Name: Master Lock
Short description: Locks all admin commands with one master command
Author: friCompile test: passedCore version: 2.6.3
Hosted by: Soldat Central - description:This script allows any admin to
completely block administrative commands for all players, so they can't
/kick or
/ban anyone, change game password, modify time limit, etc. The only command that would work is the master one (default:
/masterlock, I suggest changing it to something 'weird').
Of course it will work only against admins that don't have the access to script files.
'How do I block other scripts?'If you want to make it affect other scripts, you have to put this code:
if CrossFunc([], 'MasterLock.Lock') = true then exit;
at the very beginning of OnCommand function in the specified script, so it will look like this:
function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;
if CrossFunc([], 'MasterLock.Lock') = true then exit;
{ rest of the original script }
thanks to DorkeyDear for help with CrossFunc.