Author Topic: How it was like in 'those old days'  (Read 6595 times)

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Offline Slashnoob

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How it was like in 'those old days'
« on: July 22, 2006, 09:47:53 pm »
this thread's goal is to show the newcomers, or the semi-old folks how it was like in the very glorious old times.
if anyone has anything to add, or feel like fixing anything i've said, feel free to.

i'll start since the creation of 1.0.5, cause before that happened soldat was just random chaos.


after 1.0.5 went out, (while b00sta aka Amblin was a little whiner whining cause nobody has appreciated his clan seeking info page ;P ) and the very old gray forums were replaced by the new blue dnagames ones, things started to get a shape in soldat, like stable clans being formed ( sv| being one of them), permenant servers, and so on.

seeing a "forum person" ingame back then was an unusual event followed by heaps of excitement and spamming, and brought an unusual feeling of motivation to play as good as you can.
anyhow, the people most known to be 'good' or even 'the best' were outcast, meandor, soldatstriker and Mr. Khan (those are the only ones i remember being exceptionally good at that time).
there weren't any very active, or widely-known leagues or tournaments back then, and the only gamemodes were DM, TDM, CTF, pointmatch and rambomatch.

cheaters at that time had a blast. with soldat having no kind of anti-cheat protection, you'd be lucky to join a server without atleast 2 cheaters using barret\m79 which shoots a billion bullets per second.

after 1.1, while the whole change in graphics made an uproar on the forums, a serious league was in it's born stages; the SCTFL. (Soldat Capture the Flag League)
that league was first launched at 1.3 i believe, and had the oldschool clans such as [RGN], sv|, NWA, [BA], -{S;S}-, |bt|, [SaD], 2wai, *skulls*, and so on and on and on.
back then clanwars meant very much. since the community was much smaller than it is now, clanmatches' results were known throughout almost the entire community, IRC or forums.
there was a fear of playing clanmatches out of facing the fearsome players for that time, like sv|Rotmos (his m79), or 2wai|iL`nADj (his ak) etc.
many matches have ended with a huge forums\irc arguements with both the winning and the losing clan, and by that increased the willing of clans to win the event.

the next SCTFL was much more professional - specific rules were made, lame attitude was a point decrease reason and so on.
a contest which competing in was a real pleasure.

anyway, version 1.4 have brought in the anti-lag feature, which enables you to hit the actual target if you want to kill it. dont understand? well,
at previous versions you'd have to "lag aim" your targets - for example say, a player was running to the left; you had to shoot to the direction he was running to, while taking in mind his exact course and speed, and your ping, then shooting infront of him. very frustrating yet fun.

version 1.4, along with the versions 1.5, 1.6, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and so on, are (i think) most rememberable due to the constant complaints against the barret; it was considered overpowered by many MANY people.
huge forum battles took place between barret users, and non barret users. (me and chakra have a very fat history in that area)
the barret in version 1.3-1.5 was dead accurate aslong as it was aimed to the lower-right, or the upper left angles. in the next version that was changed and all the angles were more or less balanced.
the barret was used by like 75% of the players.

at that time, the DNAgames server has been made. it took a while untill it got to a situation when it's packed with players, including a long line of awaiting ones.
mostly forum people used to play there. it was passworded, and the pass was only given away in the forums.
that server was famous for it's skill due to the fact that almost not a single noob has ever played there. it was pure skill, which mean pure fun, and an excellent server to practice. at that time, DNAgames serve was the hardest challenge to any soldater.

after 1.2.3, old players' interest in soldat have began to fade away, and with that, top clans have vanished like sv|, 2wai and so on.
leagues got boring and unmeaningfull, and the forum began to get a place only visited by random newbish spam trolls, isntead of all of the legendary known players.

i've quitted at that time (brag: while considered to be the best barret user by pretty much alot of people) and got back in this version, which i cant even remember what it is.

if you old ****s have anything to add, do so, you ****ing old ****s.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 11:01:06 pm by Slashnoob »
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2006, 10:17:13 pm »
*Sigh* It's a shame I missed that (I came around in 1.2).

