Author Topic: Desert eagles  (Read 18418 times)

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Offline Lumen-Shroom

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Desert eagles
« on: August 15, 2008, 04:27:09 pm »
Let's review.

They do insane damage (3 direct hits) are ENORMOUSLY accurate, fire more shots (factoring in the double shot) per unit of time than some autos (cough AK cough) and the socom, and are basically hugely overpowered. Also, no bink.

Anyone agree?

I don't care. Go away.

Anyhow. Like I was saying. They definitely need some more movementacc.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 04:29:17 pm by Lumen-Shroom »

Offline 8th_account

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2008, 07:54:44 pm »
Ak has an 11 tick interval between shots. Deagles has 24, or 12 on average. So if by "more" you mean 8.3% less bullets per unit of time, then yeah.

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Offline STM1993

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2008, 08:06:01 pm »
I think Desert Eagles are fine.

They do a lot of damage, and they shoot two bullets at once. Shooting the DEs three times = 6 bullets. If you count only one bullet, the damage is only a bit higher than a Socom. With a total of 7 ammo, they shoot 14 bullets.

Okay, now I'll tell you why the DEs are the way they are.

The DEs are highly versatile weapons. They deal high damage in one shot (2 bullets), having to shoot 3 shots (6 bullets) to kill someone. They are incredibly accurate ; no matter how you move or are shot, you are never binked and you never have movementacc, so you will know how your bullets will fly all the time. Its reload speed is one of the fastest amongst all primaries. Its bullet speed is low, so it can shoot at rather awkward angles.

Now, you're forgetting the DEs' bullet speed. The low bullet speed also makes it rather poor for long range. And, if you haven't noticed, the further the DEs' two bullets travel, the bullets begin to spread out instead of stick together at one point, so shooting at long range can mean that you may only do half the damage you're supposed to.

And, if you haven't realized, the DEs are pretty hard to master. Look around ; how many people use DEs? When you use the DES, you take advantage of the fact that you are always 100% accurate, so you are ALWAYS moving quickly. You need agility to get into good positions to attack your opponent and to dodge enemies.

The hardest part of learning the DEs is the bullet curve itself due to the bullet speed. DEs are hard to aim with because the way the bullet curves is quite hard to predict. It takes much practice to get good with the DEs' aim. And now, you have to learn to keep moving quickly, aim quickly, and shoot quickly. DEs are usually not fired as fast as they can ; they are usually fired much slower. Even experts do not fire it so fast unless they are 100% sure they can hit, which is usually only when they are pretty close. Therefore, the Damage Per Second is not necessarily always higher than the autos. Miss a shot or shoot slower, and the autos can kill you faster. This is why DE-users have to be so agile.

You're also forgetting the "Scissors Rock Paper" theory for the weapons and other weapons in Soldat. 1-hitters can kill anything, especially semi-autos, and semi-autos generally kill autos, while autos can usually kill 1-hitters quickly due to bink. DEs are classified as semi-autos.

Secondly, if you think the DEs are that powerful, you forgot the Ruger. Though it has only 4 shots, it can kill in 2, or not so lucky, 3. That's even greater firepower. Though it shoots slower, its DPS, if all shots hit, is actually even higher than DEs. Ruger-users have more time to adjust their aim, and aiming the Ruger is generally easier than DEs. The Ruger's bullet flies straighter (very high bullet speed, one of the highest), so it has a very long range. Bink? Hardly any bink, and in the future it's gonna have NO bink. Movementacc? It barely affects the Ruger too in the hands of a good user. The Ruger is in fact, even more powerful than DEs. The Ruger and DEs are the two most potentially powerful weapons in Soldat, but the Ruger is the one who reigns supreme. And note that the Ruger is pretty popular.

Lastly, why do you compare the DEs to the Socom? The Socom is just a secondary, and it is NEVER as good as any primary. The DEs are easily more powerful than the Socom ; more damage per second, more damage per shot, and you can still kill 2 people if you miss a few shots (Socom usually only kills one person, and if you miss even a single shot, you cannot kill two people). The only reason why people say the Socom is better than DEs are whatever is because:

A) They aim better with the Socom than the DEs.
B) Socom shoots a bit faster, so they can adjust their aim more easily.
C) Socom has a faster reload, sure. But remember: Socom is a backup weapon. Of course it must have a fast reload. But it is not like the DEs' reload are THAT slow.
D) The people they play with are not as good, so they can just use a Socom and pwn them.

Considering all these factors, the DEs at the moment are well-balanced enough. Though they're getting a buff in 1.5 for slightly faster reload and higher damage. But know that the bullet push is reduced to 75%, and no one (not even the beta testers) know exactly how it'd be like.

