Author Topic: Socom has too much power?  (Read 16077 times)

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Offline BLANK

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Socom has too much power?
« on: July 29, 2008, 02:11:48 pm »
I think the power of the socom in relation to the clip size is unbalanced.
The firing rate can be amazingly quick if you can click quick enough and the reload time is unbelievably short, I find that this weapon can actually rival a Primary Weapon quite well and very skilled players actually use it in games as ther primary.
Does anyone else think it has too much power?

Offline jrgp

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 02:32:12 pm »
I don't think it is overpowered at all because the bullets don't go very far. In fact, I've always considered it very balanced. If you lower the damage it does, it won't be very usable.
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Offline excruciator

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 02:53:04 pm »
I find that this weapon can actually rival a Primary Weapon quite well

The question is: CAN you?

and very skilled players actually use it in games as ther primary.

I havent seen anyone using socom as a prime.

Theoredically, socom can rival with primes. But no one has that good of an aim to actually do it.

Also eventhough reload of socom is short, once you do reload when fighting a prime, you know you are dead meat.

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Offline BLANK

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 03:21:01 pm »

1.I havent seen anyone using socom as a prime.

2.Also eventhough reload of socom is short, once you do reload when fighting a prime, you know you are dead meat.

1. I have

2.Not if you can dodge really well, i can dodge a whole clip of deagles and i am sure it would reload before then

Offline The Owls

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 03:41:20 pm »
Well of course the soccom will win if the other guy misses all of his shots....

Yes it is powerful as a secondary, but think about it for a second.  Its the only non 1 hit kill secondary, not to mention has quite a horrible range.  Of course a skilled player can kill a non skilled player with any weapon with ease, but this isn't the case when you get two evenly matched players together.  The guy using the primary will win pretty much every time.

Offline Ziem

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 03:59:44 pm »
Never saw anyone using it as a primary, except myself on pub omgad

any primary except minigun > socom,
If I'm wrong, prove it.

Offline BLANK

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 04:25:55 pm »
ur wrong, proof is here
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« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 04:46:46 pm by The Geologist »

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2008, 04:30:41 pm »
ok, now i believe the socom really needs balancing omfg

Offline Sir Jeremy

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 04:50:06 pm »
Lol.  The Socom Is a bit Powerful..But Not too Powerful.  Maybe IMO it's damage should be lowered a bit more.  I mean around 5 head shots close up and u're dead xD

And it Has a pretty fast reload..But then Again I dont use the Socom :D

Offline excruciator

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2008, 06:23:53 pm »

1.I havent seen anyone using socom as a prime.

2.Also eventhough reload of socom is short, once you do reload when fighting a prime, you know you are dead meat.

1. I have

2.Not if you can dodge really well, i can dodge a whole clip of deagles and i am sure it would reload before then

1. I would like some names...

2. It is easier to dodge semis. I was thinking about autos when I replied.
Well, if you are fighing a semi, they probably know that you are going to work, so they  would generally go beyond your range of fire.

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Offline The Geologist

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2008, 06:36:58 pm »
He won't be replying, he's banned.
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Offline Chariot

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2008, 08:28:14 pm »
I have seen SOCOM-only users too, Excruciator. I can't think of the names because they are far too few but they do exist. And they probably don't use SOCOM-only 24/7, which would explain why you haven't seen them.
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Offline STM1993

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2008, 07:06:01 am »
Topic starter's gone. Anyway... about the Socom...

The Socom is a very powerful secondary, but definitely not overpowered or underpowered. It can kill in 6 shots, very good, but there is no one who can aim that well, and even so, anybody with EQUAL aim can kill someone faster and more efficiently than a Socom with a Primary. It shoots very fast, yes. It reloads very fast, that's good. Afterall, what's the Socom supposed to be? It's a freaking backup weapon and a finisher weapon. That's why it has to have such a faster reload. And if you think about it, the Socom is the only non-1-hitting secondary.

If you're not convinced and want to continue reading further...

Let's compare the Socom to all the Primaries except Minigun (its too weak), M79 and Barrett (they are one-hitters ; they stand a chance against EVERYTHING if they hit first, but they'd also be dead meat if they miss in some way)

1. Desert Eagles
Sure, they are similar ; it's as though DEs are the stronger but slower version of the Socom. However, the Desert Eagles are superior. DEs have stronger firepower (even if you count just one of the two bullets fired), slightly faster bullet speed. Sure, it reloads slower, but DEs are Primaries that reload pretty fast. Sure, it shoots slower, but it can shoot 6 bullets faster than you shoot 6 bullets from a Socom. Why? DEs shoot 2 bullets at once, and it takes 23 ticks to fire two, Socom takes 24 to fire two. Sure, less ammo, but which gun actually shoots more bullets? DEs. They shoot a total of 14 bullets from their 7 ammo clip, Socom has only 12. So, DEs > Socom.

