Author Topic: Soldat Bloopers  (Read 8384 times)

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Offline CrashMan

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Soldat Bloopers
« on: May 14, 2008, 07:41:18 pm »
I see a lot of people having fun boasting about kill counts and amazing turn-the-tides situations against countless foes...

But let's have a change of topic, here.

You ever have one of those moments where you got your ass TOTALLY HANDED TO YOU, but on the upside, the manner of your death was so surprising and hilarious, you can't help but realize that it was pretty awesome? Maybe you threw a grenade at some enemy who ran away, then as you chased after them, you stepped on it and blew yourself so violently that your head actually flew OUT of the map area? (You'd actually need a couple more grenades for that, but you know what I mean.)

Let's hear about THOSE moments. Let's hear about the time Zombie #4 threw a grenade at himself, but you boldly stepped in.

Let's hear some SOLDAT BLOOPERS.

I'll make the first contribution.

I'm playing a CTF game, and I'm on Alpha team. There's a bot sitting nearby who LOOKS like an enemy, so I start throwing grenades at 'im. A couple of explosions later the guy isn't dead yet. Finding this particularly odd, I run up and hit him point-blank with a blast from my on-hand M79, effectively blowing the crap out of myself. As I die, the guy stands up and walks off, and I realize by his shirt color that he is an Alpha Team bot. Oh, the irony.

Better yet, RECORD a blooper for us if you can! You can do this by hitting F8 as you play. A message will pop up telling you "Demo# is being recorded" or something like that. Hit F8 again to stop recording.

In order to PLAY a demo, go into the JOIN GAME menu, and in the IP textbox, input the filename of the demo (without the ".SDM"), and then in Port, simply put 0. Then click "Join Game", and instead you can view the demo.

I'd suggest you rename your demo so it won't be saved over other people's Demo files if you put it up for download.

Thanks to "Lone Wolf" and "L33t noob" for this info.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 10:24:36 pm by CrashMan »

Offline STM1993

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2008, 09:21:23 pm »
Okay, not exactly a blooper, but something stupid I did.

I was in Duck Hunt as a red team player. I tried using this method of distraction, I would type:

SPARTA                             SPARTA                          SPARTA                    SPARTA
Aim here!           No!                                                        Aim here!
You are out of ammo.                               Press 'R' to reload.


or some other stuff and then enter. I hoped to throw off some of the blue guys' aiming, which worked quite well sometimes (as you can see from the little diagram of how it would look like above). But later, when some other guy came in, he wasn't distracted by those words at all ; in fact it made him hit me over 95% of the time, though I made him laugh pretty hard, especially when I typed "I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie world".

That guy was Car FrEaK.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 09:29:41 pm by STM1993 »

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 12:43:37 am »
This has happend three times: I was shot by some guy with Spas-12 a few times and of-course I died, but then they'd continue to shoot my dead body until it slowly floated up. So there I was, dead, flying, and the dude was so interested in me that he got shot(happend once). I assume this happens to many other people.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 12:46:19 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 04:43:07 am »
^^That happens to me all the time.  I'm usually sawing away at some guy's freshly-killed corpse.. then BANG! I'm dead myself.  It's fun to do it tho :)

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Offline Platehead

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 05:03:36 am »
Okay, not exactly a blooper, but something stupid I did.

I was in Duck Hunt as a red team player. I tried using this method of distraction, I would type:

SPARTA                             SPARTA                          SPARTA                    SPARTA
Aim here!           No!                                                        Aim here!
You are out of ammo.                               Press 'R' to reload.


or some other stuff and then enter. I hoped to throw off some of the blue guys' aiming, which worked quite well sometimes (as you can see from the little diagram of how it would look like above). But later, when some other guy came in, he wasn't distracted by those words at all ; in fact it made him hit me over 95% of the time, though I made him laugh pretty hard, especially when I typed "I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie world".

That guy was Car FrEaK.

I've played with Car Freak, he is a hawkeye with barret o_O

For me, I have a memory blank as to which map but it was CTF - the enemy flag was in a nice little cave.
On a very stupid instinct, I nade spam inside.  Seeing as it failed, I proceeded to nail the one and only defender with my knife.
I step in, snatch the flag, and blow myself to bits.

EDIT: Think it is ctf_Run
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 05:08:10 am by Platehead »
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." -- Augustine

Offline adam01526

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 01:36:15 pm »
i am on an inf map and there is this person with a barret and i have a barret as well he missed me and i missed too. my barret had reloaded i was about to fire but i accidently changed to my secondary weapon and got killed :)

Offline CrashMan

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 01:41:13 pm »
I sometimes play on a public server with Zero72, where one of the maps is inf_Messner. Now, lemme just say that sometimes we get REALLY bored, and for the hell of it we try to kill ourselves with grenades, knives and such.

