TW Control
Origional Author: iDante (idea by Dizzy, realized by Avarax)
This script is very similar to Avarax's TW Domination, in that it scores a team based on their position on the map. However there are several key differences:
1. Accurate. TW Domination sometimes was horribly inaccurate, and I don't know why.
2. Small. This does not include Airstrikes, Mines, etc, and is 100 lines long.
3. Different. This gives points to each team every TimeLimit/10 minutes. For instance, if TimeLimit is 20 like in most TW games, every 2 minutes the dominator of the LAST 2 minutes (not the whole thing) will get a point. Capturing the flag gives your team a settable amount of points (default 2).
As admin:
/enable Turns it on
/disable Turns it off
/status Tells EVERYONE what the current overall scores are.
As Player:
/status Tells YOU what the current overall scores are.
Core Version 2.6.3
Code: Attached...