- Ingame Nick = ^_H1p'Pi3>
- Contacting possibilities = Xfire(dudedoyouknowme) or MSN(
- Favourite gametypes = CTF,INF,DM and Knife only
- Favourite weapons = AK,HK,Steyr,Ruger,Deagles,Spas
- You play since... ? = Started playing Soldat from 1.3.1Â
- Where are you from? = FinlandÂ
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience) = over 15 clans and I don't want to name 'em allÂ
(.#S!N",MC|,pZ',#SpArTa",[X] 4 exampleÂ
- Rating of your own skill =Â 7/10 U can tg me if u wantÂ
- Why do you want to join a clan? = I don't like being clanlessÂ
+ I think a mentionable thing is that I use taunts more than 99% of people