I've personally made it a habit, on this particular map, to see how far a multi-grenade explosion will throw me. I find that I get some of the best results while using THIS PARTICULAR SLOPE. Toss a couple of grenades down into the bottom there and walk right into them while going backwards. On some occasions, a 5-or-6 pile explosion had sent me soaring across the ENTIRE MAP, arcing right above both mountains and splatting into the opposite wall. Good times...

In other news, if you stand right where I'M standing in that picture, you can survive with barely 1 or 2 hp left. It's a nice way to get a boost.

Offline -Vis-

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 04:20:58 pm »
This is back from 1.3.1. Tried to nade a guy in a box in R/S mode, and wasn't really expecting what happened next. Polybugs ftl. :P;10233223;/fileinfo.html

Offline CrashMan

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2008, 05:25:26 pm »
... How'd you record that? I'd make some videos of my own if I could...

Offline Lone-Wolf

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2008, 06:17:42 pm »
... How'd you record that? I'd make some videos of my own if I could...

Press F8 to record demos.
To view demos, just include the demo name in the JOIN GAME MENU, and choose port 0.

Offline L33t noob

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2008, 06:23:36 pm »
To View Demos: The Ip should be demo (and the number that popup on your screen when you press F8)
For example:
Ip: Demo1
Port: 0
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Offline Lone-Wolf

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2008, 06:51:39 pm »
This is back from 1.3.1. Tried to nade a guy in a box in R/S mode, and wasn't really expecting what happened next. Polybugs ftl. :P;10233223;/fileinfo.html

That's awesome man. xD

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2008, 01:53:04 am »
Classic Vis! Hahaha, I'm sure we've all had one of those moments..
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline Platehead

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2008, 02:41:29 am »
I just remembered another one I had..
I was in low route in a CTF using my knife and met a deagler.  Killing him, I saw another guy jump in.
Then... I picked up the *knife*, and hurled it at him.  Not sure if the deagles whacked him hard in the head, but in Soldat it doesn't matter.  So he killed me until I died. =P
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." -- Augustine

Offline STM1993

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2008, 04:12:24 am »
I made a fatal mistake in CTF just now today.

I grabbed the flag and ran. I wanted to throw the flag, hoping either someone would grab it or at least make it harder for the chasers to find it etc. So happened that the flag got stuck on a poly on top... =.=

Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2008, 06:21:30 am »
This is back from 1.3.1. Tried to nade a guy in a box in R/S mode, and wasn't really expecting what happened next. Polybugs ftl. :P;10233223;/fileinfo.html

Omg xD

When I saw the end of that vid, when the guy dies, I started typing something on my keyboard...  and then realized it was a movie :/  been plaing too much

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Offline TheV

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2008, 04:57:53 pm »

Playing Tw_ColdMorning

Had already killed the opposing team, and gotten the flag, while running for my base, I was blue, I cross the lake, and jump over the first house, well tried really... I hit the corner and was thrown into the ground. Fecking Polies...

Offline kittycat

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2008, 11:13:19 pm »
i was on a trench war map u know all of those boxes and stuff :P
 i had flag i was running as fast i could i threw nade in front of me to get a boost
it hit a box :P instead i went flying back into like 4 bravo guys and got raped D:
hey everyone go to\/ and go put feedback on the HLT mod by espadon, its the best.

Offline Murska

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2008, 09:46:58 am »
Heh. I had captured the red flag and was going toward my base, being chased by this one guy with steyr. Well, I ran backwards, shooting at him with my AK, and finally managed to kill him just as I dropped towards our flag. I started typing in midair, 'Yay!', and hit the ground RIGHT NEXT to our flag, killing myself. Needless to say, another red came by and returned. :/
When you're in the bottom of a deep rocky pit, and you think you can't get any lower, god hands you a shovel.

Offline CrashMan

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Re: Soldat Bloopers
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2008, 04:32:04 am »
I had the enemy flag, and some guy from the other team was chasing me. All I had on me was the knife, so I threw it at the guy. And not bothering to wait for the "You killed (whoever)" sign, I kept right on running as soon as I heard the "Your knife hit him" noise, as I was pretty sure he'd be dead. Thing is, he survived somehow. And not only that, the next thing he did was pick up the knife I threw, and throw it BACK.

Unlike him, I did NOT survive.