Uuh, you and your layouts, I can't really prefer you continue this any further
. The bottom way the bottom thing is ugly for gameplay, otherwise I don't believe if bottom way is needed at all. Otherwise it will be only a map with basic polygons and basic elements which are already seen in default maps. I can't see the golden ideas in your designs, they seem like random impulses, that u got. I see that you wanna do something different not just basic soldat maps.
Just if you wanna try my method:
When Im making map, at first I try to make a map idea (what could make my next map unique?) (for example: Now I'm wanting to do a map with flag roll). Then I know that I'm needing a hill next to flag so flag can get roll. The rest of map will be just making it playable that means opening polyworks, designing rest of map and making map beaty.