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Trying to disprove god with logic. Instant Fail.
Quote from: miketh2005 on July 10, 2009, 07:31:20 pmDonate to enesceHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Donate to enesce
Can't have faith? I feel sorry for ya.
Quote from: The Geologist on September 08, 2008, 06:22:34 pmCan't have faith? I feel sorry for ya.Feel sorry for who?
He just doesn't admit he does.
Faith is viewed differently from person to person. It is a good thing, but people will continue to believe otherwise. This cannot be helped and each individual has the right to believe/disbelieve in any part of their life (not just faith.)It's useless to debate upon it for there will never be a "correct answer".
Anyone mind switching over to a discussion about evolution?
What if the claim is self-evident?
Someone very wise say this once... A man don't believe in faith until he finds his way trough life
can we just get this over and done with and get a lock before it reaches ten pages but has still gone absolutely nowhere?
Quote from: 8th_account on September 09, 2008, 06:54:49 pmAnyone mind switching over to a discussion about evolution?Okay, what did single cells evolve from?
That would depend on how self-evident it was and to who. Wouldn't it? I'm sure there are a lot of uneducated people out there who would say God was self-evident.
So, then when is a self-evident claim justified?
Don't worry, I still feel sorry for ya. Perhaps one day you'll get past the main assumption made here and stop thinking yourself into a hole.
If you need me to spell it out, it's the assumption that faith isn't based on evidence, reason, etc.