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for a := 1 to 32 do begin if (bombmod[a] = 1) and (bomb = 1 ) then begin bomb := 2 bombmod[a] := 2 WriteConsole(0, idtoname(bomb_owner)+' gives '+idtoname(a)+' a bomb!', $DFDF39); WriteConsole(0, 'Use "green" , "red" or "yellow" to defuse!', $DFDF39); bombmod[a] := 2 bomb_time := timeleft color := random(0,3) // creates a random "color" on which the bomb does explode end; end;[...] if color = 0 then begin if (LowerCase(Text) = 'green') or (LowerCase(Text) = 'yellow') then begin WriteConsole(0, 'BOOOM!!!!!', RGB(255,0,0)); DoDamage(a,15000) bomb_time := 0 bombmod[a] := 0 bomb := 0 end; if LowerCase(Text) = 'red' then begin WriteConsole(0, 'Bomb succesfully defused!', RGB(0,255,0)); bomb_time := 0 bombmod[a] := 0 bomb := 0 end; end; // checks if the chosen color lets the bomb explode or not[...]