I have no idea why it happends, but it does. Ive made a mode, and i went thorugh the script a thousent times to check for errors, and everything should be fine. But it isint. When i run the server and then join it, after a few seconds i have connection problems and my server crashes. What im asking for, is some skilled scripter to fix it for me, because ive spend alot of time doing this, and i still cant get it right.
What the mode is about: alpha and bravo team have to get the box (vest in the middle of the map), then go back near their spawn, and that counts as a point. I have to reapeat spawning and killing the vest, because it will dissapear. So i used a repeat until loop, and it repeats untill a var called DontSpawn (boolean) is true. Look in the code (its well commented) to see exactly what i mean. Ive also made a testing map for this mode, i will attach it here.
Pleeeeeeeease, anybody skilled, help me! ;(