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constClMessage = $FFFF0000;varUnpause: boolean;UnpauseCount: integer;Paused: boolean;function Split(const Source: string; const Delimiter: string): tstringarray;var i,x,d: integer; s: string;begin d := Length(Delimiter); x := 0; i := 1; SetArrayLength(Result,1); while i <= Length(source) do begin s := Copy(Source,i,d); if s = Delimiter then begin Inc(i,d); Inc(x,1); SetArrayLength(result,x + 1); end else begin Result[x] := Result[x] + Copy(s,1,1); Inc(i,1); end; end;end;procedure ActivateServer();begin Unpause := false; UnpauseCount := 0; Paused := false;end;procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);begin if (Unpause = true) then begin if (UnpauseCount = 0) then begin WriteConsole(0,'GO!',ClMessage); WriteLn('GO!'); Command('/unpause'); Command('/unpause'); Command('/unpause'); UnpauseCount := 0; Unpause := false; Paused := false; end else if (UnpauseCount > 0) then begin WriteConsole(0,InttoStr(UnpauseCount)+'...',ClMessage); WriteLn(InttoStr(UnpauseCount)+'...'); UnpauseCount := UnpauseCount - 1; end; end;end;procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);begin WriteConsole(ID,'Type !help for commands.',ClMessage);end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin//---/unpause if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'/unpause*')) and (Paused = true) and (Unpause = false) then begin //Setup all the variables to go! AppOnIdle will do the rest. Unpause := true; UnpauseCount := 3; WriteConsole(0,'Unpausing...',ClMessage); WriteLn('Unpausing...'); Result := true; end//---/pause else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'/pause*')) then begin //If it is unpausing, break the countdown and stay paused... if (Unpause = true) then begin Unpause := false; UnpauseCount := 0; WriteConsole(0,'>>>Countdown Cancelled<<<',ClMessage); WriteLn('>>>Countdown Cancelled<<<'); end //otherwise... just pause. else if (Paused = false) then Paused := true; end;end;procedure OnMapChange(NewMap: String);begin Unpause := false; UnpauseCount := 0; Paused := false;end;procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: Byte; Text: string);varMap: string;Mapslist: TStringArray;Password: string;begin if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!up')) then begin OnCommand(255,'/unpause'); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!p')) then begin OnCommand(255,'/pause'); Command('/pause'); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!r')) then begin Command('/restart'); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!ub')) then begin Command('/unbanlast'); WriteConsole(0,'Unbanned',ClMessage); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!map')) then begin Map := GetPiece(Text,' ',1); if (FileExists('maps/'+Map+'.PMS')) then Command('/map '+Map) else WriteConsole(0,'Map '+Map+' not found!',ClMessage); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!random')) then if (FileExists('mapslist.txt')) then begin Mapslist := Split(ReadFile('mapslist.txt'),chr(13)+chr(10)); Map := Mapslist[Random(0,Arrayhigh(Mapslist)+1)]; Command('/map '+Map); end else WriteConsole(0,'Unable to choose a random map!',ClMessage) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!1')) then Command('/setteam1 '+IntToStr(ID)) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!2')) then Command('/setteam2 '+IntToStr(ID)) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!3')) then Command('/setteam5 '+IntToStr(ID)) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!help')) then begin WriteConsole(ID,'Commands:',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!p - Pauses the game.',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!up - Unpauses the game.',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!r - Restarts the game.',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!ub - Unbans the last player banned.',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!map <map> - Changes to the specified map.',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!random - Chooses a random map.',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!1, !2, !5 - Moves you to the specified team.',ClMessage); end;end;
else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!map')) then begin Map := GetPiece(Text,' ',1); if (FileExists('maps/'+Map+'.PMS')) then Command('/map '+Map)
else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!map*')) then begin Map := GetPiece(Text,' ',1); if (FileExists('maps/'+Map+'.PMS')) then Command('/map '+Map)
... SplitCoffie...
Uhh I didn't know it was your script. I got if from my friend who said that !map command isn't working. And he said that his friend wrote it for him. Naliz is the name. Maybe you know?
Quote from: Norbo on November 05, 2008, 05:01:04 am... SplitCoffie...I hate you, and I will continue to hate you until you can get this right.
Sorry, SplitCoffee