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Faith isn't something you shouldn't believe, since there aren't any foolproof plans.
I have faith in my soldateering skills, but I will inevitably get worse at it.I have faith that doomsday (world ending) will happen in my lifetime, but it will either unevitably happen or not.I have faith that a ball will always roll to the bottom of the hill. Inevitably, there may be some new variations on the same hill you've rolled the ball on for years, like a fallen tree, or a crack in the earth that will stop the ball from reaching the bottom of the hill.Also, lastly and not leastly, I have faith that every debate thread ever made can't be locked.Am I correct in all of those things where facts are still groundless? Like gravity?
Maybe I should make a thread about the hardships of a poor black child living in the ghetto. Makes just as much sense as this one.
Do you have faith? If so, what and why? Do you agree or do you disagree? Why?
Quote from: Mangled* on September 07, 2008, 11:45:21 pmDo you have faith? If so, what and why? Do you agree or do you disagree? Why?In the Religious sense of the word, I s'pose I do not have much faith. But since there is no true way of knowing whether or not your individual faith will be rewarded I can't condemn those who have faith. Let me add a bit since I just noticed the title says people shouldn't have faith. What exactly is your reason for spreading, anti-faith, if you will? Some people need what religion brings, they need a base of morals and need to be told what's right and wrong. I don't think I will ever have a need for church, scripture or any other such nonsense but I have friends that swear if they didn't have it in their early lives they wouldn't have turned out to be the same people they are now.
Mangled missing my point/overlooking it on purpose? Would never happen, he is enlightened.
Faith is a type of trust, specifically it's a trust in something based entirely upon word, reputation, popularity or anything else that is ultimately superficial.Let me reiterate: Faith is belief which is not based upon evidence, reasoning, logic or established fact. For instance: you can't have faith in gravity, it's very very safe to assume gravity exists. But you can have faith in ghosts, spirits, monsters for obvious reasons.
I've also said before that religion is not the basis for peoples morals, despite however much they think that they are. Morals come from the evolution of society. It has only been in the last 50 years that racism has become an immoral thing in modern society, it has only been in the last 200 years that slavery has become an immoral thing in western society, and yet, the most popular religions predate these by hundreds of years. If the British Empire got its moral values from the Bible then why on earth did they set up the slave trade? They were Christians.
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
1 - Actually, faith IS based on reasoning. Â Let's say a kid is learning how to swim. Â He has faith that people CAN swim; he sees it all the time. Â However, when his teacher lets him go to swim on his own, he'll probably be scared. Â He'll have lost faith in swimming. Â Note that it is the losing of faith that is irrational, not faith itself. Â Or consider going in to have surgery. Â You can have faith that anesthesiologists know what they're doing and will put you out just fine. Â But when they put the mask over your face, any fear of what might happen (Am I going to suffocate? Will the anesthetic knock me out or just paralyze me?) is the result of losing faith in the doctors. Â Again, the loss of faith is irrational, but the faith is completely logical and acceptable. Â When you go skydiving, you have faith that your parachute will open, as it's the only logical reason for you to fling yourself out of a plane.This means that true faith is sticking to reason even when your emotions change. Â A new skydiver would might feel fear while he's standing at the door, and this fear is a result of him temporarily losing faith in the parachute. Â An experienced skydiver retains his faith even while starting down at the ground thousands of feet below him. 2 -Â In the same way, Christian faith requires that God logically exists; it's not a belief despite evidence to the contrary. Â The problem, especially for people like Mangled, is that faith is only really noticeable when it seems misplaced. Â When you do a math problem, you have faith that the mathematical rules will work, and of course they always do. Â But when you don't understand a problem, even if you don't completely lose faith in math, you may start to think, "Did I misread that? Maybe the author of the text was mistaken?" Â That's when retaining your faith is important.So do I have faith? Of course I do. Â Everyone does. Â Do I have faith in God? Sure. Â It's easy enough to say something along the lines of "How can you believe in God when there's so much evil in the world?" But think about that statement. Â Evil can't exist unless there was good to compare it to. Â The more evil something is, the more it underlines that there is a good out there. Â I could go on about how the existence of morality and things like altruism help provide evidence for God, but that's a little off topic.3 - Next evidence for God: Existence, not only of matter and energy, but also of all the natural laws, as well as constraints such as time. Â How can such things exist unless they were created by someone unbound by them? And once you understand that time is a creation, it only makes sense that the creator wouldn't require an origin.4 - Finally, I know that God has worked in my life; I've felt it. Â My life has changed in ways that wouldn't have happened if I were left to my own devices. Â I know this seems like sort of a cop-out: "You can only be sure God exists of you're a Christian," but consider this. Â If a blind person asked what colors are, what could a normal person say except, "You'd have to be able to see to understand"?So yes, I have faith, those are my reasons, and I disagree with your definition.
you can have faith in virtually anything but on a long enough time-scale your faith will be most likely be broken.
2 - Faith is a belief, despite lack of evidence.
2 - Faith is a belief, despite lack of evidence. It's impossible to disprove something that doesn't exist other than to point out that there is no proof in the first place. And I don't think a persons moral values have anything to do with religion. I think it's more to do with what the society around them indicates, the people who raised and taught them. If else, where do non-believers get their morality?3 - I disagree strongly. There doesn't need to be a creator at all, and the rationalisation which you call evidence here is extremely weak. What you're essentially saying is that there must be an (intelligent) creator because things exist. You're also saying that that creator, then, doesn't need it's own origin.4 - What do you think blind people see when they dream? You may not be able to describe colours to them but that does not mean they can't see them when they dream. Perhaps it is them who cannot describe what they see to you.
3So matter either always existed (which is impossible, because in a time based universe, everything needs a distinct beginning), or it came out of nowhere (which is also impossible based on the laws that govern the universe). Â The only solution is a source that doesn't have to abide by either law; also, since the concepts of beginning and ending are dependent on time, it would be utterly illogical for someone outside of time to have a start (or an end, for that matter). Â Honestly, if God is stuck in time like we are, then he's not much of a God, is he?4Did that really keep you from understanding the analogy? Really? And even if blind people can't describe what they see to me, isn't that the exact same point I was trying to make?
Quote2 - Faith is a belief, despite lack of evidence.What if the claim is self-evident?