Author Topic: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!  (Read 4950 times)

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FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« on: August 03, 2008, 08:07:39 am »

aside from the scale of your weapons, the only thing I see wrong with any of them is the MP5's stock. MAYBE the foregrip, but the stock definitely. MP5 retractable stocks do not have a flat edge. And actually, now that I see the pic of your Steyr in your sig, you screwed up the steyr stock too. It's not supposed to end in a straight vertical line. if you haven't already done so, I suggest you go to to see what they really look like. And the trigger/pistol grip guard looks too rounded on the Steyr, too.

does it really matter -.-

These things are so subliminal, and the mod isnt even directly aimed towards realism.  Besides I would have to use even more alpha-T pixels to make the steyr angled on the end of the stock, and using alpha-T just makes it even more of a pain :|  (im only using it in some places here and there, not for complete Anti-aliasing)

Well no, they're not that important, but if you're gonna put time into it, why not do it right? And why exactly would you have to do alpha-transparency? I could easily do it without that...

On this end we have Hair Trigger, using anti-alias... on that end we have Magus86...using... non anti-alias!

Rules: You must make guns of the same dimensions: 47px × 15px!!!

Pixelling challenge STARTOH

Btw, Magus, that last quote is a hell of a gem. Thanks, ciao!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 08:26:14 am by Espadon »
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Offline blackdevil0742

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Re: FACEOFF :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2008, 08:25:44 am »
luls. Pixel war >:D
I'm placing my bet on Hair|Trigger.


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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2008, 08:27:29 am »
hahah, that's gona be funny.

I say the same as blackdevil

Offline Magus86

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2008, 11:49:29 am »
what the feck...?

Uh... why is my last quote a "gem"? You don't need any special tools to make a line not go straight up and down, you know. And by the way, you obviously don't know a challenge when you "smell" one, or you wouldn't have been referring to that as a challenge.

"master of hypocrisy," huh?? And just what did I say or do that makes me a hypocrite? I made a suggestion to someone about making a gun look more true to the real gun it's based off of... That's not hypocrisy, you jackasses. Hypocrisy is telling someone to do something I refuse to do or telling someone not to do something I do all the time. I haven't done that, so fuck off and go read a dictionary before trying to use words you don't understand. what the fuck are you people, 12?

Oh no, they changed my signature and personal text... You really got me there, I think I'll go kill myself now because this forum and community mean SO much to me. Get a life, for fuck's sake.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 12:03:18 pm by Magus86 »

Offline Espadon

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2008, 11:57:11 am »
u maek me lol hard
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Offline Magus86

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2008, 12:19:40 pm »
Okay... that's nice.

And you don't need alpha transparency to make a diagonal line.

Offline Espadon

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2008, 12:51:31 pm »
Well no, they're not that important, but if you're gonna put time into it, why not do it right? And why exactly would you have to do alpha-transparency? I could easily do it without that...

Buuuuuuuuumm!!!! i new it wud cum in handi!!!11

Anyways, yeah you can do it all right but not better than what HairTrigger has [and he's a fecking Australian].

Or are you just chicken? *smirk*
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 12:53:38 pm by Espadon »
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Offline blackdevil0742

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2008, 01:02:41 pm »
Prove us wrong then Magus. Or is it just bullshit comming from your mouth?


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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2008, 01:13:13 pm »
Magus don't try that "I don't care" routine, we all saw how you got called out in your first mod thread where you went back and shaded, adjusted, and re-shaded your weapons multiple times.

So yes, I want to see you back up what you're saying with some nice looking new weapons. Hair|Trigger too.

As modders you both have unused potential. Hair|Trigger shades nicely but his shapes are very exaggerated, they're usually fine but one or two look very warped from the real thing and he makes his weapons too dark. In comparison, Magus makes decent shapes but they're a little blocky and basic and his shading isn't that great and doesn't seem to stray very far from default colour pallets which leave his weapons looking unrealistically vibrant and colourful.
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Offline Magus86

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2008, 02:49:50 pm »
Well perhaps I LIKE vibrant and colorful.

I don't have to prove anything. I've already proven what I said I could do(and that is make a diagonal line without alpha transparency). I didn't say I could make a better looking gun than Hair Trigger. I know I can do shapes better, but I never said that until now. All I said is that the stock of the Steyr shouldn't be a straight vertical line... that's it. Espadon's the douchebag who turned this into some stupid contest.

So what if Hair|Trigger's Australian? wtf does that have to do with anything?

I didn't get called out on shinyfoo, and I really DON'T care what people who are gonna flame me for no reason think of me or my mods. I changed things based on suggestions of friends and people who gave positive feedback.

