Author Topic: [SUGGESTION] Map Wars  (Read 1723 times)

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Offline Platehead

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« on: October 20, 2008, 04:50:28 am »
Maybe this should go in the Suggestions Section as a suggestion there, but I'm not sure.  Please move if it's wrong.


Ok, so basically, it's a clan CTF tournament kinda thing.  In the signups, the clans pick one map they want to start off with; the first clan to sign up gets first pick, second gets second pick etc.  Then what happens is, over a period of time (say, a couple of months?), clans challenge each other to steal the maps off other clans. 


At any time, a clan can challenge to take a map off another clan.  So say, Clan B starts with the map Ash.  Clan A challenges Clan B for Ash.  They play a normal clan war style, except the starting map would be Ash (hopefully giving clan B an advantage, as Clan B picked the map.  This makes it harder to take maps.)

Clan A wins - Clan B loses the map Ash, Clan A takes ownership.  Clan B wins - nothing happens.

Once a challenge has been issued, both clans are in a pending position.  A tourney thread should be constantly edited to see which clans are pending.  This is because you cannot challenge pending clans, nor can they accept the challenge.  The pending clans will try as soon as possible to organise a time and date for the competition.


Simple.  Whoever has the most land (maps) at the end of the time period wins.


This is the section where the thread should need suggestions...
If a clan goes on a winning streak, getting like 7 maps... it could sit in pending position all day, saying they're unavailable.  They hog the maps, they win.  Any ideas?

Other Notes

Once new suggestions come, I will edit this thread to update it as much as possible.  Once again, I apologise in advance if this is in the wrong section.

"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." -- Augustine

Offline Jakious

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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 02:20:24 am »
That's a cool idea plate, the only problem is that it's a huge problem handling it all. Perhaps you could integrate it with the sctfl off-season?