claim not to care what other people think then why did you post a revised version with a darker SKS? See below:

To stop you from bîtching constantly, perhaps.*

*** You obviously do care what we think. If you didn't care then why would you show us this mod in the first place?

For the people who might want to use it, maybe?**

The best mods have a lot of love and attention put into them.

Oh god, you can't be serious.***

* I'm not bîtching. But I think you know Magus is real life otherwise there's no reason I can find for you to be protecting him from critisism.

**Oh yeah, so he doesn't care about the mod but does care enough to share it. He does care about the mod and that was my point.

*** Love and attention as in actually taking effort to make sounds rather than rip them or paying close attention to detail rather than naively generalising in every possible sense. Bothering to shade rather than using flat colours you selected from paint.

The mod looks a lot better now that it's shaded. Funny that isn't it? It's as if he listened to feedback and then cared enough to act upon it.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 04:28:30 pm by Mangled* »
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Offline Espadon

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #51 on: May 14, 2008, 04:32:12 pm »
Oh, please stop aggravating this issue, Mangled. Someone finally got him on the right track; don't mess it up with the pessimism that old-timers tend to develop [sometimes for good reasons].

As far as I see it Frunk's just making some quips to slightly neutralize the edge in your comments. It's over with.
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Offline blackdevil0742

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2008, 04:58:15 pm »
*Avoids all the blind fire*

I don't really see anything wrong with your mod and I don't understand why you got attacked(didn't notice this topic until now so things might have been updated).

Seeing all these modern, WWI, and WWII mods for the past months all I can say is that this mod is welcoming. It's colorful and different and I like that.

 I encourage you to continue but put some more effort and do the dirty work(detailed interface weapons) next time before you release a mod. You might think that the weapons menu is unimportant as the in game gfx are what counts  and I agree but... the interface is what attracts the crowd. When doing a mod you have to balance the whole thing or else it's just going to look messy.


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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #53 on: May 14, 2008, 09:23:20 pm »
Mangled, you idiot. I never said I didn't care about the mod. I said I didn't care what people who've come to flame and twat at me think.

I fixed the AKS74U. now it's closer in size to the AK...
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 09:51:24 pm by Magus86 »

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2008, 09:34:38 pm »
I'm not bîtching. But I think you know Magus is real life otherwise there's no reason I can find for you to be protecting him from critisism. *

Oh yeah, so he doesn't care about the mod but does care enough to share it. He does care about the mod and that was my point. **

Love and attention as in actually taking effort to make sounds rather than rip them or paying close attention to detail rather than naively generalising in every possible sense. Bothering to shade rather than using flat colours you selected from paint. ***

*Yes you are were, and no I don't. You're just easy targets.
**Covered in the above post.
***I was more laughing at the "love" part. I know that a decent mod takes time.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #55 on: May 14, 2008, 10:50:58 pm »
I plan to do some more modding, I'm just not sure exactly what I want to do right now. I'd like to experiment with doing more than just changing the way the weapons look... Also, I'd like to get a better understanding of the gosteks. Maps too. Hmm... We'll see.

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #56 on: May 15, 2008, 02:19:04 pm »
Try messing around with weapons.ini. That's the most fun part of modding.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Magus86

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #57 on: August 05, 2008, 09:31:50 pm »
UPDATE: I added the interface from my Rogue Spear mod and changed the knife, law, and chainsaw graphics to the ones from my RS mod as well. Also changed the ammo part of the interface. updated pictures/link on the first page.

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #58 on: August 18, 2008, 09:33:10 pm »
thanx its so nice

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Re: Magus 86's Gosteks & Guns
« Reply #59 on: June 08, 2012, 07:32:43 am »
I love those very much, but the links are broken. Any way we can download them again?