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By being created in God's image, everything we do must have some minor aspect of God in it. Otherwise we'd be no better than Satan and demons, who are beyond redemption.
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
Clearly, literal interpretation of the Bible/Qoran/Halakha is wrong.
Okay, so we pretty much agree that personal interpretations of spiritual meaning is where it's at
Satan is also a God, is he not?
(Sorry if I am unintelligent, since the knowledge I have only comes from a school text book...)
If you were designing a robot, would you make thousands of self-assembling nanobots and see what happened, or would you just build the robot the way you wanted to?And why should God, who can see the past, present, and future simultaneously, bother with evolution? If he does have feelings, then the thrill of creation would be in the act of creating, not in watching organisms take excessively round-about ways to get to the design that he had already planned. Seems to me like the best course of action is to make animals the way you want to, then give them the ability to adapt to the environment that you know will change over time.
God's motivations aside, the concept of evolution is completely incompatible with the Bible. Why should God associate with humans if evolution is true? They're just animals like everything else, only they happened to evolve intelligence. I know there are people who will jump on me for saying this, but evolution is essentially chance, and God would have no reason to associate with humans just because they happened to be evolutionarily lucky. Also, humans wouldn't have souls and spirits any more than animals would, meaning that either every living thing would go to heaven or hell, or dying is final. It gets more complicated than it's worth to argue that God arbitrarily picked a point in the evolution of man to determine that they were human and worth giving a soul to, especially since the whole point of evolution is that no divine intervention is required.
If you were designing a robot, would you make thousands of self-assembling nanobots and see what happened, or would you just build the robot the way you wanted to?
Why does God always seem to have his hands full with keeping Satan at bay?
... i'd make sure the robot's ass only worked one way...
... why not just give it to us straight?
( also, who said we have souls in the first place? )
The soul is the entity that composes us. You're a Christian and you don't believe in souls? That's the same as declaring you're an atheist who believes in heaven and hell! What is the thing of you that goes beyond the Earth- no, I should be saying the known physical world - if your physical body is buried, cremated, or donated to science, if you believe there's nothing beyond the body? Are you of an Abrahamic faith?
Yes, I consider the book of Revelations to be metaphorical and mythical. There is no giant seamonster, there will be no seven-headed creature rising to power, and Heaven may be just as symbolic as Hell. Then again, this universe is quite friggin' huge, and we could all end up in some brimstone filled planet of devils... but that's an option I'm highly doubting.
No, but I did say that the example was a bit crooked because we do not have two dimensional elements in ourselfes - it was merely to illustrate how something that is capable of foreseeing the events of the future stands above what we call reality.As for your other question, it's all symbolism. Unfortunately for me, I'm no scholar on the subject, and despite attending a religious high school, we never 'decoded' revelations. The only interesting things about this were borderline conspiracy-theories, with the mark of the beast on one's forehead or right hand + the identification chip they're working on, and the urban legend that barcodes have 666 hidden in them.