By the way, many of your version numbers are messed up, ie. soldat 1.4.
shoutout to m'boyz eagles_arrows, echo_trail, wraithlike, sadistatheart, chakapoko maker, jrgp, aznblood, chakra, keron cyst, et al, miss you, let's '#gather some day

Offline Slashnoob

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2006, 10:19:29 pm »
that's a slang for 1.1.4, sorry ;P
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2006, 10:50:30 pm »
well i remember when the minigun was actually used, only socom as secondary...when there were no powerups and such...if you played often you (knew/talked too occasionally) most everyone that played. the dna styx server rocked. when there was no mapmaker released to public...then the mapmaker released...then source code of it released...then POLYWORKS....really. after i have ben playing for a long time it bother me the people who have no respect for the game. it was great back then when mm would release versions often and the community was smaller. i think it was more of a fun hobby for mm to work on the game when 3 million newbs didnt whine about small changes to game. anyways i loved the old  versions and i am a old soldat veteran lol. :)

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2006, 12:06:42 am »
It's -{S:S}- btw, not the ;

And to add on, sv| has swept the sctfl pretty much every seasons and held an amazing clan matches record. Also, another clan to note is |bt|, Spike, Tribal, Soldatstriker, Flanagan (?), TFS too I believe was in it as well. There was another guy started with a letter 'b', he was like a godly barret defender. I think I left out a few others in the |bt| but that is as far as I could remember.

I miss you Spike =(

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2006, 01:50:00 am »
Yeah  I always remembered you were a barretard and Chakra always fought with you, because barret suxxx roflcopter
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Offline MofoNofo

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2006, 02:52:13 am »
Ive been playing since 1.1.0, but when I was ever on the forums, it was just browsing. I never made an account till 1.2 (i think).

I mainly played with bots, and when i did play online, it was usually in small servers with 1 or 2 people.

Offline Outcast

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2006, 07:12:55 am »
In the beggining there was almost no competitive scene(talking about 1.0.5b). There was very few clans and even fewer clans that were actually good. The first major clan rivalry and competitivness arose with SoC - Soldiers of Courage(representing the europe elite) and -{S:S}- Silent Snipaz(respresenting the NA elite). After both clans swept aside every other clan they knew, there came a moment where they had to battle for supremacy, since there was a huge forum war on who is better. SoC won(on the NA server). I think the lineup was Mr. Khan, Soldat Striker(only NA), Me vs. Gakface, Niceguy, and whatever Optik was named at the time... (HUGE flamewar on the forums about it)....After that S:S died(don't really remember what happened) and a new era of clans arose including 2wai, sv| and alike. Offcourse the weapons dominating were m79 and barret, since m79 had longer range which wasn't soldat speed dependant and barret with insta fire and no bink. Deagles were the worst weapon at the time I'd say, not counting minigun. They took 4 body shots to kill, I think.
Anyway, soon after S:S died SoC died too due to Mr. Khan dissapearing from soldat(he was the leader), along with Xorax getting inactive and Hotacid leaving soldat too(It's a shame, really, best sniper ever at the time). Anyway...things went along with more version, but I don't really remember how things went, I was inactive for a few months and things just moved too fast for me remember, also I started smoking weed then and my memory is really ****ed.

These are some of the people that are worthy to remember from that time :
Xorax - Best auger at the time and a really nice guy, was in SoC
Il'Nadj - Best AKer at the time and also a nice guy..
Mr. Khan - After all, he made SoC ;)
HotAcid - Best sniper at the time and my dueling partner for 6 months of intensive 1on1 for several hours per day. Also the only guy to win me 1on1 occasionally at the time :P
Soldat Striker - Good m79er and a very good teamplayer.
Niceguy - He really was a nice guy.
Tribal - If he still plays? He helped me a bit with mastering mp5 back then since he was the master of it.
Superkill - Ze nab that I saved from ignorance of thinking minigun is the best. Kicked his ass in a duel with m79 and he switched to it ;) Remember supa? :D

