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What you can do is place a picture of kit on the map, but not an actual kit object like the one you might see in a map maker. No one will no the difference ingame, though.
why would it cause wrong map version? as long as you compile the map it should be fine.
They won't be able to join unless they can dl it. And they can dl it only when the name of the map is NOT in "readinly.txt" in soldat folder.
Yeah, simply have a godmode script, so that everyone's health is 100% or above at all times, unless it disrupts your plans.
You could spawn a dummy bot.EDIT: MaybehEDIT2: Not sure about placement. MovePlayer doesn't work on bots I think.EDIT3: Or you could just make sure everyone always has full health >_>
You can do that, I assume this is for climbing or something, just make a thing in on player damage that checks if the damage being done will kill him, if not then no damage is done, if so then do 1000 damage
And as the lyrics go in the United State's national anthem: "America, f**k YEAH!".