Ak has an 11 tick interval between shots. Deagles has 24, or 12 on average. So if by "more" you mean 8.3% less bullets per unit of time, then yeah.

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Errm, AK now has 10 (USED to be 11), DEs have 23.

Offline 8th_account

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2008, 08:15:51 pm »
Meh, I was tricked by enesce ;/

Offline excruciator

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2008, 08:55:37 pm »
Meh, I was tricked by enesce ;/

Do I hear excuses? :D

Meh, they are fine. less shots and curve makes this weapon hard to master. It is also harder to achieve a high DPS when comboing with a nade, unlike autos.

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Offline Lumen-Shroom

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2008, 09:57:59 pm »
The deagles aren't hard to master at all.

Offline BlisterEye

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2008, 10:14:15 pm »
Long-range shots are somewhat hard-ish, especially if you're under the enemy. Leave them as they are.
I think the spas should be trimmed a little. Forward velocity plus a direct shot == 75% of your health gone.
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Offline excruciator

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2008, 10:16:39 pm »
The deagles aren't hard to master at all.

They are the least recommended starting weapon.
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Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2008, 11:48:51 pm »
Deagles are fine, no point balancing them if nobody complains about the balance in general, besides arent they being nerfed a tiny bit in the next version? ;/

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Offline STM1993

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2008, 11:59:32 pm »
Deagles are fine, no point balancing them if nobody complains about the balance in general, besides arent they being nerfed a tiny bit in the next version? ;/

Nope, completely buffed. Maybe except the 75% bullet push, which no one knows whether its helping or not, but I'll assume its a nerf for DEs for attacking but an indirect buff to DEs when enemies are attacking him.

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2008, 12:47:05 am »
My main weapon is DEs.  From experience, I know that if I miss a shot, any experienced player can kill me.  I also have to be very agile, because the killing efficiency of many other guns surpasses the DEs, so I must make them miss.  Now if you're doing all these dodging tricks and trying to aim correctly at the same time, it makes the DEs very hard to master.  And no, you can't really move in whatever way you want, because the animation of proning, unproning etc still does kill your aim

So in conclusion : don't nerf the DEs.  Anyway, that's why it's getting superb buff in 1.5.0
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Offline Ziem

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2008, 04:29:04 am »
If they're so "OMGPOONTWTF", why they f*** I don't see everyone running with them on gathers/cws? Actually, I know ~ 4-5 good DE users (I mean, really good...)

The deagles aren't hard to master at all.
Haha what's harder then? Autos? Ruger? Lol. If DE's aren't so hard, use them and own.

Once I thought that DEagles are the only weapon about which no one complains. Too bad that I've forgot about the fact that whiners are everywhere and will whine about everything.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2008, 05:57:24 am »
The deagles aren't hard to master at all.
Play Soldat a bit more and then come tell that again. I don't consider public servers "Soldat".
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Offline Ralphy

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2008, 10:46:02 am »
Another stuckup person who thinks publics suck :/

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2008, 11:00:42 am »
They are no where near overpowered, if anything they are a tad underpowered. The current guns (mainly ruger, and some autos) can completely annihilate the Deagles. I don't really have an opinion on them being hard to master, because no gun is that hard to use, hell I can pull out an auto and play pretty decent with it and I have not used another guns in years.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2008, 10:58:15 pm »
They are no where near overpowered, if anything they are a tad underpowered. The current guns (mainly ruger, and some autos) can completely annihilate the Deagles. I don't really have an opinion on them being hard to master, because no gun is that hard to use, hell I can pull out an auto and play pretty decent with it and I have not used another guns in years.

I found that I miss even once, I die (especially against Autos)

Offline Platehead

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2008, 01:45:39 am »
Yeah that's what I said above - which makes deagles so hard
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Offline M.rSnow

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2008, 02:07:52 am »
Let's review.

They do insane damage (3 direct hits) are ENORMOUSLY accurate, fire more shots (factoring in the double shot) per unit of time than some autos (cough AK cough) and the socom, and are basically hugely overpowered. Also, no bink.

Anyone agree?

I don't care. Go away.

Anyhow. Like I was saying. They definitely need some more movementacc.
You sound like you met Monk. But he plays realistic.
The fact that the deagles got no movement acc is the only thing that brings them up from sucking to moderatly good.
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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2008, 02:09:59 am »

the ak is my best gun

Offline STM1993

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Re: Desert eagles
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2008, 03:29:55 am »
You sound like you met Monk. But he plays realistic.
The fact that the deagles got no movement acc is the only thing that brings them up from sucking to moderatly good.

Monk...? I saw a grey Soldat with that name in a russian deathmatch server (normal mode).