Author Topic: !Elite Explosives Tournament! COOL Prizes. No skill needed. AWESOME Tourney.  (Read 1305 times)

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Offline miketh2005

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  • What's the URL for

The maps will be voted on by everyone who signed up, since everyone hasn't signed up yet, I can't tell you the maps. I don't really see any rules needed, If I see something wrong I'll tell you guys, I'll be there when it's going on. Also what is your time zone? Spawning should be avoided. Note, this might be a fairly long tourney (like 2 hours) so we might have to continue the next day or whatever. There will be 2 teams of 4. The lowest KILLS (CAPS WILL NOT BE INCLUDED) on the losing team will be eliminated. The person with the highest KILLS (CAPS WILL NOT BE INCLUDED) from the WINNING team will sit out. Etc. When it gets to 1 vs 1, the winner will be decided by CAPS, not KILLS.
The team I set you at POSSIBLY isn't the team you'll stay on, eg. Red Win - Blue Lose, 1 blue is out 1 red sits out, Red Win AGAIN - Blue Lose AGAIN, then the person that had the most kills on the first round would join blue. So YOU CAN ONLY SIT OUT 1 ROUND, after the round is up, you go to the team that LOST the round. Hopefully, everything will be automated by a script, so you won't have to worry about a thing

Also, I need your email, unless you want me to just PM you, it would be a hell of alot more organized if I could just email you.


The current prizes are a Soldat registration key, a free game, $500,000 in-game dollars, and 50 invincibilities, 10 seconds each, 5 minutes between use, 25 for runner up.

Feel free to suggest a prize as well.

Sign up here, include the following:

Your email
Soldat name
When you can make it  eg. Monday to Friday 4 PM - 10 PM Weekends - Anytime Time Zone
Your time zone

Sign Up List:

Match 1

'wA| [FA] - Anytime
:LAW: A HArmless bunny- NA
Rebound - NA
Furby - monday-friday 5:00-8:00 Saturday and Sunday 10:00-6:00


Wizkid - NA
SKILL|KILLZONE1643 - Weekends
dum 20 - NA
Miketh2005 - Anytime

Match 2

Sly - NA
The God - NA
Anchorhead - NA
`TK|-SoT|Mr Green {I|F} - onday - Friday 4pm - 10pm Weekends availible on demand
Grub The Juggernaut

Match 3

Noir Sol
no name (you  ;D)


Quote from: 'Ando.' pid='12999178' dateline='1309046898'
My new password is secure as shit :)
Mate, I am not sure Shit is even secured nowadays.