Author Topic: Futuristic inf_Server  (Read 1882 times)

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Offline Gnoblar

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Futuristic inf_Server
« on: May 18, 2008, 02:06:52 am »
I've been learning how to use the soldat polyworks, and I have made some pretty good maps, but they are far from finished. I will be putting a dedicated server up (It would use snowy's zombie script 3.1 but I don't know how to use scripts (it's in the "scripts" folder I don't know what to do from there). And I took some screens of the latest map, based on and named after the battlefield 2142 map "Fall of Berlin". Take a peek:

The server is Australian, but won't be up for a while.

UPDATE: ok. I've nailed "Fall of Berlin" which is actually really really fun. There are also some nice sniper spots. The map is actually made for Infiltration, which is exactly what the Zombie server will be. I am making some more BF2142 themed maps, but currently I am working on a map called inf_the wall which includes a nice big wall to hold out the zombies.

UPDATE: I have decided to make the server an INF server, with lot's of attackers and few defenders. Players will have the option of joining either. The maps will be very bias in advantage to the defenders, this is deliberate as if the attackers take two flags then they win! Alternatively the defenders win if they hold out for 8 minutes or get 60 points. No more zombies. It is also a good server for those gamers who are using a futuristic mod. They will be set in around 2100's. They are inspired on BF2142.

Topic heading change.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 04:18:35 am by Gnoblar »

Offline Pie

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Re: Futuristic inf_Server
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2008, 05:58:00 am »
Looks pretty good, you should consider making some TW maps.
Looking good.
Lol, internets.

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: Futuristic inf_Server
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2008, 08:50:52 pm »
Good, we don't need another zombie server because Domino's and some others are enough ;), plus your server idea sounds very fun. I would play it some time whenever I got the chance.

Offline Gnoblar

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Re: Futuristic inf_Server
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 05:12:00 am »
Good, we don't need another zombie server because Domino's and some others are enough ;), plus your server idea sounds very fun. I would play it some time whenever I got the chance.

Yeah, my next map, a jungle one (pics posted soon) is a bastard to make. Getting appropriate terrain is really hard. It is also set in a "Paradise" with a pristine swimming pool and a nice hotel (which you can go inside and defend against the attackers.

Looks pretty good, you should consider making some TW maps.
Looking good.

Really? That's a massive complement. Thanks. I don't know though. My maps have weird polygon ans I don't know how to make it fade out to black at the bottom so it look like the ground.

Offline Evil Noob

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Re: Futuristic inf_Server
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2008, 01:28:06 am »
Ooh that's pretty good but the buildings are a bit bare..