Author Topic: Socom has too much power?  (Read 16062 times)

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Offline Meep.

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2008, 07:47:44 am »
Yes the distance it has now makes it fine with its high power to me, just as the m79 is shorter ranged but quite powerful.  No idea about its stats in the next version though.

Offline Extacide

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2008, 05:10:33 am »
I have seen SOCOM-only users too, Excruciator. I can't think of the names because they are far too few but they do exist. And they probably don't use SOCOM-only 24/7, which would explain why you haven't seen them.

Well if they don't use SOCOM 24/7, then that means they aren't SOCOM-only users are they?

Just no. Of my years in soldat, thousands of clan matches, hundreds of league matches, my fortunate few playoff matches, there has not been one single person that uses SOCOM only. Why? Every primary gun is superior. It doesn't make sense to use an inferior gun. Which is probably why it's the most unused secondary gun next to chainsaw.

Any time some one gets SOCOM whipped, its entirely situational, or theres (obviously) a noticeable gap in the skill of the two players.

I don't lose very often in 1 on 1 fights.

Why don't you fight someone good.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 05:15:21 am by Extacide »
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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2008, 05:39:03 am »
I've seen someone called Dev who uses (almost) socom-only. Although I think I remember him having the sence to go back to primaries when the map didn't suit it or the competition was tougher. Maps like Airpirates were good for him, since the encounters are very fast and rarely more than mid range.

But its not like he had an easy time with it against better players. And considering that all the other secondaries are one-hit-kill, I don't see the Socom as particularly deadly.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 05:46:00 am by SDFilm »

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2008, 09:47:37 am »
I like how it is powerful- good as a backup to m79 barret or minigun but useless with deagles or machine guns.

Offline Ragnaros

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2009, 02:13:00 pm »
very nice guide STM1993! :) really good job

my opinion: bullet speed is veeery low. i mean its too low for primary weapon but its good enough when you are shooting back while reloading+flag-carrying cause its speed increases like knife's one

by the way SDFILM!!! i know that guy :D his name not Dev. he's Det, one of the best RUS Soldat players  :)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 01:03:29 pm by Ragnaros »

Offline TheWind

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2009, 03:23:59 am »
Socom is fine.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2009, 05:16:41 am »
Old topic.

Socom has always been fine. Ever since the first version of Soldat to introduce the USSOCOM as a replacement to the Colt 1911, the Socom's stats has practically never changed at all, except for the damage, which was always balanced according to the power of the other guns.

The Socom is a simple pistol which fires quickly (12 ticks) and accurately (no bink or movementacc). The bullets travel at a low velocity (180 bullet speed) and curves quite a lot, giving it decently short range. It can kill a full-health opponent in exactly 6 shots. It has a maximum clip size of 12 ammo, and it reloads extremely quickly. It is the only secondary that does not kill in one hit. Amazingly, the Socom proves to be an excellent backup and finisher weapon despite being unable to kill in one hit, yet it is never able to match the Primary weapons in terms of overall performance. That is a great deal for a simple weapon.

Therefore, the Socom is arguably the best balanced gun of Soldat, because it fulfills its purpose extremely well and is never too strong or too weak. This is further proven by how it has never changed except in damage (mentioned earlier).

Currently, its damage is 171. In 1.5 its damage would be changed to 173, in addition to the 75% bullet push that would apply to all guns. Considering only the damage, the Socom would still only kill in 6 shots, though it can prove more effective to finish off opponents. The Socom isn't very popular due to its inability to kill in one-hit (this is where the knife dominates), plus it requires perfect aiming to use. Having low bullet speed, it bullet speed and therefore damage over longer distances easily. Considering these and the fact that it would still kill in 6 shots, the increase in damage is a good buff.

As for 75% bullet push, no one knows its effects on any of the gun (only predicted). The Socom, though used quite similarly to an auto, shouldn't be too heavily affected by this change.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 05:23:41 am by STM1993 »