Also some more memorable moments from my carreer :
Teaching stalky how to use m79, it was hopeless, at the time. He missed everything then we got into a fight and I stopped teaching him. Allthough we liked eachother on the beggining. He was just too noob at the time :P
Teaching Jaz how to use m79, offcourse we also got into a fight when he started copying my style.
Also teaching some more people(which I don't remember really), and playing duels with way too many. Those were my golden days of m79 supremacy and way too many duels ;)
I think I even wrote a tutorial about duels and different m79 playing styles for duels, and how the psyche affects a lot in duels. And clanwars.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 07:16:15 am by Outcast »

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2006, 08:11:59 am »
I've started playing 3 years ago(dunno wich version) but I played offline only(I didn't had adsl and teh computer wasn't mine back then. Then after a couple of months I've started playing with 56k(lol)!!!
And a year or so ago I got adsl and all that stupid bot fights came out to be rewarding.

Offline Slashnoob

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2006, 10:08:57 am »
gah so many stuff i forgot about like SoC and that.
anyway Spyder i know it was S:S but i thought the forum code will replace ":S" with a smiley so i used "S;S" :p
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2006, 10:21:58 am »
Remember when the saw first appeared? It was instant kill, and when you spawned you didn't have that brief moment of invincibility. Publics were fookin' chaos. Good times.

S'part of the master plan with these new forums to bring back the 'dna days'. In good time. The forums -needs- a communal place to play, doesn't it.

n2j3's back by the way. Kinda bringing back 2wai but it won't be much match against the 12-hour-a-day pro's that are around today.
S'point. I should ask him just how he (n2j3) got the password to the beta testing forums back then. He 'sent me in' to get the beta version for him.... next thing I know I ended up beta testing for a year or so.
MM; seriously Chakra, stop the fisting
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Offline Slashnoob

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2006, 10:37:24 am »
probably the way everyone got it.. leaking.
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2006, 01:18:53 pm »
I remember watching my friend like 2 or 3 years ago, no noobs, no M79 over-users (sumtimes, but that waz fair game then)  I liked it, and a year or so later I waz playing becide him, then a FLOOD of ppl came anfd ruined it. And those good old clans shutdown and everything I liked about the game becides the overall fun gameplay dissapeared. I want it back   >:(

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2006, 09:58:17 pm »
Im still around from the 1.0.5b days. A.K.A  Sofa_king was mah name. Best at at useing Heavy weapons. (LAW,Mini-Gun A.k.A AC)
Now with the new forum and all,
The names HWguy (Heavy weapons guy for u TFC nubs ;) )

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2006, 10:58:51 pm »
I remember the days of 1.2.1 (thats when i first started, as soon as that came out), always dominated by Auto spray, cause it didnt do less damage off screen, and no self bink, so you had bullet hoses, and constant whining about how powerfull the mp5 was ( god i loved that gun in 1.2.1). and pubs not full of m 79s, but rather barretts and campers galore.  I also remember ctf_Chernobyle and how fun it was and a few other maps as well, then 1.3 came out and introduced Self bink and alot of auto users whined about how autos are useless now, and zomg teh barrett.  i havent been around too long, but i remember my good old days of the wounderousness soldat and how amazing it was, and intence it used to be, and being so happy getting my first cap :P
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2006, 11:46:53 pm »
Crap, do I feel old now...

You bastard  :P
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2006, 08:56:23 pm »
Only thing I miss is the old knife. Used to be pretty good with it in my opinion, since the delay i've never been able to use it too well.

Sniphs video's bring good memories. =3
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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2006, 09:10:53 pm »
I'm old but I'm very little known I do not know what version I came from but I am 3-4 years player :P

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2006, 10:21:14 pm »
I also remember ctf_Chernobyle and how fun it was and a few other maps as well

I loathed the day ctf_Chernobyl was added as a default map.  That was probably about the time I switched to R/S servers.

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Re: How it was like in 'those old days'
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2006, 12:15:31 am »
I like reading this... i comed on 1.2 and i have my own old memories.