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Ak has an 11 tick interval between shots. Deagles has 24, or 12 on average. So if by "more" you mean 8.3% less bullets per unit of time, then yeah.Flashlights are gay
Meh, I was tricked by enesce ;/
The deagles aren't hard to master at all.
Deagles are fine, no point balancing them if nobody complains about the balance in general, besides arent they being nerfed a tiny bit in the next version? ;/
They are no where near overpowered, if anything they are a tad underpowered. The current guns (mainly ruger, and some autos) can completely annihilate the Deagles. I don't really have an opinion on them being hard to master, because no gun is that hard to use, hell I can pull out an auto and play pretty decent with it and I have not used another guns in years.
Let's review. They do insane damage (3 direct hits) are ENORMOUSLY accurate, fire more shots (factoring in the double shot) per unit of time than some autos (cough AK cough) and the socom, and are basically hugely overpowered. Also, no bink.Anyone agree?I don't care. Go away.Anyhow. Like I was saying. They definitely need some more movementacc.
You sound like you met Monk. But he plays realistic. The fact that the deagles got no movement acc is the only thing that brings them up from sucking to moderatly good.