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INDEED!!!!!!!!! finally someone says the trut...to me is the same deal with ruger 1.5 i get more 3 hit kills...and less 2 hit kills...and ruger should be 2 mandatory cause 3 hits=des so....YEAH BUFF THE RUGER!
spectate/play some gathers and show me people who play spas/de's with same effectiveness as ruger players (MJ :p).
Quotespectate/play some gathers and show me people who play spas/de's with same effectiveness as ruger players (MJ :p).Go spec an SCTFL playoffs match and tell me how a ruger fares against a triple spray setup as opposed to a spas or desert eagles. You don't know what you're talking about. 'Effectivity' isn't a word.
STM1993 when you did your testing, was it against bots? if it was, I want you to keep in mind that bots doesn't move at the same speed as actual players. thus making less damage.a soldat can run in about 30 speed. making both run towards eachother you will have to add 60. but adding 30-40 is more realisitc.
U are forgeting someting...that allmost all kills are med/close range so actually RUGER>autos because of the NADE + HIT combo= instant dead only spaz hm5 can battle against ruger
2. Long Range (only Barrett and LAW can match its long range)
But about DEs, DEs have very slow bullets, and the bullets tend to split when travelling far away and quite a lot of damage power is lost over a long distance, that's why I wouldn't agree that DEs can match Ruger in range.
Autos need concentrated fire, but chances are you miss quite a lot at long range.
Ruger has higher bullet speed, so it reaches the enemy first and makes dodging harder compared to other weapons
This is why I say that Ruger is superior in range compared to the autos.
Quote from: miketh2005 on July 10, 2009, 07:31:20 pmDonate to enesceHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Donate to enesce
I'm a ruger noob and I still can kill more people with it than with sniper
it needs no skill to be used
I think all the soldat weapons are underpowered, but that's just me. I like the ruger, though I never use it.