Author Topic: Multi-Mode IRC Gather Bot  (Read 9302 times)

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Offline deevus

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Multi-Mode IRC Gather Bot
« on: November 25, 2008, 12:22:28 am »
Quoted from the Aussoldat Forums:

As some of you have seen or heard there is now a gather bot up in the #aussoldat channel on QuakeNet. Initially the bot will be only for ASF but in time I plan to release it to the public. Here is some information that will help you understand its features and general usage.

Soldat IRC GatherBot


  • Multi-Mode gathers - Supports all default soldat modes (DM, PM, TDM, RAM, CTF, INF, HTF)
  • Variable player setting - From a minimum of 4 players to a maximum of 10 (Odd numbers are supported for non-team gaming modes)
  • Variable score limit - For longer or shorter rounds
  • Built-in game commands - Restart/Change map and Pausing/Unpausing
  • Request a sub from in-game - Typing !one or !two in game will send a message to IRC with the ip and pass in "soldat clicker" format.
  • Supports one or more servers
  • All default settings are configurable

IRC Commands:

  • !help - Lists all the IRC and Game commands. For further information on a particular command, you can type !help <command> - For example:
Code: [Select]
!help start
  • !start - Starts a gather in the default configuration (Capture The Flag with 6 players at the time of posting). To change the default settings you can use the -mode, -players and -limit commands, all of which are optional. For example:
    Code: [Select]
    !start -mode inf -players 8 -limit 50 This will start a gather in Infiltration with 8 players and a score limit of 50.

    The possible game modes are: dm, pm, tdm, ram, ctf, inf and htf.
  • !join - Joins the current gather queue
  • !leave - Leaves the current gather queue
  • !current - Shows the current gather queue
  • !scores - If there is a gather in progress, the current map, mode and scores (names sorted by scores) will be shown
  • !info - Shows general information about the servers

Game Commands:

  • !map <mapname> - Changes the map. For example:
    Code: [Select]
    !map ctf_Voland
      NB. Map names are case sensitive. ctf_voland is different to ctf_Voland
    • !r - Restarts the current map
    • !p - Pauses the game
    • !up - Unpauses the game - NB. There is no countdown
    • !unban - Unbans the last banned player
    • !one - Sends a message to IRC requesting that one player joins the game. The message in IRC provides the ip and password in "soldat clicker" format
    • !two - Same as "!one", except that it requests two players instead of one

    Admin Commands:
    If you are an authed IRC user you may control the bot. At the moment the admin commands are quite limited.

    • !shutdown - Shuts down the bot
    • !disable - Disables the bot, essentially freezing any gather queues. IRC commands will no longer be accepted by normal users
    • !enable - Re-enables the bot after it has been disabled

Please jump in the #aussoldat channel and give it a whirl. The more it gets tested the closer it gets to being released for everyone to use.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 12:49:14 am by deevus »

Offline jrgp

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Re: Multi-Mode IRC Gather Bot
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 02:05:50 am »
That's pretty nice. Since it's not finished yet, I'm moving it to the Developers' Corner.

Good luck with it :)
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Offline DarkNoddy

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Re: Multi-Mode IRC Gather Bot
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2008, 06:45:39 am »
If you are gonna actually use this, I wish you good luck :) Mine supports multiple mods, and 90% of all the people couldnt understand the command layout (even though it was easier than yours).

Regardless, keep up the good work!
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Offline deevus

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Re: Multi-Mode IRC Gather Bot
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 07:24:36 am »
I haven't seen yours but "easier" is a matter of opinion. No one has complained that it was too hard to understand how to use. Its really as simple as people want it to be... The options are all optional.

Thanks for the reply.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 07:46:53 am by deevus »