Actually, no, Espadon, that's not hypocrisy, because whether or not the shading is done "right" is an opinion, but the shape is not. The shape of a gun will always be the same, but the way in which the light hits it will not, so there isn't really a right or wrong way to shade it. If I say I'm going to draw a circle, and then I draw a triangle, I've done it wrong. Hair Trigger's Steyr AUG does not fit the shape of the real AUG, so it's done wrong.

And as for this stupid contest, I'll make a new gun if I feel like it. I have better things to do with my time than try to prove something insignificant to a bunch of forum snobs who think they're hot shinyfoo.

Oh, and by the way, I would certainly HOPE that people who use adobe photoshop and other image creating software that doesn't come with Windows by default would be able to do a better job at making a weapon than someone who uses fecking MS Paint. GJ, you've accomplished a lot. That would be like if I was bragging that I can hit a target better with an M40 on a bipod, with a 12X scope, sitting down in a chair with my gun resting on a table with special shooting glasses and all kinds of BS, than some guy who's just standing in a field with an AK-47.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 03:08:31 pm by Magus86 »

Offline Espadon

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2008, 05:09:03 pm »
I prefer using MSPaint to my PS:CS3 for interface gfx fyi. And this troll here can still whup your ass.

I have better things to do with my time

Good now gtfo....
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 05:11:29 pm by Espadon »
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2008, 05:49:06 pm »
And as for this stupid contest, I'll make a new gun if I feel like it. I have better things to do with my time than try to prove something insignificant to a bunch of forum snobs who think they're hot shinyfoo.


A words to all you dipshlts saying he's a hypocrite if he doesn't: Fuck the hell off. Since when the hell is voicing an opinion grounds for a fucking contest? What does he have to prove to you? Hell, he hates half of you for good reason. And Mangled, still claiming he's being a "hypocrite"? There's a difference between not being quite satisfied with your work and editing it, and ignoring a bunch of forum retards treating the act of not drawing guns right as some unthinkable act of sacrilege. He obviously cares to a degree about it, otherwise he wouldn't have started in the first place. What he clearly DOESN'T care about is dumbasses like you not getting off his fucking case for some breach of gun drawing etiquette. And I really can't see why everyone is siding with HT here. Wait, yes I can. He sucks up to Espadon and everyone else sucks up to Espadon. I guess half of you having internet blood grudges against Magus and his habit of cutting past the brown-nosing stage could also have something to do with it.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2008, 06:19:25 pm »
Have you read all his posts in context, Frunk? =.=' Or can you just not comprehend the kind of person he is..? I mean you seemed pretty discerning when it comes to pointing out my failings and Mangy's egotism but are you just playing the balancing act when it comes to Magus? He has no redeeming qualities as I see it, and the few better qualities you may see in him are far eclipsed by his failings.
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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2008, 06:20:49 pm »
I typically find what I agree with and zone out the rest. But seriously, no matter who he is making a topic like this was pretty asinine, so I just based my 'balancing act' on nothing but what has been said in this topic. Which, ignoring the past, is pretty damning for the rest of you. Try re-reading it on that note.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 06:27:51 pm by Lord Frunkamunch »
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Espadon

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2008, 06:22:59 pm »
I typically find what I agree with and zone out the rest.

Ah yes that's a very admirable trait for to have for a person that always tries to act the judge and voice of reason, eh?
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2008, 06:26:55 pm »
Read the edit. I didn't realize I'd posted that first bit (which by the way was mostly a joke)

<another edit>
Although either way very little of what I say here is anything more than an exaggeration. It's basically what I would write if I hated all of you and though of you as "internet people", who are subhuman and are only good for hating. Fo' exay-umple...Everyone sucking up to Espadon. I'm not saying that's entirely untrue (face it), but certainly not to the degree where I think little enough of you all to where it would influence everyone to agreeing with them. I'm just, say, putting out the possibility.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 06:33:22 pm by Lord Frunkamunch »
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Espadon

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2008, 06:31:11 pm »
Just did. I'll admit the fact that I'm an egotistical asshole though, so... what are you? You're just the poor opportunist on the sidelines, eh? You'll never get any work done if it's not already 60% cut out for you, resize my ass...