2. MP5
MP5's like an upgrade to the Socom ; I describe it as an automatic Socom. The MP5 shoots twice as fast as the Socom, slightly higher bullet speed (almost exactly that of the DEs), has more ammo. Sure, damage per shot is lower, but the damage per second and damage per clip is superior. Sure, longer reload, but like the DEs, the MP5 is one of the fastest reloading Primaries as well. Self-bink? That's not a big issue since its an auto that's so easy to control. The MP5 can easily take down the Socom even at the Socom's most effective range.

3. AK-74
Easily one of the most accurate autos (rivaling the Aug ; some people find it easier to aim Aug). Slightly less damage per shot, sure... longer reload? sure... It's got movementacc 2 and self-bink? sure... but what? The AK has greater bullet speed (therefore better range), has got about 3.5 times the ammo of the Socom and slightly faster firing rate. The AK would easily destroy the Socom.

4. Steyr Aug
Damage per clip and damage per second is better than the Socom's. It has more ammo. Also considered one of the most accurate autos. It has higher bullet speed. The obvious winner is the Aug.

5. Spas
The Socom can beat the Spas... but only barely and is usually situational. The Spas is incredibly powerful at short range ; fast and extremely heavy damage, the only true rival to the MP5 in that aspect. Even at a longer range, the falling pellets can still do a lot of damage. And the Spas basically almost never needs to reload.

6. Ruger
At close range, MAYBE, but only if the Ruger-user's aim is quite bad. But at any other range or against one with super aim, you're asking for death. This guy kills you in 2 or 3 shots easily. And its high bullet speed gives it the range to take out the Socom. And it is known that the Ruger is very effective VS Flying enemies. And Socom's apparently only most effective in the air vs the ground or ground vs ground.

7. FN Minimi
Like the AK, except less accurate due to movementacc 4 and the reload is horrendous. You have to take note that it has so much more ammo and high bullet speed. A good Minimi-user can pwn a Socom user easy.

The only possible scenarios for a Socom to really beat a Primary is when the Primary-user is injured, reloading or is simply really bad with his weapon.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 07:08:53 am by STM1993 »

Offline adam01526

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2008, 10:48:20 am »
the socom is very powerful because it has a fast fire and reload rate but its only good if the person you are fighting gets close to you.

Offline TheV

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2008, 07:33:30 pm »
It really depends on whether or not you're talking about realistic or un-realistic mode.

I often play with only the socom and have taken out ak's, aug's, minimi's, and pretty much every other gun out there. The only real gun that I seem to have trouble with is the rett just because of its scope, but if they do miss their first shot and I get close enough I can socom rape their ass. The Socom only takes 3 hs in realistic and you can get a multi off of one clip and I have many times. There really isn't a limit to what the socom can do because of its fast reload and quick firing rate. When you compare it to the other secondaries, it really isn't underpowered because as has been stated it takes 5 shots to kill or 3 head shots, while the other three secondaries only take one hit. It can be beaten by any primary, but it really just depends on how skilled the two people are when it comes down to it. A skilled Socom user can be just as good as a skilled rugerer, and or anyother gun out there. You just have to know how to use the socom. I my self usually just rape the enemies face with 3 bullets and I usually sustain minimal damage, but that depends on the enemies skill with their weapon. So you can't really say that the socom can't take out a primary if that is what your saying.

So yeah... my thoughts.

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2008, 07:42:46 pm »
Lol.  The Socom Is a bit Powerful..But Not too Powerful.  Maybe IMO it's damage should be lowered a bit more.  I mean around 5 head shots close up and u're dead xD

And it Has a pretty fast reload..But then Again I dont use the Socom :D
It's powerful ENOUGH to be a secondary weapon. I think it's balance it's fine even though BLANK is banned for being a dumbass.

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2008, 02:06:49 am »
The socom is good for finishing people off if they are on low health and your reloaing or just dont wanna use your Baz shot on them.  if the player is on full health, you'll have a tough time getting them to 'low health' status.  In fact they would need to be very side-tracked and you would have to be getting either straight leg/head shots or you need to be very close.  normally, It's like digging a mine with a spade when they are on full HP

I have seen people use the socom as a primary before.  But only the ones that can use it.  I find it quite equal to the MP5 for a secondary weapon, but it's ammo sets it back a bit.  It doesnt generate a fuss among anyone, it just gives the pros a way to show off their skills. 

It may be overpowered for a secondary but it's not worth degrading. 

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2008, 07:01:53 am »
socom isn't any good to use with an auto. Socom is good enough to be useful which is what matters, the law and the knife both suck
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Offline adam01526

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2008, 07:56:18 am »
why not just use deagles and have a chainsaw law or knife as a secondary weapon. deagles are better than an socom so there is no need to really use it as a primary because its main use is for finishing off enemies.

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Re: Socom has too much power?
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2008, 10:56:09 am »
Soccom's my usual Barret secondary, get a kill with the barret, finish off the rest with soccom and nades. Generally works pretty well. The thing about the soccom is, unlike other secondaries, it is an actual gun, not a 1 hitter notgun. So it works better with teammates and grenades to take out more than one person. It can't destroy one person instantly, but it gives you protection against many. Therefroe its not overpowered, its for different situations and tactics.
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