my Soldat application:
- Ingame Nick: .haoangel
- Favourite weapons: saw,saw, spas-12, and did I mention saw?
- Contacting possibilities: email, soldat forums.
- You play since: 2005? I don't remember exactly, but I know it was version 1.3.1.
- Where are you from: baltimore, Maryland(USA).
- soldat expirience: when I first started playing I played at least every other day. I still play quite often. I would say, im pretty expierienced.
- Favourite gamemode(s):
1- saw and law
2- capture the flag
3- climbing
- Rating of your own skill: I have heard im pretty good, in most games. I have also heard that im extremely good in Saw and Law modes/games.
9.5/10- saw and law
8/10-other game modes
- Why do you want to join a clan:
I want to become more internationally known. I think it will be a lot of fun. I want to participate in clan wars and tournaments.