Well you want an edit war, ehhh!? Two can play at that game! :D
Honestly I don't think they're sucking up to me, I know BD hates me for one, and HT thinks I'm an egoist that rails on Australians for no reason, and I hate him because I think he spams, and Mangled hates all of us because "he's better..." But right here I think we can all agree on the fact that sometimes Magus' mouth opens a bit too wide for his own good. I don't think anyone should throw out a challenge that they can't handle >.>
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 06:36:41 pm by Espadon »
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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2008, 06:46:17 pm »
I don't like you either Espadon. I think all the sucking up by the fellow HALO3 worshipers made you lose your sense of self. Actually, since the first time I saw you you were already like that made me question whether you have it in the first place.

Is this thread really necessary?

Read the edit. I didn't realize I'd posted that first bit (which by the way was mostly a joke)

<another edit>
Fo' exay-umple...Everyone sucking up to Espadon.

Just read it, I think is soo true.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 06:53:36 pm by excruciator »
Always remember the succubus...

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2008, 06:46:37 pm »
Me? I'm the Joker. I see through your plans, you little cliques, and I upset the balance of power. That right there is a nice example of something not to take seriously. No, I don't fancy myself as the Joker. feck off. I usually think about things logically, and then say the complete opposite to try and inject humor into the situation. Except with my obscure sense of humor it's usually as painful as a literal injection. And that's assuming anyone realizes I'm never serious.

Really, the main reason I usually side with Magus is that he seems to be one of the few people here who realizes that drawing guns for a freeware game isn't a fecking profession. Your post being an example of the opposite line of thinking.

<edit> To the above: Not at all. But where's the harm? "o no someone halfway across thw wrold dosnt like me adn its taring me up insied"

<ensuing edit war>
I don't think anyone should throw out a challenge that they can't handle

See, that right there is something you wouldn't have said if you didn't already dislike Magus. He never threw out a challenge; either you took that out of context on purpose, or you really thought he meant that as a challenge. In the latter case, would you have made this thread if it was someone else you didn't have a prior opinion of? Or, given your occasional elitism, someone you had a favorable opinion of?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 06:54:13 pm by Lord Frunkamunch »
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Espadon

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Re: FAYSUOFFU :: Hair | Trigger vs. Magus86!!!1one!
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2008, 07:36:18 pm »
Well I agree on the fact that it's no use being serious with fan-based addons for a basically freeware game. I'm a good example, as I haven't worked on HLT in like, 2 months released HLT after a more than a year's worth of lure-dangling and people are getting angry with pitchforks and I'm still sitting here like nothing's happening.

HOWEVER: It's not the fact I think Magus really needs to be serious that I'm jumping on his case so often as rather his... erm, attitude... It's a personal failing of mine that I just have an irresistible urge to pounce on people who are so pricky to say "Oh, where's your trigger guard!?/OMG dude ur doesn't have that little ring icon on the side/The barrel should be 1.5 pixels longer" while on the other hand, when it comes to them, "dude feck off I can't make that much detail/Dude get off my case dammit i can do it however I want/Maybe I like it like this screw what you think/you can't divide pixels in half DURRR..." get my point?

I'm not stupid enough to think that there'd be an actual competition >.> I knew full well going into this Magus' exact reply, but I wanted to illustrate my point. Granted I might have been a bit overzealous in dedicating an entire thread to this but...

Oh right. EDIT:
See, that right there is something you wouldn't have said if you didn't already dislike Magus. He never threw out a challenge; either you took that out of context on purpose, or you really thought he meant that as a challenge. In the latter case, would you have made this thread if it was someone else you didn't have a prior opinion of? Or, given your occasional elitism, someone you had a favorable opinion of?

His quote:
I could easily do it without that...

Ahem, what he's saying is, that he can of course do it better with lesser resources. I want to see that.

Oh, and by the way, I would certainly HOPE that people who use adobe photoshop and other image creating software that doesn't come with Windows by default would be able to do a better job at making a weapon than someone who uses fecking MS Paint.

Is it just me or did he just foot-in-mouth there?

Okay, so I'm playing favorites. I hate these kinds of people, I'm declaring that outright now, mkay? I hate them because they knot up entire topics [NOT devoted to the topic] with smartasshat remarks like:

Hair Trigger's Steyr AUG does not fit the shape of the real AUG, so it's done wrong.

Well, maybe the shape is not completely correct, but if you're going to put up that kind of stringent standards you better be prepared to take your own poison.

Magus makes decent shapes but they're a little blocky and basic and his shading isn't that great and doesn't seem to stray very far from default colour pallets which leave his weapons looking unrealistically vibrant and colourful.

Well perhaps I LIKE vibrant and colorful.

Well. I don't know but he just changed his standards for himself right there. What goes around comes around, buddy. Don't talk smack unless you can do any better.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 07:50:10 pm by Espadon »
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