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Quote from: Vilho on May 27, 2008, 06:28:37 pmEven if Jesus existed, he wasn't the only one who got crucified, turned water into wine, had 12 disciples not to mention, had done all he did and now we're talking about centuries and thousands of years. There have been several sons of gods who have been born on the same day as Jesus, died around the same age as he and which have everything in common. Jesus is one of the many Messiah's, and he just happens to be our time's Christ.Um. What? Where did you hear this?
Even if Jesus existed, he wasn't the only one who got crucified, turned water into wine, had 12 disciples not to mention, had done all he did and now we're talking about centuries and thousands of years. There have been several sons of gods who have been born on the same day as Jesus, died around the same age as he and which have everything in common. Jesus is one of the many Messiah's, and he just happens to be our time's Christ.
--- Psycho it's like this. Maybe my life was changed for the better when I took up this faith. Even if God isn't real, I am still happier in believing He is, so why give it up?
I used to believe in god, so I think I've been there yes.
If I look at the big picture, in which we are nothing but measly dustballs, and there's one hope for me to get out of it all alive - thank you very much, I'll take it. You name what I lose, how am I a worse man than anyone else this way, and I'll convert to scientology.
QuoteI used to believe in god, so I think I've been there yes.You used to, but clearly not enough.
8th Account You say the Bible was not very 'globalized' and well preserved, but over 24000 partial and complete texts of the New Testament were discovered between the first known manuscript and when the document was authored (about 25 years?). You can compare this to Homer's Iliad which had about 600 texts within 500 years. In fact the rapid globalization of the Bible has been a popular argument by Christians in support of the Bible.
There was more than one author of a long period of time who wrote the Bible - and hundreds of witnesses to support a few events mentioned in the Bible. Can't this be seen as a primitive form of the scientific method?
Now a few more thoughts:The Bible was altered during its authoring stages and today is still being altered (altered here means changing metaphors, and implications). The Bible continues to be researched not only in meaning but validity. It is still not a solid, reliable historical book.The Theory of Evolution also continues to be altered today. Various experiments and even observations have further approved the theory. ... But is it solid yet? Is it completely flawless and is no further study needed to validate the Theory?In the end, I still believe it comes down to age.
As someone who studies evolution, tell me a flaw with it.Anyways Darwin married his cousin and collected seagulls.-=EditMy god I just disproved evolution right there.-=Edit2Why is pigeons filtered into seagulls-=Edit3-=Edit4The modern synthesis makes evolution essentially factual, otherwise all modern biology is messed up O_o
As for the bible, it didn't use reliable facts to begin with. It's as good as impossible to uncover good enough data nowadays that would classify it as a scientific theory.
I expect that at least the major debaters, ie. 8th Account, The Geologist and Onegram, would watch the first part
Why have fish that spend their entire lives underground in cave-pools go blind? Evolution.
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
Whats that supposed to mean? If you mean brainwashed beyond having the capability to look objectively at the matter and make my own decision instead of going blindly with the sheepflock, then no.
Concerning 8th_account's reply from page 2 - Carbon Dating vs other isotopes:At least twice in my post I said that I wasn't limiting my discussion to carbon dating. I'm well aware of the limitations of carbon dating.Concerning 8th_account's reply - StratigraphyI believe that different layers of the earth are different ages. That's only logical. However, I think that they were laid down significantly faster than you do. I'll address that a bit later, when I talk about the Genesis flood.
Concerning 8th_account's reply - Transitional FossilsI'm aware of the existence of "transitional fossils", but they assume that a similar structure implies chronological order. Aside from dating methods (which can't necessarily be trusted, as I'll show later), there's no proof that they are a link between two other fossils. Is a platypus just a transition between a duck-like creature and a furry mammal? And where are the real transitional fossils, the ones that show bones and other things like that evolving? In horse evolution, we see one fossil with three toes and another with one toe. However, we don't actually see toes forming or degenerating. We just see very distinct fossils that only slightly resemble each other. More can be found here: http://www.sciencevsevolution.com/horseevolution.html
Concerning The Geologist's reply from page 2 - Millions of years required to form the geologic layersThis is a common misconception that is simply not true. For example, even evolutionists have to admit that the layers surrounding polystrate fossils must have formed quickly. Other notable examples are man-made objects found in coal and other rocks that take "millions of years" to form, as well as soft tissue somehow preserved in dinosaur bones:http://www.byerly.org/whatifo.htmhttp://www.strangemag.com/erraticenigmatics.htmlhttp://www.skybooksusa.com/time-travel/experime/paleozoi.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/truedino/sherlock.htm#Dino%20TissueFossilization and petrification also can happen quickly. There are fossils of dinosaurs giving birth, fish eating other fish, and so on. This couldn't happen if it took millions of years for fossils to form.
As for the page's content, they're using textbooks from the 1950s as references.
If this is how you aquire your arguments then you should stop posting here right away. You've disqualified yourself as a reasonable and intelligent debater by using extremly baised and unreliable sources.
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating. If you're a Christian, you're obligated to believe the entire Bible. Otherwise, you're just picking and choosing which parts are true and which are false, and that's no religion. That's you living how you want and believing what you want and pretending that you have the support of a religious book. Therefore, Bible-believing Christians have to accept creationism as fact, or else it would undermine all that we believe in. After all, if we decide that the Bible is wrong about creation, what's to stop us for saying that it's wrong about how to get into heaven?
Quote from: 8th_account on May 28, 2008, 05:16:01 pmAs for the page's content, they're using textbooks from the 1950s as references.Oh snaps. Didn't even notice that. On the other hand, the horse evolution list is exactly the same as the one here, except Wikipedia had added Parahippus. Incidentally, it seems the the main issue you have with the site is its out-of-date quotes, and not with any errors in the description of the horse evolutionary tree.
Quote from: 8th_account on May 28, 2008, 05:16:01 pmIf this is how you aquire your arguments then you should stop posting here right away. You've disqualified yourself as a reasonable and intelligent debater by using extremly baised and unreliable sources.Extremely biased? If they present accurate facts, how does the bias matter? I don't tell you that your sources aren't credible because they're extremely biased towards evolution, despite the fact that that's definitely the case. When rocks and fossils and genetics and all that are studied, the scientists ask, "How does this support evolution?" instead of "What might this imply for other theories?" That's called a confirmation bias, and there's no way you can say that such a bias is in the best interests of the scientific community.