Auto Del Gather mIRC Script
on *:Load:{
set %gatherchan $?"Gather Channel: "
set %gatherbot $?"Gather Bot: "
on *:Input:%gatherchan:{
if ($1- == !add) {
set %waittime 60 * $?"Time to wait until del (minutes): "
if (%waittime != 0) {
/timeradd 1 %waittime /msg %gatherchan !del
/echo 4Auto-Deleting you in %waittime seconds
on *:text:*:?:{
if ($nick == %gatherbot) {
/timeradd off
How to use:
make a new txt file, and rename it as gatheradd.mrc
put it in your C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\mIRC file
Go into mIRC and type:
/load -rs gatheradd.mrc
When you type !add it will prompt you for a time in minutes. After the set amount of time, the script will delete you from gather. Enter in 0 to stay permanently added. The script will end if you get a message from sifb0t.
Enjoy, hopefully this helps out people who can only gather if the gather starts in X minutes, and gives a greater chance of being auto-deleted if they !add then go afk.
All Creds go to:
Niveus Lux Lucis