Author Topic: Custom RPG + shop  (Read 2732 times)

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Offline dominikkk26

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Custom RPG + shop
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:31:51 am »
Name: Custom RPG + shop

Author: dominikk26
Script version: 1.9.1
Server version: 2.7.6
Compile Test: Passed
With this script you can create your own server RPG + Shop. One of the major advantages is that you can add your own Skil. Perhaps as I can get some set up or create them in my buddy that it will make available and posted instructions to add them. Feel free to publish as their own the skills and instruction they add, it will appeal to the player.

 * !cmd|!cmds|!help|!shop - Shows a list of commands.
 * !equip|!equipment|!outfit|!kit - Shows a list of equipment to purchase.
 * !weapons|!wep - Shows a list of weapons to buy.
 * !basic - Shows a list of basic weapons to buy.
 * !skills|!skill - Shows a list of skills to buy.
Admin commands:
 */command - Displays a list of admin commands.
 */maps - file shows mapslist.txt
 */givemoney - adds $5000
 */lvl <ID> - raises the level of ID

- There are two versions of the script. The first one is R - Use this script when we Realisic mode. However, versions N should be used when using the normal mode.
- Recommended settings:
Advance_Amount=15 or above

Download v1.9.1:
Click to download

Download Shop 3.1:
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 10:04:50 am by dominikkk26 »

Offline dominikkk26

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Re: Custom RPG + shop
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2011, 12:42:37 pm »
New version v 1.9:
-added realistic mode detection when buying a first aid kit. (running in normal mode and realisic).
- fixed Skil
-Fixed other parts of the script

Offline dominikkk26

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Re: Custom RPG + shop
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2011, 02:16:14 pm »
Update: Shop 3.1
Code: [Select]
-This leaves out skills.
-Removed exp and lvl.
-Fixed a big error.
-Improved usability of the script.
-Added command !money.
-/givemoney adds only $500.
-The new display system and commands.

!cmd !cmds !help !shop - Commands
!equip !equipment !outfit !kit - Buy Equipment
!weapons !wep !weap - Buy Weapons
!basic - Buy Basic Weapons
!money - Show money
!accounts !accou !accout !account !acco - Account Information

« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 02:24:15 pm by dominikkk26 »