why not make it possible to select "alternative" maps for different gamemodes:
you start a ctf server, but play an inf map which also appears at the bottom of the ctf maps list
or you start an inf server, but want to play a ctf map on it with the inf server settings, allowing you to choose whatever maps you want for your server?
I don't see the point. there aren't that many default maps, and they tend to change from version to version. I do however support some kind of label selection system, but that's another thing.
and why not make it possible to select "alternative" maps for different gamemodes:
you start a ctf server, but play an inf map which also appears at the bottom of the ctf maps list
or you start an inf server, but want to play a ctf map on it with the inf server settings, allowing you to choose whatever maps you want for your server?
I suggested this a while ago, but the big guys didn't seem tot ake notice. Feel free to post a new threead containing this suggestion. meanwhile, this thread will be reserved for it's original suggestion.