I didn't take time to watch the demos, but looks like you have taken time to make them, so you have my congrats.
Anyway, a large slice of Soldat fans don't know about this forum, what's to say about the newbs?
If they somehow download the demos, learn how to play them and understand your lessons...
Your work will not be in vain.
People don't like being told how to do what they do not the way they feel it should be done (@_@).
Net lifers are usually sensitive (or mad and denied from the society) so they'll take everything you give as advice as "a try to brainwash me, steal my skills and fill me up with his ego knowledge".
The best manual is experience. There is no paper/video manual which could replace your experiences.
So if newbs want to taste lead, they gotta go straight in its way and live through it.
PS: This topic is about teaching newbs how to play TW, right? If not, my point had no point >:O
Don't pay attention, I started thinking too deeply recently.